Skeptoid's taking a little break.

Nakey's picture

Skeptoids ban

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 4.1 (8 votes)


Pantysoaker's picture
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those dice were loaded

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sato's picture

idk imo if you don't want people replying to you, stay off public sites. i thought everyone who didn't have a private facebook account had learned that they're perfectly capable of just scrolling past any comments they don't like. i appreciate lively debate which is why i post and comment here.

if people are causing actual harm like posting real addresses then sure, but what's the harm here? for months now someone has been voting all of skeptoid's posts 1 star as soon as they're posted without leaving a comment, why is that person not banned since they've clearly let things get personal too? i agree that making a comment unrelated to the video posted achieves nothing, but that's why we have comment downvotes.

what's the rule with this kind of thing? does sal get banned because he always shitposts me? i hope not because then i wouldn't have the benefit of his opposing views.

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Exactly. The beauty of Spiked is the opposing views and rude banter. I don't know the full back story though, perhaps Skeptoid was attempting at stalking IRL.  


Still though, a bit of hypocricy at play here, when you have a certain site admin who uses his privileges to creep behind the scenes to see who 1-stars his videos....

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n0val33t's picture
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When you draw a line, doesent matter what's said before or after.... don't interact with eachother i belive was the line no?! 


So much as a toe over that line doesn't leave Nakey with much choise now does it. What your talking about seems to be beside the issue here. 


Notice Nakey's infliction in his tone "after i warned him not to!" pitch goes up a octave or two, quite funny.... made me laugh as i can relate. Granted it's usually when dealing with children and they are driving me f....  nuts!

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sato's picture

if someone complains they don't like what someone else is saying in the comments, the response is "just scroll right on by, you're under no obligation to respond to or even read any comments directed to you." warning someone for saying something only encourages more people to whine more about what other people are saying.

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n0val33t's picture
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again i like to reffer to nakey tone 0.39!


No ones getting time outs on this site, you have to go fucking deep in the paint! OK?.... ok.... That sound you hear is a grown ass man annoyed having to herd kids to behave. 


This is not something you should worry about..... fuck you think Nakey gives a shit about normal web affairs? MIddle aged man slapping titts like some walrus on national discovery in essence what we are doing!


I don't get it, who could possibly whine more than us? Dicks are failing, hair is failing..... that 6 pack is gone.... i have to piss atleat one time every night. Suddenly i got a belly..... out of no where! No one cares what i think. My spouse lives on another planet. Worse... she left, and took the kids!

Stop it!

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

I still have that 6 pack, man.

Every day after work.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, he didn't post much that was worth looking at in the first place.

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sato's picture

neither did you yet here you are, which is a large part of my point, the other being that just as i chose to reply to you here, you and anyone else should be free to click through or just scroll right on by. even the dumbass ad-hominem comments serve to educate others.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, at least I don't exclusively post from conspiracy theorists and fox news whilst criticising others to post msm stuff.

I am a constant target of his retarded "attacks", not that I care much about it but threatening bobbob was a new low even for him, so I say well deserved. Although I must add a spineless little twat like him (who in addition suffers some sort of mental condition) is not expected to act on it.


What I find hillarious is that the biggest coward on here has the nerve to call others cowards, though.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Sitting here with your circle jerk bashing someone that can't be here to defend themselves.


Big man you are.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

him being here and not being able to defend himself is how he got to this point

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Have a nice day :)

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the fact that you've gone from youtube to bitchute to now archived pages of things that don't exist anymore or ones on the vaers system means i'll have a great month

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daftcunt's picture
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He knows what I think about him, I told him plenty a time. I also strongly suggested he seek out medical help. I also would have contacted a person who I believe is his sister to share my concerns (not to threaten anyone) but unfortunately I can't find her website any more. I told him that as well.


So I am hardly talking behind his back, buddy.

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sato's picture

and he didn't go and whine to admin about it.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, I did not threaten him, did I.


In any case his behaviour only shows what a disgusting piece of shit he is.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

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Evulva 1's picture

What's he going to do? This site's his whole life.

