You want to use the phrase "back to" - LOL. If your perception of the world and yourself is so warped that you see children as commodities that are convenient for you to support only when it's convenient, we need to create a time machine so you can go to that place and be happy. You won't be happy here after this ruling. I will. Maybe you should move to another regional location? I'm about to do the same myself - an entire different country if you can believe that.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Why should I move? Even if the same rules would apply in my country it would not affect me or my wife personally, my wife would probably insist on staying to fight this shit anyway.
Just a warning: moving country because you failed at making a decent living in your home country is very likely to end in personal desaster, even if there is no language barrier. So unless you have a contract with your employer and they send you there for temporary work I would not recommend this for you.
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Benign Individual (Old Spike)
Your wife is a badass.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Stunning and brave.
Time to smoke out gay adoption priviledges next.
Vote comment up/down
daftcunt (Old Spike)
and of course send the gays to hetero school, right.....
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If you mean keep gay pedophile agendas and indenitarian politics out of schools. Then yes 100%.
If being "born gay" is a legitimate science, then you will figure it out without school.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Is that why you left Germany? Because you failed at making a decent living in your home country?
Vote comment up/down
daftcunt (Old Spike)
No, in the mid 90ies I actually was offered a position expanding the business of the company I worked for in the UK.
This was perfect timing as my then girlfriend could not find a job in Germany. It also was a safe option as my assignment was initially for 3 years (I had a guarantee that I could come back to my company in Germany after this period), in the end we decided to stay because my wife had her own successful career and I broke ties with my original company. We bought a house and stayed for 10 years.
2005 we decided to quit the rat race and move to spain because then we were in a position to "semi retire".
I believe I mentioned this quite a few times on here....
Vote comment up/down
skeptoid (Old Spike)
First time I've ever heard it mentioned here. Is this your standard story?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Well you should pey better attention then. This is what happened. Whether you want to believe this or not makes no difference to me.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
"back to medival times, yay!"
You mean when laws were placed in the hands of a few appointed capricious despots instead of decentralized elected legislature?
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Same difference, 2/3 of the american population oppose this change, nobody gives a fuck.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Not same difference. Polar opposites.
Most of the baby killers want the metropolis life. Surprise, surprise, the mega cities still have state level legal abortion.
Companies operating in republican states are even offering travel expenses to fly individuals out of state for the procedure so they don't have to pay maternity leave.
Everyone gets what they want.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
It doesn't matter, a democratic country should (within reason) adhere to the wishes of the people. US supreme court is literally "a few appointed capricious despots" as they are in it "for life", this is rdiculous.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Their only task is to interpet what is constitutionally protected. Meaning all states must adhere to.
And yes, that also means every state disobeying constitutional carry, prohibition laws, and allowing private companies to operating in the U.S. to govern speech are committing crimes.
All legislature and laws are made by the states themselves.
SCOTUS makes zero laws.
You want to have it constitutionally recognized. Simple. Get 2/3 of the states to agree to a constitutional amendment.
What an amendement can and cannot do.
It cannot remove or override a previous existing amendment.
It can add a new one. It can expand an existing one to add more rights to the individual.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Here it took away the rights of a person over decision over their own body against the will of the the majority of the population based on the wishes of some religious nutters.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Roe V Wade was legally untenable in a constitutional manner. This has been known for decades across both sides of the aisle.
Abortion is not a right, in fact it is a violation of common law because you kill the child.
The states where the majority of the population demand it have it available.
The states where the majority are against it do not.
California does not have the rights to make legal decisions over Arkansas, that's how it works.
It's not really about my body my choice. That went out the window with vaccine mandates and masking mandates.
It's about lazy solutions to common sense problems.
Now... Apparently some states want to ban contraception. That is something I disagree with.
Just as abortion has gone too far as becoming too common and allowed right up to birth, including up to 7 days after Birth in Maryland. The opposite swing of banning contraception has gone too far as well.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
" kill the child"
No ya don't!
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Yes you do.
Candy coating that is absolutely essential to abortion supporters and baby killers to dehumanize that child and treat it like some bodily waste or parasite.
