Huskies are not ment to be shaved, thier under fur not only regulates cold it helps them with heat. This dog will suffer because a dipshit got it shaved.
the fur that helps him regulate it will not grow back. these people fucked up.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
OH FFS just let him sit in the front. Ziggy sits in the front - it's safer for everyone unless you got a doggy belt to tie secure him in the back. Maybe she has one. Maybe she meant the back back - like a hatchback. Ziggy sits like a passenger in the passenger seat. Sometimes his dong sticks out because of how he has to sit. Girls at the drive-through think it's funny, usually.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
Videos of huskies doing this weird howl/whine thing are a dime a dozen...they seem to do it on command.
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BabyDuckling (Long Spike)
You are not required to click on videos and watch them. What kind of piece of shit clicks on a groundhog video just to say "too many groundhog videos around these days"?
(Long Spike)
using this moment to point out this husky
(Long Spike)
Huskies are not ment to be shaved, thier under fur not only regulates cold it helps them with heat. This dog will suffer because a dipshit got it shaved.
the fur that helps him regulate it will not grow back. these people fucked up.
(Old Spike)
OH FFS just let him sit in the front. Ziggy sits in the front - it's safer for everyone unless you got a doggy belt to tie secure him in the back. Maybe she has one. Maybe she meant the back back - like a hatchback. Ziggy sits like a passenger in the passenger seat. Sometimes his dong sticks out because of how he has to sit. Girls at the drive-through think it's funny, usually.
(Long Spike)
Videos of huskies doing this weird howl/whine thing are a dime a dozen...they seem to do it on command.
(Long Spike)
You are not required to click on videos and watch them. What kind of piece of shit clicks on a groundhog video just to say "too many groundhog videos around these days"?