germany recently annouced that they'll be spending 100 billion euros on modernizing the army and increased its military spending by a third more. going from 1.4 to 2% of the gdp(50 to 78 billion). third times a charm or redemption arc?
(1 vote)
germany recently annouced that they'll be spending 100 billion euros on modernizing the army and increased its military spending by a third more. going from 1.4 to 2% of the gdp(50 to 78 billion). third times a charm or redemption arc?
(Site Administrator)
germany cucked, militarising, economy getting smashed.. all that's left is a swing to far-right populism & the circle is complete
(Old Spike)
"all that's left is a swing to far-right populism"
Uh, no.
Populism is a force for good. It's grass roots by the people for the people. It is the single biggest threat to the great reset agenda.
You mean fascism.
Completely different things.
No swing needed. German gov has been there for awhile.
(Site Administrator)
german govt isn't far-right populist, it's moderate lib socdem mixed with imperialist lib green party
how do you think hitler rose to power?
(Old Spike)
Fascism is left wing. I keep telling you all this.
He rose to power by inciting division in the population. Claiming that the german people were being victimized by oppressors and that he had the strength to fight the whole world and rebuild Germany pride and cure it's ails.
He got in with a minority vote, and then used false flag attacks to obtain enough support to push out his political competitors.
Fascism requires centralization of services and power. It merges state and business, and usually requires an enemy to harnass the populous' energy against and to justify power grabs by their leaders. In hitlers day it was Jews and gays. These days it's "racism" and westmen. The latter is rarely if ever mentioned openly, but they are the ones that are the targets of the opression brought on by modern fascism, through projection by the fascists.
Populism fights for DE centralization of services and government power and devolution of government authority.
Obviously almost no government would tolerate such a movement and must kill it in the crib at all costs.
If a government is successfully overrun with popilism it means 95% of government workers will need a new job because gov will shrink greatly, there will be more local elections to keep track of, smaller gov also means less taxes on the population, and limited authority to make and enforce laws outside of constitutions and common law.
(Site Administrator)
fascism isn't left wing, it's a form of ultra-nationalism & tied into xenophobia. The economic model of fascism is different to that of socialism. Fascism is everything for the state whereas socialism is for the poeple, particularly the workers.
you might as well call Trump "left wing" if you're gonna apply it to fascism.
populism isn't a set of policies or a political doctrine in itself, it's a political tactic & can be used on left or right, usually though it's on the right. It's easy to selectively discriminate when you gaslight people into a ferver, pointing at some ethnic minority to blame for all the problems. This is right wing shit. A left wing version would be more along the lines of commie revolution where they blame the ruling class for everything, or demonstrations against oligarch corruption with a charismatic leader who rises up & gains some political power with populist rhetoric.
I somewhat agree that the state often fears populism, it's disruptive & a can be a bit of a whildcard. They want things to run smoothly & not disrupt the flow. Partly this is the responsible way to administer a country & there's also often self-interest at play, no doubt.
(Old Spike)
"populism isn't a set of policies or a political doctrine in itself"
Oh but it is.
Techicly Trump had more liberal policies then the democrates. He was really the equivilent of a 1980's business democrat.
With or without Trump MAGA is a populist movement. The Freedom convoy is a populist movement, the global anti mandate movement is populism. These are all rooted in individual rights.
Globalists and fascists have manipulated the overton window so bad that Anything that opposes it is labeled far right.
Fascism is quite literally the merger of state and corperate powers. It is also defined as when the rights of the collective are held above the rights of the individual.
You don't need xenophobia for fascism. It's just an immensely useful tool for their aims. You also don't need nationalism for Fascism, but again it can be a useful tool.
What fascism and socialism have in common that populism does not is centralization of powers and services. = More easy to manipulate by ruling classes.
Antony Gentile was one of the first if not the first philosopher of fascism. He was very left wing.
Patriotism isn't fascism, but it is nationalism.
Not all left systems are authoritarian, but all authoriatrian systems are left.
(Site Administrator)
"all authoriatrian systems are left"
(Old Spike)
the reich of 1000 years hasn't been hiding from the likes of you, it has merely been waiting in the shadows. die glocke ist und wunderwaffe
(Old Spike)
The reich lives in everyone, it's a part of the human condition.... starting to show its face after 80 years. You see it everywhere and in most countries.
A little poverty and some people to blame, voila. Hell, I've pondered often: Is it humanity's default setting?!
(sounds retarded)
They cannot fight toe to toe with Russia using those tanks. They are better off using guerilla tactics and take them out, like they have been. Its a war of attrition now and Russia has a lot to lose, they have lost a lot already. Plus it takes many months of training to get a crew ready to use them. From what I have seen so far, Russia is getting its ass handed to them. Those APC's, tanks, supply trucks and aircrafts are not cheap and not easy to replace.
(Site Administrator)
> From what I have seen so far, Russia is getting its ass handed to them
western media bias is stronk
(sounds retarded)
Pictures dont lie. So fuck off with that media bs. I see pictures of destroyed vehicles and planes, that is what I use to form my opinion that Russia is getting its ass handed to them. Now one thing that I am taking with a grain of salt is that Russia has %95 of its force in Ukraine, reported from USA media. At first I thought they just sent in their old junk and rookies, keeping their good stuff behind. But now I am leaning towards it more being likely than not that what they sent in is what they got. The USA had the same problem and it took almost a decade to replace and resupply with new stuff in Iraq. Just about every conflict except the major wars. Vietnam they were using ww2 shit, Iraq they were using Vietnam stuff, fuck even in the civil war they were using muskets from the revolutionary war.
