As biographer Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe explains in his book about Ukrainian fascist leader Stepan Bandera, "Slava Ukraini" was part of the salute delivered by members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its military wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which were collectively responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Soviets, Jews and Poles during World War II.
Hey NATO, watchya doin?
(5 votes)
(Short Spike)
Yup there's some neo nazi's there. Some fringe political radicals..yeuuupp
You got it.
They're also in France, Spain, Canada and oh you got it..America..
Guess we should invade all of them too.
(Site Administrator)
so "fringe" that 2 of them spoke to the Greek parliament yesterday alongside Ukraine's president
so "fringe" that they effectively run the Ukraine National Guard
so "fringe" that they've received high honours in the Ukraine government
so "fringe" that they're being trained by NATO as a formal group
the above is just one faction of these "fringe political radicals", there are a bunch of others at various levels of the Ukraine establishment & in the streets as paramilitaries, often with consent of the police &/or backed by oligarchs. Nothing to see here though, right? Practically the same as Canada eh.
(dumb cunt)
Here you go again with this stupid fucking shit. My god you are truly a spectacularly naive moron.
I will dumb this way down for you so you can hopefully, finally, grasp what this is. Russia just copy / pasted the same moronic playbook and narrative Murica used to justify their invasian of Iraq in 2003. Demilitarization = WMD's, Regime Change = De-Baathification, Removal of Radicals = Taking out the Al-Qaeda cells..
Here please enjoy this twitter thread detailing russia's very own avowed and open nazi unit (Rusich group) now operating in Ukraine:
yes they are getting captured too:
(Site Administrator)
I don't need to call you a moron, your hot takes speak for themselves.
Here's a pic of some American & Australian troops (not PMCs) to highlight the difference between anecdotal evidence & the likes of which we see in Ukraine (Nazis throughout all of society, government & military) ... plus I like seeing you get triggered...
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
danman pushing his chinese social score like a mad lad. poor boy hope it pays of. maybe he needs another livre from some uyghur?