But he still gave up emergency powers right after the parliamentary vote validating their use and ahead of schedule, though.. right?
Agree it's a poor choice of words saying 'slightly' more authoritarian.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
No, None of that makes him less evil.
He still had to pass the vote on the senate first. If he lost that he's tanked and made a fool of even further.
But by giving it up he *looks benevolent* and doesn't risk the vote.
There isn't much more he could do with powers anyway without starting a large revolt. And he accomplished the most important things. Beta testing bank account control, and getting started on legislature that will make banking control a part of our lives forever. (The REAL power prize.)
Furthermore, he was aware of NATO aggression, that it had a large chance at starting a war so he could divert people's attention away from his own wickedness and on to supporting the people of Ukraine and riding that wave out of that situation. No ifs ands or buts about it.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Regarding the first half of your reply. Cry foul all you want but he followed constitutional and parliamentary procedure to stop what turned into an illegal occupation. A blockade that went on to threaten public safety, local business as well as international trade. So regarding financial impact, those who were against the occupation will say imposing capital controls was tit for tat (tat for tit?).
I will tell you I respect what you're saying about this being an indication of what is potentially to follow, here in Canada and in other countries. But it's been something folks literally signed up for when they jumped at what was sold to them as the 'convenience' of a cashless/paperless society. And actually goes as far back to when folks started keeping their wealth in banks.
Hardly the beta test though. Capital controls have been imposed on EU citizens before, remember? Entire countries at a time, over the last decade alone, just to prevent runs on banks in the 'Euro'zone.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Once the bridges were unblocked there was no problem with this protest. In my view, That wasn't even bad. Government blockaded us for 2 years. It's much better when the citizens do it on their terms anyway.
Trudeau forced the businesses to close, and send cops to threaten the businesses that refused and stayed open. (Which were doing great and making a lot of money from all the traffic. Can't have that.) So the business damage was forcefully imposed to create an imaginary cudgel. More evidence of his wickedness.
It didn't threaten public safety in the least. The city never felt safer. Only cry babies that hate freedom don't like it. They want to cry about phantom honking, I wonder how they would deal with living in Ukraine right now LOL. #Realproblems
There wasa regular freedom march yesterday, and a few of them still showed up to kick and scream at us. These people are to be ignored and margenlized.
People never signed up to a full cashless system. Saying they deserve one because they use a bank is not valid. Everything has been designed force you to have a chequing account to create artifical dependenacy on banks.
Even if that wasn't the case. It's time to stop the cancer of cashless now regardlesss of what people did or did not sign up for.
A what's done is done mentality is a lie. People can change their minds and reverse all decisions whenever they like. As long as it's not forcefully imposed upon them. Which this will be.
Normally there are grey areas in life. But This issue is VERY black and white. If you are not actively fighting against the cashless system and digital ID, you are supporting, because you inaction will be counted as tacit approval by those that will rape everyone with it.
It's the whole reason they are crashing the economy. So they can have "justifications" ready to sell you the neccessity of digital. You know rather than creating a new physical currency.
Now is NOT the time to be demoralized and submit to anything they want. Now is the time to supercharge moral and fight harder then ever.
The EFFECTIVE means of fighting this plan will NEVER be legal. But all is covered under natural law which is the highest of laws. "When they rally together, we will accuse them of crimes."
We are coming to a close on peaceful solutions. So take advantage of them while they last. Everyone will be sorry if they didn't.
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danman (Site Administrator)
a moment "we've seen coming" ... yeah because you were training Nazis in Ukraine ya fuckin wanker
knowingly training these facist fucks while they're bomibing civilians in Donbass for the past 8 years, they killed & crippled over 500 children just so Canada et al could fuck with Russia. Well done NATOstan cuck states.
now this princeling faggot wants to virtue signal with Ukraine ribbon.. get fucked.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Trudeau reveals himself with his speech. When he talks and you compare that to what he does that's how you know what he is. He needs to be removed by any means that we can muster, preferably legal, as soon as possible. He has to go like right now.
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danman (Site Administrator)
problem being canada doesn't have anyone better than this dickhead
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
They have me, But I'm disqualified by any measure the government club could come up with.
