Money disappears from Chinese banks


danman's picture

depends whether the deposits were legal or not

if they were legal & the banks don't honour the deposits, they'll get it back thru state insurance

if they got completely scammed they might be shit outa luck but whoever was behind it is in serious shit & may end up being deleted


repost btw, stoopid weeb


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If you don't watch a video, don't comment on it, the money was stolen and he went to live in America

And the 100 year old woman in the chair being carried to the bank, was making illegal funds?


You are the only clown here and so is this guy look at this hair he looks like a chinese bozo

Mao Zedong in 1959 (cropped).jpg

even got a wart from poor hygiene, typical chinese hobo the clown

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danman's picture

the video is for gullible morons, made by falun gong

you should contact their branch in your area, you'd fit right in.

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sato's picture

lol that was great. the ad-hominem reply seems to be a nod to that effect too.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

To answer your question: In the developed world you go to a consumer help organisation or worst case get a lawyer and they will get your money back for you, in russia or china you put up with it.

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sato's picture

i don't think it'd be that easy because the bank would've deleted all evidence that'd you'd made any deposits in the first place. you'd have to have paper reciepts and be able to prove somehow that they weren't fake, meanwhile the bank would have a whole legal team saying you never had the money in your account and would have records to back up those claims.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now western banks, despite trying to "scam" money from their (poorer) clients, are heavily regulated. What you describe is extremely unlikely here.

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danman's picture

you're in Spain, right?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Mot even apples and pares:
"Spaniards who lost money on bonds...." 


They were simply greedy, probably lured into the saving scheme by a (greedy for their commission or confident in the product) banker. Even conservative bonds lost out in that time.


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danman's picture

"Many customers now say they were swindled, that branch bankers assured them that the complex securities were just as safe as deposits."


apples & apples.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Nope, an incompetent bank manager is no comparison.

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danman's picture

if it was simply an incompetent bank manager it would be easy to get their money back

it's a "heavily regulated" banking system after all, right?


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You don't understand how saving bonds work? Educate yourself before babbling stupid shit.The client makes a conscious decision and signs a contract. They are informed that they may gain or lose money (they are being shown nice little graphs of how the bond developed in the past). If a banker broke tha law by not disclosing this to their customer they of course will be held liable and the client will receive  a refund. 


When I signed up for a 200k€ investment scheme I had to fill in a questionnaire aboutthe risk level I wanted the investment to be and was inforemed about the risks from my bank manager. 


Some may have more emphasised on the benefits, however, this is not banks stealing monery off clients, they actually want the clients to succeed.

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danman's picture

"Regulators looked the other way, and the banks took full advantage," says Francisco López Lubián, a finance professor at the Instituto de Empresa business school. "The average Spaniard who entrusted his savings with his banker was swindled."


"Many customers now say they were swindled, that branch bankers assured them that the complex securities were just as safe as deposits."


I suggest you read before making a fool of yourself.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So suddenly, when you hear what you want to hear you trust the western press, lol. 


If whhat happened to these people were against a law they could sue. They didn't, they prefered (had to as there was no other option) to complain. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Their money was technicaly not stolen just locked in the bond, it is as good as the stock market, you can win or lose although a bond gives you more assurance it is not without risk.

They should have known that before they invested.

And the bank it self has nothing to do with it, none made money off of this.

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danman's picture

the guy who uploaded this same (Falun Gong propaganda) video, titling it  "China Steals 6 Billion in Savings" now wants to dig into the nuances of the case where the same thing happened in Spain, assuruing us "none made money off this". LOL.


There's a chance the PRC govt could bail these people out yet. Unlike the case in Spain where the EU decided those poeple were on their own. It's still under investigation.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

They are on their own because you need to know before you buy in.

In a way this is similar, but the ppl in china were ripped off without warning of risk when they opened the account.


And did you not just say that the funds in china may have been illegal? or they were scammed:) 

-your words 

''depends whether the deposits were legal or not

if they were legal & the banks don't honour the deposits

, they'll get it back thru state insurance

if they got completely scammed they might be shit outa luck but whoever was behind it is in serious shit & may end up being deleted''


how are these 2 cases similar?

-Bonds where you know the risk

-Or just being scammed 

-or your money taken because you made it illegaly


He did take the money and run in china,

and bonds have a calculated risk attached to it.

How are these similar?


Talking about propaganda, lots of chinese finger pointing and yelling i hear from you.


We like Falun Gong more then we like you btw

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danman's picture

it'd save a lot of time if you stopped pretending you're not a moron

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Sure you think almost all ppl are morons, typical narcissist 

You are right at almost any cost and all other ppl are wrong

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skeptoid's picture

Well, you ask yourself how such a thing could be even considered, and implemented in any way whatsoever, in your own Country of Canada. Then you realize it's already happened, and it will happen again as long as we have a prime minister who admires the CCP.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

stealing is just part of chinese culture. check out the details for working for a chinese company

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