(Old Spike)
95% sounds like bs to me, 95% of the professional military? Even that would be stretching it way to far. They are sending in people right out of basic traning for sure, but how many?
It's insane that Russia is taking casualties, I have no fuckign idea whats going on... it's weird and uncanny. What the fuck is up with that convoy though...either incompetance at a level never seen before or a sneaky, almost ww2 japanese sneaky manouver.
To me it looks like russia doesn't have the capability to take Ukraine swiftly.... I mean it should be taken for granted that Russia can pinpoint strike any target with a cruise missile and have a 1000 ready to go, yet?! wtf ...using old timer terror weapons like ww2 MRLS, i guess if you have em, don't waste em?! Real 21 century munitions has gone 50/50 on target or civilian highrises. Managed to fuck up 13 hospitals under a week....did the powers that be manage to hack russian cruise missiles? Almost feels more likely than Russia fucking up like this. Somethings off.....fucktonn of media and cameras in Ukrain right now and Russia for whatever reason is fucking up. Imagine if this was the coalition strike on Irak.... or before that gulf war 1.0. Just weird..... so fucking weird.
(Site Moderator)
You can take out strategic points with missiles but that's only a small part of it. Yes, you'll take out some equipment but not much of the manpower. You need boots on the ground for that and Russias supply lines seem to be a total mess for them to advance.
(Old Spike)
Don't they have drones and laser targetting? I can't beleive a war can't be won without leaving ones country anymore.
(Old Spike)
Russia before anything puts boots on the ground.... so?!
(sounds retarded)
Dont get me wrong here, I am not saying Ukraine is winning, Russia has way more resources, but, with that said, Russia should not be losing so much, and that is evidenced by the photos. Sure, they can afford to lose a few vehicles and planes but not the experience and training or the pilots and tank operators. Those you cannot replace very fast. From what i've seen, there is a major experience and training problem. Soldiers wearing sneaker, old and crusty planes and tanks. Shows the lack of maintenance and replacement of old stock. Now again, those can be replaced, but not the people to use them. Its the displine that matters, like shinning your fucking boots! But not even having boots? That's a whole other level of bad.
(Old Spike)
Perhaps the soldiers are putting themselves at greater risks to minimize civillian losses.
Word is coming out the the civillian targets that were hit were actually being used as military strongholds for fighting forces. A violation of every warfare "ethic" imaginable.
(Old Spike)
Ok somone please look at at a map! Toe to toe with russia....huh?
FYI germans use the leopard, along with most euro nato members...... these are just barebone M1's from nato storage likely getting a 21 century upgrade.
Russian modern tanks may be somewhat on the same level, no one knows!?.... either way guerilla war, in germany?!
I love the abrams though even if it's 20 century outdated tech.
(Site Administrator)
i'm guessing here cause i really can't tell but these may be some of the tanks poland ordered which are the M1A2 SEPv3. i'm also guessing they install the explosive reactive armor later which makes sense.
so russia currently fields the T-90A which is a better tank than the abrams on paper at least. having said that, i legit don't think russia is sending the best of the best to ukraine atm so it's anyones guess who's crewing these things.
this doesn't make the abrams inferior in any way as a sabot fired from it's main gun is going straight through that T-90 reactive armor or not. for some reason if it does bounce off the crew are fucked, no way they're returning fire. on that point is all about who get's the shot off first really as the T-90 sports a very similar sobot round. well, the russians have like 40 fucking sabot variants but i'm sure they use the best one...
doesn't matter anyway, with the amount of javlins being sent to/currently in ukraine now i don't think tanks are as safe as they once were.
(Old Spike)
those tanks probably aren't even destinted for ukraine, they're on the the wrong side of germany and germany was planning on re-organizing where its stuff was. but about the javelins, russia's resorting to lumber armor
(Site Administrator)
yeah, that's that's not going to stop a throbbing cock. maybe some shrapnel.
if i recall the javelin has 2 fire modes, direct and death from above so they better be strapping some serious birch to the roof racks cause that javelin's going through 600mm of it.
(Site Moderator)
Against shaped charge rounds that might actually work in some cases, that is if you have some actual armor behind the lumber.
Similar to what some tank have, it sets off the round before hitting the armor making it ineffective.
(Site Administrator)
cope cages
(Site Administrator)
oh i completely agree. yo those cages were being used on apcs during the second gulf war "slat armor". holy shit, the germans invented this stuff.
ah, i just read an artical. looks like the lumber in this case is an atempt to protect the truck radiators from small arms fire. still, point is would it stop a 7.62x39? actually, i wonder if the ukrainians are still using 7.62 or have they also switched to 5.45x39 and, would that go through the lumber shown above? well, here's a video on the 7.62 and yeah it's just pine but interesting none the less:
(sounds retarded)
The trucks are protecting from rifles not fucking missiles you dunce. You are talking about tanks but posting a pic of supply trucks.
(Old Spike)
i said, but about javelins. and went on to post a pic of trucks cause i wasn't talking about tanks. but here's a tank with wood
(Site Administrator)
ya know, i hope more than anything that tank does get hit by a javelin and then the reactive armor blows that log straight through the front of one of those trucks.
that'd make my fuck'n day.
(Old Spike)
Toe to toe germany would be FUCKING retarded... as, well they dont share border and german tanks are the f-22 of the US air force.