seems they're treated okay
what's left of pro-Kyiv forces in Mariupol (rough estimates):
1-3k Ukrainian forces incl Nazis (of the initial 15k-17k force, 9.5k of which were trapped in the city)
100 NATO goons
no prisoner swaps have happened yet, Russia is complaining about Kyiv changing the terms after cutting a deal every time.
(3 votes)
(dumb cunt)
lol "seems they're treated okay"....with russian state's main propoganda outlet RT filming the whole thing, how else do you think they'd be treated, genius??
(Site Administrator)
you think an RT film crew was there ... you're so stoopid lmao
(Old Spike)
Did they close that one down to?
(sounds retarded)
How fucking gullible/stupid can you be to believe every shit ass propaganda video out there? LOL You are fucking retarded.
Show me the nazis. Where's the swastikas? Fuckin tard!
(Site Administrator)
did you skip your medication again?