Russian soldiers during a special military operation in Ukraine, you may have heard of it?
it's that thing that's happening after 8 years of absolute nothingness
according to reddit these guys are losing, womp womp
(1 vote)
Russian soldiers during a special military operation in Ukraine, you may have heard of it?
it's that thing that's happening after 8 years of absolute nothingness
according to reddit these guys are losing, womp womp
(sounds retarded)
Lets us all hope and pray they end up cooked to a crisp laying dead and forgotten with their heads cut off.
(Site Administrator)
same goes for american troops who do this?
(sounds retarded)
Did you see us(spikers) shilling for them in Iraq and Afghanistan like you?
(Site Administrator)
yes I did now try answering the question
(Site Moderator)
(Old Spike)
Everyone involved in this ruthless attack is losing! Aggressors, victims and "bystanders"! Only one idiot on here enjoys wanking over the atrocities.
(Site Administrator)
you're the one posting gore pictures of atrocities ya sick cunt