(Site Administrator)
But he still gave up emergency powers right after the parliamentary vote validating their use and ahead of schedule, though.. right?
Agree it's a poor choice of words saying 'slightly' more authoritarian.
(Old Spike)
No, None of that makes him less evil.
He still had to pass the vote on the senate first. If he lost that he's tanked and made a fool of even further.
But by giving it up he *looks benevolent* and doesn't risk the vote.
There isn't much more he could do with powers anyway without starting a large revolt. And he accomplished the most important things. Beta testing bank account control, and getting started on legislature that will make banking control a part of our lives forever. (The REAL power prize.)
Furthermore, he was aware of NATO aggression, that it had a large chance at starting a war so he could divert people's attention away from his own wickedness and on to supporting the people of Ukraine and riding that wave out of that situation. No ifs ands or buts about it.
(Site Administrator)
Regarding the first half of your reply. Cry foul all you want but he followed constitutional and parliamentary procedure to stop what turned into an illegal occupation. A blockade that went on to threaten public safety, local business as well as international trade. So regarding financial impact, those who were against the occupation will say imposing capital controls was tit for tat (tat for tit?).
I will tell you I respect what you're saying about this being an indication of what is potentially to follow, here in Canada and in other countries. But it's been something folks literally signed up for when they jumped at what was sold to them as the 'convenience' of a cashless/paperless society. And actually goes as far back to when folks started keeping their wealth in banks.
Hardly the beta test though. Capital controls have been imposed on EU citizens before, remember? Entire countries at a time, over the last decade alone, just to prevent runs on banks in the 'Euro'zone.
(Old Spike)
Once the bridges were unblocked there was no problem with this protest. In my view, That wasn't even bad. Government blockaded us for 2 years. It's much better when the citizens do it on their terms anyway.
Trudeau forced the businesses to close, and send cops to threaten the businesses that refused and stayed open. (Which were doing great and making a lot of money from all the traffic. Can't have that.) So the business damage was forcefully imposed to create an imaginary cudgel. More evidence of his wickedness.
It didn't threaten public safety in the least. The city never felt safer. Only cry babies that hate freedom don't like it. They want to cry about phantom honking, I wonder how they would deal with living in Ukraine right now LOL. #Realproblems
There wasa regular freedom march yesterday, and a few of them still showed up to kick and scream at us. These people are to be ignored and margenlized.
People never signed up to a full cashless system. Saying they deserve one because they use a bank is not valid. Everything has been designed force you to have a chequing account to create artifical dependenacy on banks.
Even if that wasn't the case. It's time to stop the cancer of cashless now regardlesss of what people did or did not sign up for.
A what's done is done mentality is a lie. People can change their minds and reverse all decisions whenever they like. As long as it's not forcefully imposed upon them. Which this will be.
Normally there are grey areas in life. But This issue is VERY black and white. If you are not actively fighting against the cashless system and digital ID, you are supporting, because you inaction will be counted as tacit approval by those that will rape everyone with it.
It's the whole reason they are crashing the economy. So they can have "justifications" ready to sell you the neccessity of digital. You know rather than creating a new physical currency.
Now is NOT the time to be demoralized and submit to anything they want. Now is the time to supercharge moral and fight harder then ever.
The EFFECTIVE means of fighting this plan will NEVER be legal. But all is covered under natural law which is the highest of laws. "When they rally together, we will accuse them of crimes."
We are coming to a close on peaceful solutions. So take advantage of them while they last. Everyone will be sorry if they didn't.
(Site Administrator)
a moment "we've seen coming" ... yeah because you were training Nazis in Ukraine ya fuckin wanker
knowingly training these facist fucks while they're bomibing civilians in Donbass for the past 8 years, they killed & crippled over 500 children just so Canada et al could fuck with Russia. Well done NATOstan cuck states.
now this princeling faggot wants to virtue signal with Ukraine ribbon.. get fucked.
(Old Spike)
Trudeau reveals himself with his speech. When he talks and you compare that to what he does that's how you know what he is. He needs to be removed by any means that we can muster, preferably legal, as soon as possible. He has to go like right now.
(Site Administrator)
problem being canada doesn't have anyone better than this dickhead
(Old Spike)
They have me, But I'm disqualified by any measure the government club could come up with.