words from azov battalion

sal9000's picture

Звернення від заступника командира полку АЗОА до Західних Друзів та до тих росіян, що вміють думати.

not really about the above video but i've been thinking of how events can change perspectives. most people wouldn't associate with a nazi or someone labeled one. but if your country gets invaded and your crouching in a foxhole with another guy to avoid enemy fire, the swastika tattoo on the guys hand probably isn't a big deal at that point. you might think, it's a conversation for another time

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

He's lying.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

Well, isn't this one of the reasons Putin invaded? Because the Ukraine is full of Nazi's who were terrorizing ethnic Russians in the East of the Ukraine. My understanding is that the Ukranian Nazi's that go by a few names including the Azov battalion were headquartered in Mariupol which is why it got such a beat down. 

Now the taxpayers of western countries are supplying large amounts of weapons to actual Nazi's in the name of peace and freedom.  

Seems a bit retarded. 

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danman's picture

"most people wouldn't associate with a nazi or someone labeled one. but..."

- sal9000

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jdt73's picture

Lefties definition of a Nazi is anyone who fails to agree with the left is therefore a Nazi.

So when confronted with an ACTUAL Nazi, and the left align with the same cause as the ACTUAL Nazi, all of a sudden its not so bad to share a fox hole with a Nazi, because they never understood what a Nazi was in the first place.


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danman's picture

scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds

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