Ukraine govt said it hit power lines by accident but you can clearly see it burning before it crashed.
KYIV, April 22 (Reuters) - ... a transport plane in southern Ukraine descended too low in fog and hit high-voltage power lines, local authorities said.
(3 votes)
(sounds retarded)
DIfference you fail to realize is that we expect that from Russia, they were suppossed to be this great military and all, but we didnt expect it from Ukraine. Any defeat of Russian forces is to be mocked. Ukraine is the underdog and will be met with sympathy. Like watching a bully, cocky, arrogant person fail, you laugh at them, when you see someone who punches above their weight class and is humble about it, you dont care so much when they lose once in a while.
(Site Administrator)
@Stokke. Well said. You're a damn poet on rare occasions, you do know that.
(sounds retarded)
Thanks Bob.
(Site Administrator)
Dan, I've said it before. I have a particular bias here because I see things going this way for Greece the day Turkey decides to take the Aegian islands, with no one raising a finger to help. Both are members of NATO and France's Macron, God love him, seems to be the only one that has said NATO should create a mechanism for expelling member states if they contravene international maritime law (referring to Turkey specifically). The day the invasion happens, NATO will say, you guys figure it out. The question being, in both situations, what's it to you what alliances I join, dear neighbor, if their function is purely defensive? Stay on your side of the line, be a good neighbor and sleep easy at night.
(Site Administrator)
Whether you join a side & which side you join is up to you Bob
(sounds retarded)
Its not about taking sides littleman, its deciding what is moral. You have decided it is acceptable that innocent people get hurt and killed. You have chosen to be immoral.
(Short Spike)
He is wearing a ukranian uniform
Well done