What if White people didn't bring Slavery to America.

BabyDuckling's picture

What if American Slavery Never Existed?

White people lived off of Slavery for over 200 years , they are the original welfare queens of America.

Average: 1.7 (7 votes)


BabyDuckling's picture

If white people simply did the job themselves they could have saved generations of families from strife and pain.  Too bad they have been so lazy for many many centuries.

  IMO the new rise of Nazi white people is because of their anger , they are angry that they have to actually work instead of making smarter and more capable minorities do the job for them.

  White peoples disdain toward black folks can be seen in their inventions like mayonaise and the 3 point line.  their gerrymandering of seats is just the tip of the iceberg.

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danmanjones's picture

America would still be British.

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thegent's picture
Discord user

what about the first slaves brought to america - the white people from ireland? should they be branded as the white people who brought slaves to america too?


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BabyDuckling's picture

was that brought to this country by white people?  yes , the only thing native americans are guilty of is helping white illegal immigrants  survive their first 2 winters here.  White people repayed True Americans with mass genocide in the name of Christianity.  White people brought Slavery , Genocide and Racist Christianity to this land.  They brought desease as well.

   Watching Racist White people bitch about Blacks in this country is hilarious.  The White people brought them here in the first place. Racist Whites are a fucking scar on humanity.  The fact that they cheer Nazis marching American Streets is an atrocity.

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danmanjones's picture

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skeptoid's picture

Like any group of people, like any human beings, Native Americans were guilty of so much more than what you have just stated above.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

what did white people do? well if it wasnt for them. native americans wouldnt have horses, cows, pigs..... shit you and yours didnt even invent the wheel.

what would we do if we didnt bring slaves. go north and get some, those people are the bottom of the bottom

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Here's a question, what if Africans hadn't enslaved each other and sold their fellow Africans to white slave traders?


Or what if Islam had not continued the practice of slavery to the current day?


If American slavery never existed then 620,000 mostly white American's wouldn't have died fighting a Civil War to end it.


But I think the best outcome of slavery never having existed in America is that in 2017 self-righteous virtue signalling fuck boys like Duck wouldn't be able to drone on endlessly about it 153 years after it was abolished, use it as a flimsy excuse to justify their own anti-white racism and excuse high crime rates in black communities.

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