also operation fuck your backyard has been given the green light
Average: 5(2 votes)
Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Great title. LOL'd for real :D
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
nazi chickens? and the other one surely one of thos nazi training camps!
They also destroyed a nazi children's hospital.
All for the good cause!
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Anyone not have benny hilly music go off while watching that farce? ... second clip made it all come together! No joke, they are fighting nazi chickens!
(dumb cunt)
Great title. LOL'd for real :D
(Old Spike)
nazi chickens? and the other one surely one of thos nazi training camps!
They also destroyed a nazi children's hospital.
All for the good cause!
(Old Spike)
Anyone not have benny hilly music go off while watching that farce? ... second clip made it all come together! No joke, they are fighting nazi chickens!