Western Volunteer EOD Team In Ukraine

Nakey's picture

Western Volunteer EOD Team In Ukraine (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

A team of Australian, British and American Volunteers have taken it upon themselves to come to

Ukraine and risk life and limb diffusing Unexploded bombs, mines etc..


Swampy is on Instagram as @bring_me_the_swampy

Average: 5 (3 votes)


danman's picture

US dropped 270 million bombs in Laos during their war on Vietnam

around a third didn't explode & 70+ million are still there
they kill around 500 Laotians each year, incl 100+ kids & maime a bunch more

wouldn't it make more sense for them to clean up previous messes they made before flying to ukraine?

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n0val33t's picture
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Clean up is for the winners! 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Or maybe not to plant mines and drop bombs in the first place. 

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n0val33t's picture
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Good man.....good man........ use what time you have to do good shit.


All my love to Swampy and some money! Had to look him up to donate.... im a little buzzed, going to go back and check if i fucked up!


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