It's a fact that folks that really know their stuff explain it elegantly, in such a way all of us can understand. Watch 2 smart guys discuss whether the act of observation in any way impacts the final determination between one of 2 quantum states. Basically a fun 6 minutes on whether or not the tree actually falls in the forest IF there was no one around to hear. Enjoy. ;-)
(2 votes)
(Site Moderator)
Maybe it's not a "this or that". Maybe both happen and we only observe one.
(Site Administrator)
I'll agree with the bloke in the video that 'what if' isn't a thing. For instance, there isn't a whole other universe out there, identical to ours in every way, but where you chose to wear the navy blue socks today. Sure it makes for good comics or occasional SciFi episodes, but,.. not a thing.
(Site Moderator)
Well, there are many physicist who consider it seriously because that is where physics point to.
(Long Spike)
Knowledge of a system can effect its past state .
My brain hurts now .
(Site Administrator)
Right. And it only hurts now, cause tomorrow when it doesn't, you'll remember that it hurt today.
Dancing will help clear any cobwebbs. Here you go: