China’s Last Year


Timmy Tosser's picture

This, well informed, and a good speaker no doubt, but his geopolitical predictions are consistently and historically well off the mark. Example; he famously said on twitter that it was inevitable that Ukraine would fall to russia and that it would happen within weeks. He said this back in March. Also his claims about the american education system being better, that is absolutely absurd.  


He speaks very convincingly and authoritatively so a lot of people lean in when he talks,  but I would take much of what he says with a grain of salt.

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sato's picture

agree, and i get the same thing from pretty much every economist ever. they all suffer from the same cognitive failure of assuming that past trends will continue into the future, failing to recognize that unlike machines and systems, humans are reactive and change their behavior when things around them change. some people will point out about some economist or other that got a bunch of predictions correct, but there are so many of them that by random chance at least a couple will be right pretty regularly.


the american education system is by far better than china's though... curious why you think it isn't?

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danman's picture

China’s schoolkids beat American students in all academic categories

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Yes! Chinese statistics are best statistics! Always 100% true based on good data!


Go back to your troll cave, dickhead...

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

with the amount of edits you made to that comment and the comment you deleted, you deffinately didn't go to school in china

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Sorry, not quite fair to make a blanket statment like that I suppose. First off I believe that the US has the best higher education system in the world. I am a product of it, and even though I am not a US citizen the process for me to acheive a post graduate degree was straightforward and user friendly. The coursework however, was quite demanding and also $$$.


My comment was more in relation to the US public schools system. From primary (elementary) through middle and high school, the quality of education in these learning institutions can vary wildly apparently, with inner city public schools being particularly bad off. Case in point, US students consistently score lower in math and science than students from many other countries. As a result of this there are too few engineers and scientists of all stripes which led the US to start their infamous H1B visa system, pulling in qualifed white collar talent from all over the globe.


On the postive side, the US public school has no national winnowing out of students based on their performance on silly exams. Every student who begins has a right to a free and appropriate education until 18 or 21, Many other countries have exams that determine whether the student will go to college. Some of these are given as early as eighth grade. Americans consider that system inhumane, especially considering that failing the exam often results in student suicides, which unfortunately happens a lot in Asia.

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