New timescale for humanity?


stokkebye's picture

Yeah, our view on history needs to be fluid and adaptable to new evidence. Everything we take as factual is really just someone's best guess. I was arguing with a bunch of tards the other day about the mass extinction event in North and South Americas, they were saying humans caused it. Does not make sense they would kill off camels and horses. Or that a group of murderous humans set out to exterminate all large creatures while sparing a select few. It was as if I was challenging their world view and they were intent on sticking with what they were told no matter what. It's the same reason we have religious nuts today and leftards voting for Biden. Sad times.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep. I've got a couple Jehovah's witness friends who are convinced the devil buried dinosaur bones just to confuse us. You can't win with some folks.

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stokkebye's picture

My aunt got sucked into JWs and dragged my uncle and cousin with her. Lost contact with them for about 18 yrs then about 5 yrs ago they started coming back to our family Christmas parties talking about how they got expelled for questioning their finances. My friends father got all screwed up when he joined them in his early twenties then got expelled. I forgot the reason but it became his whole life and then in an instant it was all over. I got into a conversation with a lady in my teens, like 14 or 15 and she was explaining the whole JW religion to me as she was one of them. She said they believed only 150,000 JW's are allowed into heaven. They have some precise number they figured out. I asked her how many JW's there were and before she knew it I was asking if there were more JW's than spots for heaven how and who determines who gets left behind and who goes??? LOL 

People are funny with their beliefs.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Lols, yeah. I asked the same question. Aren't you scared you'll recruit someone who's better than you and you'll lose your spot? They're in trouble now because all the money was meant for property (kingdom halls) that were never to be sold off. Now with Covid, they realized they can get by easily enough by having it be a Zoom (calls) religion, so you guessed it, they're selling off properties. Ask too many questions and you're likely to get shunned (ie.  cult 101).

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