Bullshit, they are well matured, a delicacy! You just don't understand real chinese cuisine.
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sato (Old Spike)
and whatabout america? people there are starving. besides if the chinese government was that terrible they wouldn't keep winning elections.
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Dude (Old Spike)
It is even worse, the Americans are pedophiles and nazis
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Dude (Old Spike)
Lol they eat the Brussel sprout stem, i am from belgium couple dozen miles next to Brussels and we dont eat that shit, never have i ever known anyone that ate that, that is like eating the leaves of a carrot
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danman (Site Administrator)
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Dude (Old Spike)
yes china is better, the other countries are nazis what do you expect dan?
We are not going to lock our ppl up without food, we do not force tests upon ppl, and we do not separate family's from children, we will not do that at any cost, we expect ppl to be smart enough
anyway the deaths yesterday where zero average deaths over seven days = 16, all old ppl with pre existing resporatory problems, our vaccine worked, can you say the same?
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danman (Site Administrator)
why are you lying about your deaths?
China has 100X your population and is only now exceeding your absolute death rate (by 2X) but it's an anomoly & will soon be back down to zero, most likeley.
Here's the absolute deaths in the 2 countries you seem most concerned about:
here's what it looks like adjusted for population:
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Dude (Old Spike)
I am not concerned about China you are the one trying to shovel shit in our heads, china this china that, if china was so great why do you care if we crack it down.
And if you would have read it is deaths per million we have 2 at a population of 10 million in belgium you come at 20 deaths in the population if you average it, but this week we had 0 numbers to, so the average this week is 16 deaths in one week your graph is even showing it to be so, why 0 because we acctualy count our deaths and take time to get all data in one place and report it to the ppl who make the graph, why call me a liar, your data matches mine.
If you had a finer more defined graph like mine you could have seen it.
And even the line in mine is not going to 0 because the line is just a rough representation, not day to day
Move your mouse cursor over the graph, it shows you in realtime
and by looking at the cumulative total you can see that your little country of 12 million has had about 6X more deaths from covid than china's 1.4 billion, in absolute numbers - 31k v 5k
adjusting for population it's 2700 v 3.5 per million
that's around 800X more covid deaths per capita in Belgium than in China.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Well good to hear that China has it under control... :) They would not dare to lie to look not so bad, right?
- simply not sharing covid information with anyone
-lying about the origins of the virus
-lying about the genocides
-lying about organ harvesting
-lying about their gulags
-lying about child labour
pretty sure they lied about the number of covid cases
Why do they lie, i have a theory that they don't have the logistics going to get an accurate number, so they make up some number that makes em look good and superior.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Yes, please see the video I posted recently on how ALL chinese reported data and statistics is complete BS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d3nrJ18BPc&t=9s&ab_channel=Lei%27sRealTalk
Your average chinese educated person knows this as well. Only the uneducated and ignorant masses believe the propagandist rhetoric. And of course, your average wumao retard like the one you are arguing with here, who takes the chinese reported data as gospel.
"that's around 800X more covid deaths per capita in Belgium than in China." LOZ this is pure entertainment!!
(Old Spike)
Bullshit, they are well matured, a delicacy! You just don't understand real chinese cuisine.
(Old Spike)
and whatabout america? people there are starving. besides if the chinese government was that terrible they wouldn't keep winning elections.
(Old Spike)
It is even worse, the Americans are pedophiles and nazis
(Old Spike)
Lol they eat the Brussel sprout stem, i am from belgium couple dozen miles next to Brussels and we dont eat that shit, never have i ever known anyone that ate that, that is like eating the leaves of a carrot
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
yes china is better, the other countries are nazis what do you expect dan?
We are not going to lock our ppl up without food, we do not force tests upon ppl, and we do not separate family's from children, we will not do that at any cost, we expect ppl to be smart enough
anyway the deaths yesterday where zero average deaths over seven days = 16, all old ppl with pre existing resporatory problems, our vaccine worked, can you say the same?
(Site Administrator)
why are you lying about your deaths?
China has 100X your population and is only now exceeding your absolute death rate (by 2X) but it's an anomoly & will soon be back down to zero, most likeley.
Here's the absolute deaths in the 2 countries you seem most concerned about:
here's what it looks like adjusted for population:
(Old Spike)
I am not concerned about China you are the one trying to shovel shit in our heads, china this china that, if china was so great why do you care if we crack it down.
And if you would have read it is deaths per million we have 2 at a population of 10 million in belgium you come at 20 deaths in the population if you average it, but this week we had 0 numbers to, so the average this week is 16 deaths in one week your graph is even showing it to be so, why 0 because we acctualy count our deaths and take time to get all data in one place and report it to the ppl who make the graph, why call me a liar, your data matches mine.
If you had a finer more defined graph like mine you could have seen it.
And even the line in mine is not going to 0 because the line is just a rough representation, not day to day
Move your mouse cursor over the graph, it shows you in realtime
(Site Administrator)
your graph is not finer, it's more crude & it doesn't have text for death data on most days.
it shows 25 and 16 average daily death rate for the 2 days in the past week where it gave death data.
you hovering your mouse over the days that show zero death toll & thinking this means what you described is just retarded
by eyeballing the data where daily deaths are recorded you can see it's over 16
and by looking at the cumulative total you can see that your little country of 12 million has had about 6X more deaths from covid than china's 1.4 billion, in absolute numbers - 31k v 5k
adjusting for population it's 2700 v 3.5 per million
that's around 800X more covid deaths per capita in Belgium than in China.
(Old Spike)
Well good to hear that China has it under control... :) They would not dare to lie to look not so bad, right?
- simply not sharing covid information with anyone
-lying about the origins of the virus
-lying about the genocides
-lying about organ harvesting
-lying about their gulags
-lying about child labour
pretty sure they lied about the number of covid cases
Why do they lie, i have a theory that they don't have the logistics going to get an accurate number, so they make up some number that makes em look good and superior.
(dumb cunt)
Yes, please see the video I posted recently on how ALL chinese reported data and statistics is complete BS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d3nrJ18BPc&t=9s&ab_channel=Lei%27sRealTalk
Your average chinese educated person knows this as well. Only the uneducated and ignorant masses believe the propagandist rhetoric. And of course, your average wumao retard like the one you are arguing with here, who takes the chinese reported data as gospel.
"that's around 800X more covid deaths per capita in Belgium than in China." LOZ this is pure entertainment!!
(Old Spike)
i remember the urns being dropped off