tank gets hit by something

sal9000's picture

Destruction of a Russian Tank

put it on the best quality and pay attention neer the end


Average: 5 (2 votes)


stokkebye's picture

wtf. I thought they viewed each other as comrades or some shit, like Germans and Austrians. The Russians are really doing some depraved shit. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

Russia kills a couple thousand people and suddenly there the worlds bad guys, meanwhile china kills a couple million people with a virus they created and nobody cares.

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danman's picture

2nd video is of a territorial defense fighter who mistook a DPR tank as being a Ukrainian one

why so much disinformation sal9000?


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skeptoid's picture

You know why. Like you, he gets a list of things to propogate online and just turns around and does his "duty". That's the extent of the thought that goes into it. You know that.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

she drove straight over a mime.

silent but deadly.

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