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lawngnome's picture

There has been a normie intolerant group hounding him relentlessly for the last year or so. Like 5 of them, at one time, that were auto 1 star voting his submissions and egging him on to argue with them over anything and everything. It seems to be only 3 people doing the downvoting now, but still.


We are here to laugh about stuff, share and learn about going-ons of different places. You're fucking lame if you are ganging up with others to target an individual user, trying to force your opinions on others, or aren't willing to accept that others have different or opposing views. Or to simply let shit go.


Some people need to grow up and stop taking things (and others viewpoints/life experiences) so seriously and personal.



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sato's picture

exactly. ban the sooks not the person taking it and responding like an adult.

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danman's picture

shut up weeb

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sato's picture

case in point, and from the baizuo himself no less. thanks!

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danman's picture

lmao you don't even know what that word means

stick to watching hentai, weeb

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

probably skeptoid is the only one remaining who has sock(s?) on here. how much of a pathetic lowlife does one have to be to take this site (and one's own role in it) so seriously to have one anyway, or to constantly whine about downvotes?


Do you people not see that hardly anything gets voted off or to the frontpage?

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Evulva 1's picture

Lol Literal snowflake talk

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Hi all. Replying to @Nakey's invitation to 'respond in the comments what's going on'; keeping to the facts. It's no secret that Skeptoid and I came down on opposite sides of the fence regarding covid19, the vaccine as well as mandates, along with more and more things it seems, lately. As many of you correctly commented above, long live Spiked and vive la difference. This is what the site has always been about.  However, this last year Skeptoid has been going out of his way to distort opinions, misrepresent past statements, and events.  A few years back he invited a group of us here to view content on his personal channel. When I did, I reached out to him congratulating him on his video (he was using his open name/identifiers on the channel) and out of respect I used my open name/identifiers also. Big mistake. After a couple short and friendly emails back and forth it got weird, here. First he started accusing me of being Danman. Then Monkeymania. I figured, 'Troll, much?', but when  that didn't work he started referring to past emails, hinting (obliquely at first) at doxing.  e.g. Here and here Anyway, it got weirder as he started to question everything I said on the site constantly bringing up these past emails, always out of context. e.g. here


A line was crossed when he showed he was cyber-stalking me (in real life), commenting out of nowhere on Spiked that an update I'd made to my LinkedIn profile (just the hour before,,,I mean wtf), contained an error.  Anyway I used the 'See who's been looking at your profile' feature to see Skeptoid's full profile at the top of the list (with photo). Great. Terrific. Hellllllo Admin. What next? Well, that's when the above happened. My congratulating Sal for posting  his Obi-Wan video first (a full 16 minutes before Skeptoid reposted it, apparently) resulted in Skeptoid's last comment in the video/screenshot above.. Enter Nakey the Admin, exercising his right to distribute wet towels, and remind folks to.. play nice(r). Anyway. National tragedy. For 5 weeks, Skeptoid is going to have to decide which of his many soc accounts is his 2nd favorite. Moving on.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"However, this last year Skeptoid has been going out of his way to distort opinions, misrepresent past statements, and events." 

yes, quite few suffered this, he also accuses people to use sock accounts, all the time, despite him being known to use at least one. 

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Timmy Tosser's picture

lol epic. I suggest that you two mend fences then approach Netflix with a proposal to make a series from your story. 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

You underestimate netflix, they probably already got offers for a story! 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

you know that "farts" is what set him off right?

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n0val33t's picture
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So I'm not the only one accused of being Danman and on several occasions at that..... anyone else while we're at it?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

You mean you're not?! 

Lols. Yeah, there's apparently a club.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Hillarious, the only way you could be dantoid would be if you can consistantly mimic an individual completely deluded and steered by russian and chinese propaganda.


tbh many a time I read one of his comments (and those of a few others', especially the ones that like to write "essays") I wonder whether this is real or if they are normal people that put that much effort into creating a caricature of a human, I find that would be a lot of effort for suich a small audience. 

If it is the latter still kudos to them.

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