BPD anyone?


theblackswordsman's picture
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I empathize that you struggle, but the world does not revolve around you.


If you are suffering with these feelings on a regular basis perhaps you should talk to a professional.


We can't really help you or determine treatment that may be best for you.


I can't speak for others, but if you would like to take steps to make positive lifestyle changes you have my support.

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daftcunt's picture
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theblackswordsman's picture
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I pressed the "daft is cornered button" again...


I knew your response even as I typed out my suggestion.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

How did you "corner" me? Lame attempts to insult are not "cornering", neither is "making unfounded claims". 


Give me one example I used this on you where it wasn't because you insisted on your conspiracies or similar shit.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"Give me one example I used this on you where it wasn't because you insisted on your conspiracies or similar shit."


You do it every single time I show you a clear pattern of how nearly every humanitarian macro problem is connected and why.


Perhaps that's because to see these problems as I do will make you feel helpless against them, since that means no one is coming to save you, the systems you trust are lies, and that a happy ending is not certain if you don't start thinking about how to help those that are resisting this new system of control. I don't know for sure if that's why you get upset about being shown the patterns, that's an assumption.


This time you reacted in your trademark fashion because I pointed out that perhaps you should talk to somebody.


I can see some of what you accuse here in your own behaviour.


Am I going to play doctor and assume it's BPD? No.


But you are unhappy and ungrateful for what you have. That makes you lash out at people who disagree with you regularly on this site (and elsewhere?)


Instead of blaming everyone for your problems, you should look at what compels you to do that and make your own improvements in the way that works for you to sort that out.


Despite living in bad times, there is still a lot of beautiful things in the world if you take a moment and notice them.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Not enganging in your conspiracy crap and ridiculing you for it is not "having a different opinion", buddy. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Well our opinion is not the same now is it? Which is fine btw. For me at least.


I do think it's funny how you just fire a shot and run away all the time.


None engagement is just a coping tactic when you can't provide a plausible explaination of these patterns, how when you look deep enough all have common threads that run back to the same people.


Even the term conspiracy theory has been misused for decades.


Conspiracies exist, and theories based on said conspiracies are insulated with sound reasoning.


How the CIA implanted that term as quackery into the minds of the masses is fascinating to say the least, especially when that term describes this field of reasearch quite concisely.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I am sorry but your connections are sometimes way off and you don't see it, you have all this information and make some strange connections of it, all or not based on others opinions. You seem to take a path of those you respect.

I am not saying you have any disorder though.

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skeptoid's picture

I much prefer your stories about astral project, being Jesus, and speaking to various key figures of history, throughout history. Tell us another story like that, Dude.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You forget Tesla Newton and Davinci, you don't believe in the after life/reincarnation so why should i bother, you will be unprepared on auto pilot stumbling around empty, while i grow and make decisions when i am inbetween physical form - skeptoid

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skeptoid's picture

I believe in the afterlife and I too dream when I sleep, Dude. I would suggest to you that you have developed a structured belief system that revolves around a point of certainty that you cannot at all justify but is nevertheless sacred to you, and as such it results in you making some pretty comical statements here on the site that severely impact your credibility. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If you had lived my lives you would care not, in the end this is a simulation in a crystal this entire universe is a simulation, made by me and those i created and my friends in the real universe where random realy exists, i could tell you the full story but who listens to his father anymore, just an old man.... right? 

ppl don't know any of this because they are unwilling to accept that their creator lives just like them, among them, they want to see magic tricks, before they believe, you are one of those ppl, can't blame you 25 years ago i would have said the same thing if anyone came to me with a story like that.

I sure as hell won't make a vlog because i like to hear myself talk or i want to be recognized.

So we will end it here.

Even though you can't hold the offspring accountable for the ancestors, the Church had burned, crucified, drowned, hung, electrocuted, me one to many times for saying who i am that i lost all faith in this creation you call humanity.

In the end revenge is mine


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skeptoid's picture

That was perfect. Thank you so much. All members and casual viewers of SpikedNation - read the above comment, and keep it present in your mind every time the Dude tells another Spiked National that they aren't thinking rationally, that they aren't making the connection they think they are making. Then come to your own conclusion.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yes the proof is here you have won, my life is over.... :) never seen you so happy skeppy ... get the fuck out of here, you realy care what other ppl think? how small minded is that?

So lets analize you,

you believe in the after life,

so you believe that consciousness can travel,

but you don't believe in god?

so according to you you always existed? you where never splitted off from god (the first consciousness)?

Why could i not be god?

I am to rudimentary?

god backwards is?


Is this magical enough for you? 

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subroutine's picture
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I believe in the afterlife and I too dream when I sleep, Dude. I would suggest to you that you have developed a structured belief system that revolves around a point of certainty that you cannot at all justify but is nevertheless sacred to you, and as such it results in you making some pretty comical statements here on the site that severely impact your credibility. 

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skeptoid's picture

^ He does things like this without any apparent sense of shame or embarrassment.

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Pdub's picture

Everyone, ever? 

  1. Self harm and self hatred?  Weren't we taught to judge each other as children?  Teasing each other to form a hierarchical structure of the strongest?  The ones who don't care just pick on anyone and everyone.  Say hello to cancel culture?
  2. Difficulty regulating emotions?  We are HUMAN.  Emotions are like a sixth sense and they are important.  Turning them off turns us into robots.  I've paid attention to my senses and they have kept me alive in dangerous situations that I may have not been aware of.  Learning to understand what they are telling you is important, and maybe unique to each person.
  3. Internalized anger?  Do you like being yelled at?  I don't.  Hold it in, sleep on it, channel the energy to something positive the next day.  You'll feel better.
  4. Fear of rejection?  Welcome to real life.  Being Nurtured and receiving encouragement and accpetance is the most healthiest thing you will ever experience.
  5. The relationship part is quite true.  If you have ever been in love, you hold that person above everything and create a very strong attachment.  If they don't feel the same way, it's going to hurt like crazy when you come down off that love, and you will not want to associate with them because it just reminds you of that feeling.  It's also like a dopamine hit, and when it wears off, you just find someone else who can generate that feeling, so you break it off.  
  6. Impulsive decisions.  This comment was an impulsive decision.  Substances abuse?  While they advertise drugs and celebrate the legalization of yet another subtance.  It feels good, that's why they do it.  People will flock to that good feeling if nothing around them gives it to them.  Gambling and spending is amazing.  When you win or get that new thing, it feels good damnit.   Skipping obligations?  Feels so good being free.  Fucking with no condoms?  Hell fucking yeah.  Who doesn't love hot wet tight pussy?  Binge eating?  Good food makes you feel good even if the food isn't good for you.  Reckless driving gives us a nice rush.
  7. Disassociation?  She didn't even spell it right.  Reality bites.  Our fantasy world is way better than the real one.  Look where we are right now?  On a website, unproductive, consuming content so that we can feel content.  I often disappear into my mind when I am tired and need to go to dream world, or am uninterested in what is happening right in front of me.  I think it's the brains coping mechanism of dealing with the mundane repetitive tasks that are required of us.  Maybe we get bored, so our brain senses it is being eaten and it stirs up a mental cauldron of thought soup to sip on.

All these nazi's are just trying to label anything they can about you as a flaw so they can get you to feel bad until you submit to them so they can control you.  

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