Without that leg to stand on you could never live with yourself.
The science is not settled on where life begins by a long shot, and if there is even a remote possibility that life begins at conception it must be ethically treated as such.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Nope, implying that a fetus is already a child and that (independant) "life begins" at conception is the idiotic argumentation of religious nutcases.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If life is not (Independent) Then that is all the more accountability the mother has for murdering a child.
Legally a life is not independent until the age of 18.
Calling a child a fetus in this regard specifically is just a tool to dehumanize and compartmentalize murder.
Is it still "just" a fetus 5 minutes before birth? How about 7 days after birth?
Less than 3% of abortions are for medical purposes. That means 97% are just to fix immense screw ups despite all kinds of measures available to prevent that before that point.
A child is worth less than the laziness and selfishness of the parent. How abhorrent.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"Calling a child a fetus in this regard specifically is just a tool to dehumanize and compartmentalize murder."
Nope, it is the correct word for it.
"Less than 3% of abortions are for medical purposes."
Even if this is the case, it doesn't matter.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It sure does.
Murder is murder.
Upon fertilization the zygote develops a DNA chain distinct from both parents.
22 days after fertilization a heart beat starts and organs begin development.
That is a separate life.
Killing the child is murder. Having an abortion makes you a baby killer.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
How often do I have to repeat to you: NOT your body, NOT your decision! Now fuck off, religious nutcase.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You can repeat it until you pass out for all I care.
I am right in this matter and you are wrong.
You can either accept that like a mature adult and move on. Or join the masses of baby killing goofs who are just looking for an excuse to vent their impotent rage on society.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Nope you are not. You, like many of the religious nutters, want to be in control over women as you want to be in control over gay (or LGBT in general) rights or more likely eradicat them as it says in your holy books. There is no discussing this shit with you.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
There is no such thing as gay rights. They have the same rights as everyone else.
I have no desire to control any individual man or woman as long as they don't hurt anyone else. When that does happen, That's what we are supposed to have a court system for.
I don't believe in hurting or persecuting any group.
However pedophiles will not hide behind any special privilege or tolerance in my sight, whether it be in drag queen story hour or the church.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"I don't believe in hurting or persecuting any group."
Just the other day you said you want to abort (pardon the pun) gay couples adoption privileges, you know lying is a sin, right.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Children are just tools to them. You would be a fool not see it.
That's not just a gay problem either, there are a lot of people unfit to foster.
Just as there are a lot of excellent parents turned down the opportunity to adopt.
A completely messed up system.
The reason gay couples want children is either to molest them, or brainwash them to be rad lib ideologues just like themselves.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
You should adopt a few kids then.
I'm sure there a plenty of pregnant teens or crack addicts around who want to do an abortion because they aren't ready (financially or mentally) to take care of a baby. Hell, It's not easy even if you are a grown adult with the money to do it.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You're right. It's not easy. The right thing is never the easy thing.
That's a part of my point.
Taking the easy way out all the time has immense consequences for the self, for others, for communities, and society.
I'm currently making arrangements to acquire property, and I might adopt a few kids along with having my own.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"You're right. It's not easy. The right thing is never the easy thing.
That's a part of my point.
Taking the easy way out all the time has immense consequences for the self, for others, for communities, and society.."
Fancy ideals but that doesn't really address the problem. Unfit / unwilling / ill-equipped parents will still be what they are.
The question really is what creates more suffering, an abortion or a kid that is brough up by parent that don't have the means to be parents.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
There are multitudes of children raised by unfit parents that grew up to be amazing people and contribute a lot to the world.
No one has the right to judge that the child doesn't deserve a chance.
Abortion doesn't fix the root problems of society that made these people unfit to be parents to begin with.
In fact, it robs many souls of an important opportunity to turn their lives around, and also provides an easy way out that keeps these societal problems festering and growing worse.
100 years ago most of the issues you speak of were such a minority they were almost non existent.
Many people also become better human beings once a child is on the way.
What this is really about is depopulation.
Like many of our more disgusting rituals.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"Abortion doesn't fix the root problems of society that made these people unfit to be parents to begin with."
