its still being currently debated what was used. some people are saying its a nlaw and that he was to close for the missile to arm. other say that nlaw have a mininum range and without meeting the requirement, it wouldnt have fired. some say it was a nlaw and the missile was suppose to explode because its damage is inside the tank... others say its was a soviet rpg... so. just take it for what it is. ukranian forces are able to get this close to enemy armor vehicles
(2 votes)
(Site Administrator)
he forgot his cope cage
(sounds retarded)
A Molotov wouldve been more effective. Let them cook.
(Site Administrator)
Tank is a Russian T-72B.
He shouted "glory to azov".
A heli was shotdown yesterday on a suicide mission to Mariupol, allegedly to evac azov leaders.
Soon these nazi scum in Mariupol will be a thing of history. The ones left now are in hiding.
Garbage disposal crew just arrived:
(Old Spike)
can't wait to see how new western history books will describe this war. "on feb 25, russia decided to lose a 10th of its army", "russian army activating its ford f350 mobile brigade". probably a good chance putin will invade over our history books. i'm almost expecting him to apply for a resolution over ukraine destroying his shit
(Site Administrator)
you don't know the date they went in or have the first clue about losses.
& don't cry so much that nazis are getting wiped, it's not a good look.
(Old Spike)
every day they're alive is another day a russian soldiers will die. its another day russians are held off from advancing. its another day of shipments of weapons to the rest of ukraine. to me, azov group is already dead and they're doing this from beyond the grave
pick any day you want. the bodies are new and russia's been leaving behind bodies. those bodies are being eaten by wild animals. did you see the russian that was chained to post? its so he doesn't get pulled away. ukraine is trading dead russians for alive ukranians. so, you got a pretty good idea about the losses
(Site Administrator)
your nazi mates have had their asses handed to them in that city
you're just coping & exposing how you share their ideology
(Old Spike)
you spend too much time trying to argue an outwardly projected intrepitation of western cultured white male instead of the things they actually say
(Short Spike)
You spend too much time in admiration of Nazis
(Old Spike)
Assuming it's a LAW og a m72 if you will
(Short Spike)
Funny how you say " ukranian forces are able to get this close to enemy armor vehicles"
Tanks a commonly used to spear head an invasion with the infantry, often giving cover so the infanry can enter.
Guys this close have no where to run to, they havent closed in on the russians, the russians have closed in on them.
Ukrane war is just a place to dispose of weapons that will need to be replaced.
West is 'donating' the weapons but guess who isn't 'donating' weapons but rather,geting paid for it?
The question is retorical. We all know who benefits.
And we know there are kickbacks to the people who decide.
(Old Spike)
tanks are used as spearheads when you have something to follow up with or atleast to back them up. russia's sending in tanks with no support, not even fuel to run them. out of gas, out of ammunitions, drone strikes, handheld rocket strike, or artillery fire. russias not using them as a spear head
(Short Spike)
Is that your argument?
(Old Spike)
Used as spear head in a rush, 100+ tanks..... we don't do that shit anymore. Now if it was a total war cenario, then yes..... everyone turn to the depos ..... deep deep mountains impervious to conventional and nuclear. m1's in the thousand, and that's a last hurra.... meaningless as M1's need fuel.... all tanks need more fuel than their worth.
In urban warfare people are the speart head and tanks are there for moral support and.... distraction?! On a wide open field like the gulf war..... hehehheheheheh, less of a spear head .... more a force of nature.
(Old Spike)
Tanks are over ..... it's a liability.
Mufc like the finns using wodden logs to halt and destroy tanks, everyone can be equipped with a common LAW.....You have to face the tank, but the Finns did the same with wood logs so a missile in the right place....forgettaboutit.. Now.... due to norway being the biggests producers of LAW's and we not being able to support weapons to a non ally in war..... law from 1962, Nato could not export it..... unless it was ... pre 1980 manufactured.
Only reason there are M72 or laws in ukrain is to imense pressure from allies.