Sun, 2022-05-22 20:51 — daftcunt Christopher Hitchens warns about Vladimir Putin Video of Christopher Hitchens warns about Vladimir Putin How about that.... The impatient may skip to 6:10 0 No votes yet
(Site Administrator)
the insanity of his support for Bush's "axis of evil" propaganda is obviously lost on some people
(dumb cunt)
The world is a lesser place without CH in it.
(Old Spike)
He would have had a lot to say against bio medical police states and corperate terms of service against free expression too.
(Site Administrator)
Went to 610 like you said. At this point I need to ask, did GW and Vlad take a sauna together? How did he see the cross around his neck?
(Old Spike)
GW Is a Freemason. So was Sadaam. Putin is Teutonic knights.
All friends.
(Old Spike)
Good question, maybe it was in one of putin's topless fotos bush admired on some internet platform (no homo, of course)....