The root problem is horny people and you cant really fix that. Accidents will always happen.
Again you pull your fancy ideals but no real solution. Id be fine if anti abortion folks actually took some responsibility and adopted said babys that the parents cant or dont want to take care of. But the reality is they just want their way and dont really care how the child lives.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
The root problems of society is degradation of dollar value increasing poverty and forcing longer working hours.
Deterioration of family and community values which ruins societal cohesion.
Purposelessness which perpetuates mental illness and addiction.
These are the primary causes that make it difficult to be a good parent, alleviate these instead of pushing people to murder their children.
Shortcuts lead to dead ends.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
There are plenty of unwanted pregnancies that don't have anything to do with the "wrongs of society". For example teen pregnancy. They simply aren't mentally or financially ready for parenthood. What are you going to do about them? Make the teens mature faster so they wont be shitty parent?
I don't like the idea of abortions, don't think anyone does, but I respect their choice and I can understand that in some circumstances it might be the better choice.
It's not my business to decide what they do with their body. And yes, as long as the fetus lives inside the woman and is supported by the mother's body it is part of their body.
And as I've said now 2 times. You have fancy ideal but nothing comes out when I ask what do you do with the unwanted pregnancies.
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Prevention, Adoption, if those two are unacceptable then you work harder and raise that child.
The other solutions I have proposed reduce drug addiction, and create more supportive families and communities that are better equipped to raise children.
When people have to live with their decisions, it encourages others that witness to make better choices not to end up in that situation such as choosing better and more supportive partners, actually using the birth control, and better practices of abstinence when those criteria are not met.
This only became a rampant problem when abortion was legalized.
In Islam abortion is prohibited unless the mother is in physical danger.
They have immensely strong communities and family units that allows them to care for children.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"When people have to live with their decisions, it encourages others that witness to make better choices not to end up in that situation such as choosing better and more supportive partners, actually using the birth control, and better practices of abstinence when those criteria are not met."
Basically, this is what we try to do with drugs. Not saying it's useless but kids are stupid. Well, they aren't stupid, just not mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions. A horny teen that's about to get pussy, all that education goes out the window.
Sure if we had strong supportive families in the west that took care of a baby when needed maybe abortions would become a thing of the past. Currently, we aren't at that stage. It would fix a lot of problems in society. I think unwanted pregnancies are the least of our problems.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, incels usually don't qualify.....
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I guess Iv'e let that one go on long enough, as I have found it amusing to hold a few things back from you from time to time for my own amusement.
I have a girlfriend, but thanks for caring :)
And one more thing, in case you haven't figured it out by now. We are coming for every change you have made in the last 50 years.
We are tearing out all of it, You can cry, you scream, you can beg, you can even fight if you want. But liberalism is going the way of the dinosaur, and you are going to do most of the work for humanity.
The lazy are going to perish when times get tough.
The unstable will perish from their own passions.
The addicts will die from their own habits.
And the do nothings will perish because they have no useful skills.
And let's not forget the Jim Jones juice. Oh pardon me. Adult Sudden Death syndrome or whatever they call it.
The way out is through Christ. He can forgive, he can heal, he can help you see.
No doctor can help you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So, here we go back to my first comment on this shitshow:
"back to medival times, yay! "
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
That's all your own fault.
Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians have warned you for decades that the policies you have endorsed would lead to your degradation and undoing. And here we are.
People are mad that they can't kill babies in some states, yet silent on food and energy prices spiraling out of control. Ironic but not surprising.
We will rebuild civilization once again after you. As we always have.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Vote comment up/down
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
People are mad that they can't kill babies in some states, yet silent on food and energy prices spiraling out of control.
Wasting your energy on the wrong things. Hook, line, and sink.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
When he posts this just accept it as an admission of rational failure on this issue.
(Old Spike)
back to medival times, yay!
(Old Spike)
You want to use the phrase "back to" - LOL. If your perception of the world and yourself is so warped that you see children as commodities that are convenient for you to support only when it's convenient, we need to create a time machine so you can go to that place and be happy. You won't be happy here after this ruling. I will. Maybe you should move to another regional location? I'm about to do the same myself - an entire different country if you can believe that.
