Russian Ship Begins Special Underwater Mission

Timmy Tosser's picture

Russian warship Moskva explodes on Ukraine coast

The russian cruiser Moskva is now self-identifying as a submarine.  


The Russian MOD comms team (which is in no way direct state sponsored propoganda...try to keep that straight, mmkay?) has confirmed the mishap (which is russian code speak for completely lost or annihilated) of the cruiserr. 


If you need more clarity on what propaganda is or isn't, please ask our dear leader..

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stokkebye's picture

Whoopsie Daisy GIFs | Tenor

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danman's picture

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danman's picture

RF MoD has made a statement, they say it's not been sunk.

Still not saying what caused the fire but saying the sailors were evacuated, this is in contrast to the propaganda put out by kyiv regime saying nobody survived.


whether it was hit by Ukraine or not doesn't make a great deal of difference imo, it still looks bad & is a major blow to lose their flagship in the Black Sea. Seems a bit unlikely that Ukraine could have hit it just with a 2-missile volley of Neptunes, as they claim. The ship has multiple layers of defense & military people say those 2 missiles wouldn't have been enough unless there was a major fuckup. If Ukraine was involved I'm guessing they had some serious help from NATO. No matter how you look at it, Russia messed up somehow & now might need to alter their tactics along the coast.

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, all we can do is point and laugh. No one believes Russia no matter what they say or how many interviews they have of POW civilians. Most of the defense mechanisms anyone has is not very effective, has a failure rate that is too high. Even our super carriers are sitting ducks to new missile systems. The days of big tanks, planes and boats are done for.

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danman's picture

you don't 'believe' anything unless it aligns with your political views


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stokkebye's picture

I got a healthy level of skepticism, no matter what government. It's just you reek of bull shit just like the Russian govt.

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danman's picture

that's your conditioning

I asked you previously to point out anything I've said that's a lie.

I've made thousands of posts & comments on here, it should be easy for you.


Unless you're too much of a pussy to even try to back up your words..... well... are you a pussy?


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daftcunt's picture
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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

maybe it was carrying chinese batteries

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danman's picture

"Pentagon says" - that's a language you understand, right timmy?

womp womp

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Timmy Tosser's picture

We shall see...'burned down to the waterline and listing heavily' according to other reports. 

Informative but still speculative twitter thread on this:


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danman's picture

spare me the twitter hot takes there mate..

Pentagon spox says the ship is "able to make its own way"

IE it's not sunk & doesn't even need to be towed according to this "state sponsored propoganda"


you can admit you got it wrong anytime you like


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n0val33t's picture
front page

So painfully embarressing......Russia have to fight an uphill battle..... welcome to the bullshit you put the west trough for 50 years. 






















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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

russia says it sunk after trying to tow it

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danman's picture

lol. bummer.


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Timmy Tosser's picture

yea can admit you got it wrong anytime you like

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danman's picture

it hadn't sunk as you were claiming, US DoD was watching it & reported it as such, corroborating what RF MoD had said, although Pentagon was slightly wrong in that it was being towed when they said it wasn't.

It's a bummer we'll never know what caused the damage & is a symbolic blow to Russia.

womp womp.


Ukraine (and you) claiming it had sunk only to be refuted by the Pentagon hours later & western media not just repeating the Ukrainian claim at face value should give you pause in the future...but pigs might fly.

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Timmy Tosser's picture



putin going to visit the crew of missile cruiser Moskva


Womp womp

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daftcunt's picture
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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

news going around that all the crew died

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Doesn't track, alot of people died..... but the entire crew!? No way.....there is clearly a tractor on site. 


Seriously though, takes a lot for an entire crew to wipe out.

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