Chick gets plowed by an invisible spirit with Ron Silver playing a doctor who doesn't believe her.
She goes back home where the entity flips her over to go in for some sloppy seconds.
Pretty cool film, man.
Check it out.
(1 vote)
Chick gets plowed by an invisible spirit with Ron Silver playing a doctor who doesn't believe her.
She goes back home where the entity flips her over to go in for some sloppy seconds.
Pretty cool film, man.
Check it out.
(Old Spike)
The end titty?
Did you see the movie ?
Because, yes.
The tits @ the end...
(Site Administrator)
wait, there's tits? oh i'm watching this after i duck out real quick for some beer.
wait, we doing movies? i got one!
(Site Moderator)
What are odds. My kids have been binging on horror movies the past week and I was giving them some boomer recomendations. I remembered this one and was like "Yeah you really should watch this, really scared me when I was a kid" Then I remembered the rape scence and was like "Yeah nah, it's not really that good, lets watch Poltergeist"
(Old Spike)
Give them this. I wasn't here, You did not hear this from me.