(Old Spike)
Why should I move? Even if the same rules would apply in my country it would not affect me or my wife personally, my wife would probably insist on staying to fight this shit anyway.
Just a warning: moving country because you failed at making a decent living in your home country is very likely to end in personal desaster, even if there is no language barrier. So unless you have a contract with your employer and they send you there for temporary work I would not recommend this for you.
(Old Spike)
Your wife is a badass.
(Old Spike)
Stunning and brave.
Time to smoke out gay adoption priviledges next.
(Old Spike)
and of course send the gays to hetero school, right.....
(Old Spike)
If you mean keep gay pedophile agendas and indenitarian politics out of schools. Then yes 100%.
If being "born gay" is a legitimate science, then you will figure it out without school.
(Old Spike)
Is that why you left Germany? Because you failed at making a decent living in your home country?
(Old Spike)
No, in the mid 90ies I actually was offered a position expanding the business of the company I worked for in the UK.
This was perfect timing as my then girlfriend could not find a job in Germany. It also was a safe option as my assignment was initially for 3 years (I had a guarantee that I could come back to my company in Germany after this period), in the end we decided to stay because my wife had her own successful career and I broke ties with my original company. We bought a house and stayed for 10 years.
2005 we decided to quit the rat race and move to spain because then we were in a position to "semi retire".
I believe I mentioned this quite a few times on here....
(Old Spike)
First time I've ever heard it mentioned here. Is this your standard story?
(Old Spike)
Well you should pey better attention then. This is what happened. Whether you want to believe this or not makes no difference to me.
(Old Spike)
"back to medival times, yay!"
You mean when laws were placed in the hands of a few appointed capricious despots instead of decentralized elected legislature?
(Old Spike)
Same difference, 2/3 of the american population oppose this change, nobody gives a fuck.
(Old Spike)
Not same difference. Polar opposites.
Most of the baby killers want the metropolis life. Surprise, surprise, the mega cities still have state level legal abortion.
Companies operating in republican states are even offering travel expenses to fly individuals out of state for the procedure so they don't have to pay maternity leave.
Everyone gets what they want.
(Old Spike)
It doesn't matter, a democratic country should (within reason) adhere to the wishes of the people. US supreme court is literally "a few appointed capricious despots" as they are in it "for life", this is rdiculous.
(Old Spike)
Their only task is to interpet what is constitutionally protected. Meaning all states must adhere to.
And yes, that also means every state disobeying constitutional carry, prohibition laws, and allowing private companies to operating in the U.S. to govern speech are committing crimes.
All legislature and laws are made by the states themselves.
SCOTUS makes zero laws.
You want to have it constitutionally recognized. Simple. Get 2/3 of the states to agree to a constitutional amendment.
What an amendement can and cannot do.
It cannot remove or override a previous existing amendment.
It can add a new one. It can expand an existing one to add more rights to the individual.
(Old Spike)
Here it took away the rights of a person over decision over their own body against the will of the the majority of the population based on the wishes of some religious nutters.
(Old Spike)
Roe V Wade was legally untenable in a constitutional manner. This has been known for decades across both sides of the aisle.
Abortion is not a right, in fact it is a violation of common law because you kill the child.
The states where the majority of the population demand it have it available.
The states where the majority are against it do not.
California does not have the rights to make legal decisions over Arkansas, that's how it works.
It's not really about my body my choice. That went out the window with vaccine mandates and masking mandates.
It's about lazy solutions to common sense problems.
Now... Apparently some states want to ban contraception. That is something I disagree with.
Just as abortion has gone too far as becoming too common and allowed right up to birth, including up to 7 days after Birth in Maryland. The opposite swing of banning contraception has gone too far as well.
(Old Spike)
" kill the child"
No ya don't!
(Old Spike)
Yes you do.
Candy coating that is absolutely essential to abortion supporters and baby killers to dehumanize that child and treat it like some bodily waste or parasite.
Without that leg to stand on you could never live with yourself.
