When Right Wingers say they are "HomeSchooling" their children, what exactly does that mean? Do they just toss them a mountain dew and shotgun and tell them to make sure minorities don't step on their property? The molestation of a 4 year old girl comes second to protecting their land from Black people and attacking homosexuals.
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sato (Old Spike)
parents who think they can educate just as well as a teacher, and even better provide a more wholesome environment than what is found in schools. both just as false as the god they believe in, ofc.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You going for the world record of most indefensible statements in one comment?
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Maxpower (Old Spike)
Nobody loves you, BabyDuckling. That's why you're so frustrated.
You just a sad little baby duckling that needs to find his forever home.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
LOL this is over two years old. What are you smoking?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
DIY that drinking is so prevelent way up north that women bring babies in strollers to the bar, but since they can't bring them in. they leave them outside in the cold. to prevent them from crying, they leave a rag soaked in gas with the baby so it just goes to sleep. cops routinely cruise by bars and just pick them up and bring them to the police station to keep warm until the mother comes around
(Long Spike)
When Right Wingers say they are "HomeSchooling" their children, what exactly does that mean? Do they just toss them a mountain dew and shotgun and tell them to make sure minorities don't step on their property? The molestation of a 4 year old girl comes second to protecting their land from Black people and attacking homosexuals.
(Old Spike)
parents who think they can educate just as well as a teacher, and even better provide a more wholesome environment than what is found in schools. both just as false as the god they believe in, ofc.
(Old Spike)
You going for the world record of most indefensible statements in one comment?
(Old Spike)
Nobody loves you, BabyDuckling. That's why you're so frustrated.
You just a sad little baby duckling that needs to find his forever home.
(Old Spike)
LOL this is over two years old. What are you smoking?
(Old Spike)
DIY that drinking is so prevelent way up north that women bring babies in strollers to the bar, but since they can't bring them in. they leave them outside in the cold. to prevent them from crying, they leave a rag soaked in gas with the baby so it just goes to sleep. cops routinely cruise by bars and just pick them up and bring them to the police station to keep warm until the mother comes around