Making Iron From Dirt Pt 1

purgatory's picture

Making Iron From Georgia Dirt Roads!

Making Bloom form material located in Southern Georgia is not the easiest thing but we are going to give it  a go!

Average: 4.8 (16 votes)


RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

I need this skill for possible future survival scenerios. Next election probably.

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eh's picture

Hey! Purgatory, have you seen this? It was great. Secrets of the Shining Knight on PBS. A guy, who you may even know of, built a bloomery, and smelted, etc making midieval armor. It was fascinating. I don't know if you can watch it where you are online on PBS but you should watch if you haven't seen it. Right up your alley.


This is the preview for the show on Youtube:

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sato's picture

is there any benefit to making raw iron rather than melting down scrap?

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lawngnome's picture

Owp, cat fight.   lol 

Looks like nice weather for doing nice weather things, Keep on truckin man!

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