do you go with this guy or the irish lady that didn't want to help ukraine because she didn't believe russia's build up on ukraines border was for an invasion, she thought it was for defvense
(4 votes)
do you go with this guy or the irish lady that didn't want to help ukraine because she didn't believe russia's build up on ukraines border was for an invasion, she thought it was for defvense
(Site Administrator)
he admits the sanctions aren't working - womp womp sal9000 who assured us Russia's economy was doomed
he speaks of strategy but EU has no strategy, they take their orders from Washington & he speaks of German leadership - they have none rn. Scholz is useless. EU is being used as a suicidal proxy of US just as Ukraine is.
he misses the critical point Clare Daly made which is that there is no peace while EU is trying to make war with Russia.
(Old Spike)
if anything, its assures. its not past tense. its current. russia's economy is currently collapsing. no matter how slanted your eyes are, you can't miss it
(Site Administrator)
head-in-the-sand denial + racism
classic sal9000 degeneracy
(Site Administrator)
you've earned this once again, congrats