The science is not settled on where life begins by a long shot, and if there is even a remote possibility that life begins at conception it must be ethically treated as such.
(Old Spike)
Nope, implying that a fetus is already a child and that (independant) "life begins" at conception is the idiotic argumentation of religious nutcases.
(Old Spike)
If life is not (Independent) Then that is all the more accountability the mother has for murdering a child.
Legally a life is not independent until the age of 18.
Calling a child a fetus in this regard specifically is just a tool to dehumanize and compartmentalize murder.
Is it still "just" a fetus 5 minutes before birth? How about 7 days after birth?
Less than 3% of abortions are for medical purposes. That means 97% are just to fix immense screw ups despite all kinds of measures available to prevent that before that point.
A child is worth less than the laziness and selfishness of the parent. How abhorrent.
(Old Spike)
"Calling a child a fetus in this regard specifically is just a tool to dehumanize and compartmentalize murder."
Nope, it is the correct word for it.
"Less than 3% of abortions are for medical purposes."
Even if this is the case, it doesn't matter.
(Old Spike)
It sure does.
Murder is murder.
Upon fertilization the zygote develops a DNA chain distinct from both parents.
22 days after fertilization a heart beat starts and organs begin development.
That is a separate life.
Killing the child is murder. Having an abortion makes you a baby killer.
(Old Spike)
How often do I have to repeat to you: NOT your body, NOT your decision! Now fuck off, religious nutcase.
(Old Spike)
You can repeat it until you pass out for all I care.
I am right in this matter and you are wrong.
You can either accept that like a mature adult and move on. Or join the masses of baby killing goofs who are just looking for an excuse to vent their impotent rage on society.
(Old Spike)
Nope you are not. You, like many of the religious nutters, want to be in control over women as you want to be in control over gay (or LGBT in general) rights or more likely eradicat them as it says in your holy books. There is no discussing this shit with you.
(Old Spike)
There is no such thing as gay rights. They have the same rights as everyone else.
I have no desire to control any individual man or woman as long as they don't hurt anyone else. When that does happen, That's what we are supposed to have a court system for.
I don't believe in hurting or persecuting any group.
However pedophiles will not hide behind any special privilege or tolerance in my sight, whether it be in drag queen story hour or the church.
(Old Spike)
"I don't believe in hurting or persecuting any group."
Just the other day you said you want to abort (pardon the pun) gay couples adoption privileges, you know lying is a sin, right.....
(Old Spike)
Children are just tools to them. You would be a fool not see it.
That's not just a gay problem either, there are a lot of people unfit to foster.
Just as there are a lot of excellent parents turned down the opportunity to adopt.
A completely messed up system.
The reason gay couples want children is either to molest them, or brainwash them to be rad lib ideologues just like themselves.
(Site Moderator)
You should adopt a few kids then.
I'm sure there a plenty of pregnant teens or crack addicts around who want to do an abortion because they aren't ready (financially or mentally) to take care of a baby. Hell, It's not easy even if you are a grown adult with the money to do it.
(Old Spike)
You're right. It's not easy. The right thing is never the easy thing.
That's a part of my point.
Taking the easy way out all the time has immense consequences for the self, for others, for communities, and society.
I'm currently making arrangements to acquire property, and I might adopt a few kids along with having my own.
(Site Moderator)
"You're right. It's not easy. The right thing is never the easy thing.
That's a part of my point.
Taking the easy way out all the time has immense consequences for the self, for others, for communities, and society.."
Fancy ideals but that doesn't really address the problem. Unfit / unwilling / ill-equipped parents will still be what they are.
The question really is what creates more suffering, an abortion or a kid that is brough up by parent that don't have the means to be parents.
(Old Spike)
There are multitudes of children raised by unfit parents that grew up to be amazing people and contribute a lot to the world.
No one has the right to judge that the child doesn't deserve a chance.
Abortion doesn't fix the root problems of society that made these people unfit to be parents to begin with.
In fact, it robs many souls of an important opportunity to turn their lives around, and also provides an easy way out that keeps these societal problems festering and growing worse.
