No civilian targets as that would be against the rules, right Dumbman? All those civilians were really just Nazi's in disguise, right?
Only legitimate military targets, right Dumbman?
(1 vote)
No civilian targets as that would be against the rules, right Dumbman? All those civilians were really just Nazi's in disguise, right?
Only legitimate military targets, right Dumbman?
(Site Administrator)
(sounds retarded)
Jesus Christ, did you spend the whole day looking for that? Fuckin creepy. You would be the stalker material. Got any restraining orders by any chance or dead bodies in the freezer?
I dont remember the context of conversation or what it is was about but I was clearly saying that tongue in cheek. Get a grip dude. Im not some softy like dumbcunt or sal. Going back months of comments is like what a bitch does. Type of shit girlfriends would pull to win an argument. LOL
(Site Administrator)
you're a selective softy
you cry like a bitch when it aligns with your politics
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
Listen man, back in 03 I tried to join the marines and they wouldnt take me becuase I had a GED and a few charges for getting into fights and some other shit, army wouldnt take me either. Army national gaurd said they would and I agreed given the promise they would release me to the active Army after 6 months, I had dreams of special forces, my drill Sargent even tried to convince the laison to get me some more training, I was a fucking machine, loved PT, loved the idea of killing. Well anyway they fucking lied and wouldnt let me leave. after 3.5 years of dealing with their bullshit and them fucking with me I left. At that point my views on the war changed and I realized the war was bullshit and we were just risking our lives for corporations to make big bucks and destroying a country for money and oil. Thing is anyone who signs up for the military has an 8 yr reserve obligation no matter how many years they choose to be active. Well, I got called to Afghanistan. I refused to go. Got called by MP's from Fort Benning and told they would come to my home and arrest me. I told them straight up that I have a shotgun and any MF that shows up to my door from the military will get their fuckin heads blown off. Guess what, no one showed. Now when I joined I daydreamed about killing some towelheads, but that changed. It was an unjust war, just like many have been and just like the Ukraine/Russia war is unjust. People just want to live their life and be able to raise their family, and they should be able to have that opportunity. I will fight for other people's right to live in peace. I would love to fight in a just war.
(Site Administrator)
justification is subjective
Russia sees NATO as an existential threat & made this clear in 2008 that Ukraine joining was unacceptable. Ukraine has deep cultural significance to Russians. Since 2014 they've seen a hoistile foreign power overthrow the Kyiv govt, they've seen their brethren dying by the truckloads right across the border, the Ukrainians split from the Russian Orthodox Church (significant cultural thing), and a bunch of other things - if I mention how significant Nazis are to Russians you might whinge but it's highly significant to Russia, they lost over 20 million people fighting fucking Nazis & here'e NATO, a hostile military alliance arming those cunts to kill Russians. Fighting NATO-backed Nazis is something Russian troops likely see as justified & tbph I have no problem with deleting those clowns. They're also significant in that Ukrainians didn't wanna kill each other, not even the pro-Russias separatists (they're all slavs ffs) but that's where the ideologically-driven fascists came into it - they were willing to kill what they see as an ethnic minority & also they speak of Russia as an existential threat to their form of Ukrainian nationalism. That's been their justification for killing so many people in Donbass since 2014. People who you never gave a fuck about & still don't because you see them as being on "Russia's side" I guess.
Whether you accept the war or not makes no difference, it's happening. NATO wants to drag it out & fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. You have no moral high ground here but I do think it's cool that you refused to deploy to Afghanistan.
(sounds retarded)
Ukraine was and still is a sovereign nation that can do whatever the fuck they want, Russia can fuck off with their nightmares of NATO. I say the same with the Vietnam war, we had no business there telling them what they can and cannot do. Proxy wars are unacceptable. If the Russians living in Ukraine felt threatened then they should have gotten the fuck out. There are plenty of regions around the world where the Soviets colonized with Ukraine and Russian transplants, that is called being a hypocrite. I dont recall a mass migration of refugees crossing the border from Ukraine into Russia. In conclusion, fuck off with your weak ass arguments to justify an invasion and causing a war. You are a propaganda tool/shill. You decry the Western media propaganda while the same time pushing the Russian and Chinese propaganda. Stop being a fucking hypocrite!
My dad and most of my uncles fought in Vietnam, lost an uncle there in fact. My dad is very proud of his service and cant stand that I dont "honor" his service there. Any chance I get I tell him it was an unjust war, it hurts me to see him hurt by my stance but I will not sacrifice my moral and ethical beliefs to make him feel better. I got so much shit from my unit that lost a guy in Iraq for questioning them about the morality of the war and why they should be directing their ire at Bush/Cheney instead of the Iraqis, who were defending their homeland and saw us as the invaders. Its fucking brainwashing, its propaganda by the governments. And its the same shit I see you pushing!
