A recent scientific study that modelled China's covid response showed that if they abandon their covid zero policy 1.55 million people would die within 6 months.
Morality aside, letting over a million die is politically unacceptable - mainstream Chinese would flip if the govt just let the virus spread.
One of the biggest probrems there is resistance to vaccination amongst the elderly. Only around 60% are vaxxed even now. Contrary to what some on here have insisted, there are no vax mandates in China, there was initially some in early 2021 but they pulled the plug on them after a few weeks.
Early this year China's pandemic bigwigs said that only around late 2022 China would be in a position to take a new approach, pending the advancement of treatments & some other factors. The Shanghai fuckup doesn't change this.
(Site Administrator)
(Site Administrator)
Zero covid almost achieved in Shanghai, they aim to have societal restrictions lifted in mid-May
English translation:
[# Shanghai strives to achieve social zero in the middle of this month #] # Shanghai aims to achieve social zero in the middle of this month # at the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai held on the morning of May 13, Wu Qing, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and executive vice mayor of Shanghai, said that Shanghai's current goal is to achieve social zero in the middle of this month. At that time, orderly liberalization, limited flow, effective control and classified management will be implemented. In accordance with the requirements of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, Shanghai will gradually change from the sealed control area, control area and prevention area under the state of emergency disposal to the classified management of high, medium and low-risk areas under the normalization of prevention and control# Follow the microblog video of the new video in COVID-19 \
(Site Administrator)
GOOD NEWS: Shanghai’s total daily COVID cases have fallen to triple digits for the first time since the city was locked down, with 69 symptomatic and 869 asymptomatic cases.
No community cases, for the second day in a row.
(Site Administrator)
15 out of 16 Shanghai districts have achieved zero-covid
(Site Administrator)
Important milestone: all 16 districts have achieved zero new Covid infections outside the quarantine and lockdown populations. The number of residents in lockdown zones is down to 860,000 (out of a population of 26 million). Countless lives saved.
scroll down for clownworld
(dumb cunt)
Wumao retards eating up china's 'totally legit' propaganda statistics be like:
(Old Spike)
No one was saved from these lock downs. This was an excercise in hurting world exports, and showing the other governments how to forcefully control large populations against their will.
The only way to stop a pandemic is to let it burn out.
It's insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
Even if it was 100% effective, this treatment is too cruel and inhumane to be continued.
(Site Administrator)
> No one was saved from these lock downs.
> The only way to stop a pandemic is to let it burn out.
in the description on this post it has a link to a study that predicts 1.55 million people would die within months if they "let it burn out". This isn't something they're willing to let happen.
calling this "inhumane" without having any real uderstanding about what's going on is tarded.
(dumb cunt)
It is very clear to everyone here (but you ironically) that you have no real understanding of how china works. But please, by all means please keep sucking down that chinese propaganda...it is sheer entertainment to watch you try to convert this teeny tiny community to your tarded viewpoints.
(Site Administrator)
argue the facts if you have the balls.
(Old Spike)
The studies are a lie. Governments around the world in various forms are just trying to keep bio medical tyrranny on a defibulator until they can make up a reason to bring everything back full force and put the press to freedom again for more ground.
1 Senetence I will say again and again until everyone sees it for what it is. "A never ending state of emergency, paired with a controlled collapse of civilization while world leaders pose as the saviours the entire time, so that a new world order can built on the ashes."
(Site Administrator)
there may be power grabs going on in some western countries but they don't really apply to China
liberal authoritarianism is a thing, as weird as it sounds. I think we would agree on that.
it's not just governments either, there are private sector shenanigans also at play.
"never let a crisis go to waste" as they say.
the model that says 1.55 million would die within months may be accurate or not but it's quite likely that China's health system would be in the shit if they were to do "live with covid" and there would be a lot of pissed off people because that's not the kind of governance they expect. Letting the elderly just die for the sake of the economy is a recipe for civil unrest there.
(Old Spike)
I think locking people in their homes and digging up their private gardens is a recipe for revolt.
Of course private sector is in on it. They are all working together. Every major nations government claps like seals at the WEF plans for global governence. Nearly everyone Putin included attended Shwab's young global leaders program. They are all infiltrated.
The only "hope" for China not buying in is that XI is pretending to support WEF while really concocting a scheme to destroy it. But I don't put hope in charge.
What is far more likely as I mentioned is China is a blue print and testing ground for how to control large populations.
At the end of this month. Over 100 Nations are expected to attend a conference at Davos to sign treaties that grant WHO absolute centralized power in the case of another Pandemic. Now all they need is another pandemic to seize national sovreingty.
It must be rejected by the individual people of the world at all costs and sacrifices.