100 years ago most of the issues you speak of were such a minority they were almost non existent.
Many people also become better human beings once a child is on the way.
What this is really about is depopulation.
Like many of our more disgusting rituals.
(Site Moderator)
"Abortion doesn't fix the root problems of society that made these people unfit to be parents to begin with."
The root problem is horny people and you cant really fix that. Accidents will always happen.
Again you pull your fancy ideals but no real solution. Id be fine if anti abortion folks actually took some responsibility and adopted said babys that the parents cant or dont want to take care of. But the reality is they just want their way and dont really care how the child lives.
(Old Spike)
The root problems of society is degradation of dollar value increasing poverty and forcing longer working hours.
Deterioration of family and community values which ruins societal cohesion.
Purposelessness which perpetuates mental illness and addiction.
These are the primary causes that make it difficult to be a good parent, alleviate these instead of pushing people to murder their children.
Shortcuts lead to dead ends.
(Site Moderator)
There are plenty of unwanted pregnancies that don't have anything to do with the "wrongs of society". For example teen pregnancy. They simply aren't mentally or financially ready for parenthood. What are you going to do about them? Make the teens mature faster so they wont be shitty parent?
I don't like the idea of abortions, don't think anyone does, but I respect their choice and I can understand that in some circumstances it might be the better choice.
It's not my business to decide what they do with their body. And yes, as long as the fetus lives inside the woman and is supported by the mother's body it is part of their body.
And as I've said now 2 times. You have fancy ideal but nothing comes out when I ask what do you do with the unwanted pregnancies.
(Old Spike)
Prevention, Adoption, if those two are unacceptable then you work harder and raise that child.
The other solutions I have proposed reduce drug addiction, and create more supportive families and communities that are better equipped to raise children.
When people have to live with their decisions, it encourages others that witness to make better choices not to end up in that situation such as choosing better and more supportive partners, actually using the birth control, and better practices of abstinence when those criteria are not met.
This only became a rampant problem when abortion was legalized.
In Islam abortion is prohibited unless the mother is in physical danger.
They have immensely strong communities and family units that allows them to care for children.
(Site Moderator)
"When people have to live with their decisions, it encourages others that witness to make better choices not to end up in that situation such as choosing better and more supportive partners, actually using the birth control, and better practices of abstinence when those criteria are not met."
Basically, this is what we try to do with drugs. Not saying it's useless but kids are stupid. Well, they aren't stupid, just not mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions. A horny teen that's about to get pussy, all that education goes out the window.
Sure if we had strong supportive families in the west that took care of a baby when needed maybe abortions would become a thing of the past. Currently, we aren't at that stage. It would fix a lot of problems in society. I think unwanted pregnancies are the least of our problems.
(Old Spike)
lol, incels usually don't qualify.....
(Old Spike)
I guess Iv'e let that one go on long enough, as I have found it amusing to hold a few things back from you from time to time for my own amusement.
I have a girlfriend, but thanks for caring :)
And one more thing, in case you haven't figured it out by now. We are coming for every change you have made in the last 50 years.
We are tearing out all of it, You can cry, you scream, you can beg, you can even fight if you want. But liberalism is going the way of the dinosaur, and you are going to do most of the work for humanity.
The lazy are going to perish when times get tough.
The unstable will perish from their own passions.
The addicts will die from their own habits.
And the do nothings will perish because they have no useful skills.
And let's not forget the Jim Jones juice. Oh pardon me. Adult Sudden Death syndrome or whatever they call it.
The way out is through Christ. He can forgive, he can heal, he can help you see.
No doctor can help you.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
That's all your own fault.
Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians have warned you for decades that the policies you have endorsed would lead to your degradation and undoing. And here we are.
People are mad that they can't kill babies in some states, yet silent on food and energy prices spiraling out of control. Ironic but not surprising.
We will rebuild civilization once again after you. As we always have.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
People are mad that they can't kill babies in some states, yet silent on food and energy prices spiraling out of control.
Wasting your energy on the wrong things. Hook, line, and sink.
(Old Spike)
When he posts this just accept it as an admission of rational failure on this issue.