(Site Administrator)
"Ukraine was and still is a sovereign nation that can do whatever the fuck they want"
Ukraine was couped in 2014 & has been a western client state since then.
All states can "do whatever the fuck they want" but no state can avoid the consequences of its actions.
"Proxy wars are unacceptable"
agreed. And yet US/NATO keeps creating them. It's like the cold war never ended.... it's like western imperialism is cancerous or something crazy like that.
"If the Russians living in Ukraine felt threatened then they should have gotten the fuck out"
You have no problem with ethnic cleansing. Noted.
"Its fucking brainwashing, its propaganda by the governments. And its the same shit I see you pushing!"
you have no problem with propaganda that aligns with your views. You get baited by charlatan9000's bigoted uploads all the time. Talk some more about how you wanna kill people stok. Follow it up by talking of how moralily righteous you are.
I have no interest in your absolutist take on the Ukraine conflict. You don't really know what you're talking about & your outrage is whatever to me. You can keep spamming it if it makes you feel better.
(Old Spike)
weird, that comments missing a part
"If the Russians living in Ukraine felt threatened then they should have gotten the fuck out"
I can't keep reading beyond that point. Retardation overload.
(Site Administrator)
you missed another edit, charlatan9000
charlatan9000's poisonous bigoted uploads
charlatan9000's bigoted uploads
(sounds retarded)
I have hurt people getting into fights and whatnot but I never kicked someone when they were down or gave cheap shots. Except one time I broke a crutch over a kids head in juvie, in my defense he was a huge farm boy and it barely stunned the meathead. Even dudes that deserved it, I still didnt go crazy on em. Part of me does not want to hurt people. It's a good balance, I can defend myself and get savage if I have to but I dont do it for sport or malice. So, yeah, a part of me wants to know what it feels like to kill a man, but someone who deserved it, like a child rapist. Fighting is a rush, feels good after, even all beaten up, broken noses are not fun though, that shit fuckin hurts.
Anyways, Im not getting into the he said she said side of the conflict, never wanted to, too much misinformation and bs to filter through. I am leaning more towards it being about the oil/natural gas, the harbor Russia needed for the black sea and the canal that supplied water for it and the hydro dam. Way more than any of the bullshit you are spouting, just like how the USA went into Iraq for the oil, its never about humanitarian concerns or taking down evil dictators or nazis killing Russians living in another country. Its always about money and resources. No one entered WW2 because Hitler was killing jews, it was fucking with commerce and profits. Just like the reason Russia allied with Hitler! You want to talk about Russians bad memories of fighting the Nazis, well bet they were not feeling so bad when they were allied and took a bunch of land and killed people before Hitler backstabbed them. I'd say they got what they deserved. Just like how the Ukrainians and Russians colonized land they stole under the Soviet Union, you wanna cry about Ukrainians kicking out Russians well how do you think people feel about areas they still occupy? Do you think Ukrainians will leave the islands north of Japan after this? I'd say they are getting a taste of their own medicine on that topic.
(Site Administrator)
your takes on history are ridiculous.
on the one hand you don't want to get into the roots of the Ukraine crisis, or as you put it, the "he said she said" & on the other you're making assumptions about oil/gas.
Unlike you I do want to know the roots of the conflict & put a bunch of time into trying to figuring it out. As an amateure history nerd it's interesting to me. Yeah there's a tonne of misinformation out there but it can be avoided if you know how. Western press is a waste of time, it's weaponized information warfare & little else. Even parsing it to find the nuggets of facts is a waste of time, there are much better channels for being informed.
I gave up fighting as hobbie at 17 when I put a dude in hospital & he never came back to school. Not saying I wouldn't or am scared but just think it's regretful to even win once you're strong enough to do serious damage, left a bad taste in my mouth. I regret not taking up a fighting sport for serious. I'd done boxing before that fight at 17 but in the end the conditioning was so rough & social distractions made me quit. I think I woulda been decent at it but from a smallish town with no muay thai gym & before mma was really a thing boxing was the only real option. Sport fighting is great imo. It's a contract between 2 people to see who can deliver the most violence on the opponent. You just have to accept that one might get beaten badly. Bringing this back to Ukraine, they were given years to stop delivering violence on their own people in Donbass but for whatever reason (cough, NATO cunts meddling) they refused to stop. Now Russia is delivering violence on them. Civilians are getting caught up in the crossfire & of course it sucks, as has been happening since 2014. The quicker it's over the better, right?