Louis CK Movie

daftcunt's picture

Fourth of July Trailer

Got mail from Louis so I though I share it here!


The main character is also a comedian (funny but not Louis funny):  

Average: 5 (1 vote)


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Fourth of July where a middle-aged man goes back home to shit on the (family) porch.  Kinda cringe no?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Probably the trailer does not spoil the end of the movie. In any case, if your family is worth shitting on, why not?


In any case, always remember, like your favourite book of worship it is fiction with a hint of truth (not vice versa).

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Straight for what you thought was the jugular.  You have to admit.. given how much more open and advanced you are, you sure do get butthurt a lot, though.

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sato's picture

yeah thought so too.


looks terrible... "they're drunks, they're assholes" yeah and you're whiny and also an asshole?

where's the comedy?

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Exactly. I'm sorry dad didn't read as many psychology text books as you did. Did he do his best? Was he an improvement on the generation before (as we all hope to be)? Try and forgive any shortcomings if you can, and move on. Certainly the best thing for ya.

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n0val33t's picture
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Does being a helluva comedian just automaticly make you a an actor, not being snarky... seems like it!?

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sato's picture

idk i've seen some really great comedians do some really bad acting. i guess it's the same as with regular people in that if you practice, learn how to be better, and try to be better then you will get better. perhaps being a great comedian gives a good head start though? i guess good comedians have done a lot of work in front of audiences and cameras so they're used to that part, and all that's left is understanding characters and getting into them.

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skeptoid's picture

All three commenting on this post have no buseiness discussing Louis CK at all. None.

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sato's picture

any three people can discuss anything anytime.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

And why would that be?
What does make one qualified to "discuss" Louis CK?
Who in your valued opinion would be qualified to do it?

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