Hi, woke moralists! In today’s episode, we take a look at Jordan Peterson through the lens of Jungian archetypes – just as he would want – and explore some of his other ideas about climate change, gender, marriage, hierarchies, and lobsters
its 3 hours long video on some of the dumb shit he's said over the years. pop an oxy and enjoy
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
2 minutes in is the typical red herring approach when asking the "right questions" fucking hillarious. and the followers of the prophet say, YEAH what HE says, not realising that it is complete bullshit in the first place.
shapìro uses the same tactics.
can't wait for the butthurts.......
(Old Spike)
there's just so many logical fallacies right off the bat this is a pointless watch. the "smart guy" label is stupid just as it's stupid with most people. he's very learned about psychology and related disciplines, but that doesn't mean he's smart in general and everything he says is worth heeding. it's pointless to listen to what he has to say on climate science just as it's pointless to use the ignorant things he says about climate science as if that detracts from anything else he says.
if you're dissecting people rather than the individual ideas they put forward and claims they make, you're doing it wrong.
(Old Spike)
lol, although he makes personal remarks (like "he is weird") but mainly he sticks to dismantling the bullshit. I know this must be hard for the fanboys....
(Site Administrator)
Exactly what Sato said. You don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Peterson's insights when staying in his lane are a good read or watch. 12 rules was brilliant and helped many people. But it does seem like he's done trying to make peace between various ideas.. or even factions and is now more aggressive in getting his point or belief across.
@Sal. No one is going to watch 3 hours. Any particular segments you care to provide links or timestamps for?
(Old Spike)
Oh, I watched it. You should too. So should the fanboys.
When during an interview he actually had to think for quite a while about whether or no he considers himself a "prophet" (no1 fanboy on here definitely does) had me in stiches.
I wouldn't agree to everything the guy says but he has quite a few VERY valid points. I understand that it must look like discrediting the person if the person has so many flawed hypothesis, espècially to the fanboys, I guess.
(Site Administrator)
I jumped ahead in spurts cause this guy lost credibility with me when he glossed over Peterson's academic credentials which include an ivy-league PhD at McGill, leaving out that he is quite well published in serialized peer-reviewed journals and deliberately misleading the layperson about the fact that, depending on your credentials ie. graduate-level, you too can become an evolutionary biologist or whatever when you perform research in a specific area. You don't give your diploma back so they can add a tag line. Then I landed at the 48mins mark (I'm on my phone so kindly drag the toggle there if you're curious).
My my. It only takes 2mins for this presenter's inner commie sentiment to bubble to the surface. I mean, threatened much? Maybe crack a history book and show him that every time somebody came around promising equality for the poor..the poor all starved. Like the beard though. Not sure if he's going for young Trotsky or Stalin.
(Old Spike)
Oh dear, the presenter did by no means dismiss his degree, just called him out on not being a neuro scientist and neither being an evlotionary biologist (is that the correct term?), as well as on lying about being on that UN panel on climate change, or, for those that want to sweet talk this for their fanboy comfort, as a minimum hugely exaggerating his input.
(Site Administrator)
But he is a neuroscientist and an evolutionary biologist as I point out above. Go to PubMed and see his list of publications if you need to. Just saying young Stalin above is clearly upset cause he feels top-down hierarchies are unnatural, but even as kids we'll establish them in the schoolyard and I'm thinking beard-face may have been the last one picked for sports is all.
(Old Spike)
Born and raised in Alberta, Peterson obtained bachelor's degrees in political science and psychology from the University of Alberta and a PhD in clinical psychology from McGill University.
According to the PubMed site he co-authored studies which have to do with neuro science, maybe also with evolutionary biology, I don't know the details, but my best guess is he contributed from his particular field of expertise (psychology), anything more would have created quite some turmoil. This is quite normal as sciences of course overlap but does not make him a "neuro scientist" or an "evolutionary biologist", having a PhD (or at least some sort of university degree) in neuro science or evolutionary biology would.
His bragging comments about it are similar to those about his involvement in the UN climate panel, nothing more, nothing less and make him untrustworthy in any field other than psychology (and there I would take him with a pinch of salt as he has very strong political and religious agendas). Just listen to his weird babble on climate change.
I understand how he can reel people in, though, he is a very good presenter and his reasoning is beautifully forged to appeal to his main demographic of young to middle aged, right to far right, predominantly white, christian males, i.e. the "victims of wokism".
(Site Administrator)
'This is quite normal as sciences of course overlap but does not make him a "neuro scientist" or an "evolutionary biologist", having a PhD (or at least some sort of university degree) in neuro science or evolutionary biology would.'
Cool, cool. But, you're wrong though. Folks competently study multiple disciplines all the time, and in academic circles are openly referred to by their peers by the various disciplines studied. eg. daftcunt the animal husbandry expert or daftcunt the irritating twat. Lols.
I think most of the civilized world are victims of wokeism at the moment. Even those perpetrating it. Fortunately that pendulum seems to finally have started swinging the other way. (Kudos to the new Warner CEO by the way).
(Old Spike)
Maybe if the fields are closely related, but I doubt that. Maybe you could provide a link of some sort to back up your claim?
Why doesn't it say on the wiki page that he is some sort of expert in other fields due to his extensive research?
I also find it funny that whenever you run out of arguments you resort to profanities. Hillarious.
(Site Administrator)
I didn't run out of arguments, you simply chose to ignore my first one. [And seriously, dude, your username has 'c@nt' in it. Now's not the time to become sensitive cause I used your middle name].
Sorry, all I have is anecdotal evidence; having lived the life at one point, rubbing leather-stitched elbows with reseaarchers earlier on, during my academic and early carreer. Peterson is just using common parlance for that circle, where they do recognize inter-disciplinary work by referring to eachother in this way. It might be they're just propping eachother up, but they're certainly more qualified to use the terms (correctly) than sid the kid, here.
(Old Spike)
Yeah keep on kidding yourself.
Generally people with certain degrees do not pride themselves with degrees they haven't earned, I have a diploma in mechanical engineering and can thus prefix my name with "Dipl.Ing." (in Austria that would even appear in my passport, and ID card, like Dr. if you have a PhD, in Germany it doesn't and I don't think it is necessary tbh).
This is because these people have worked hard and earned the title and have respect for it. I have worked all of my professional engineering life in railway electrification and have a way better understanding of electricity than most other mechanical engineers, that does NOT make me an electrical engineer, though.
People that don't have formal education, though, do, like many dog trainers call themselves "dog or canine psychologists" or run "dog psychology centres", which is a degree that doesn't exist. You can bet your bottom dollar 90+% of those that do have no formal education WHATSOEVER in human or animal psychology and are using predominantly punishment in their methods. I know a dog trainer that actually has a psychology degree and he still does not call himself a "dog psychologist", he taught me and of course I don't call me that neither.
I don't get why petereson does it (maybe it was during the time he was on the pain meds, that would be an explanation, not an excuse, though?). Like I said, if he would have made enough impact in another field so peers would call him an expert, it would be reflected somewhere on his "CV", which is public domain, and at least would have earned recognition AND BE MENTIONED FOR IT in some university. I may be wrong but I doubt it.
(Site Administrator)
I'll accept this has been your experience. The point I'm trying to make is that in Peterson's circles it's more than common to ascribe such terms or titles to colleagues even when this isn't their field of educational training, and these academics are not being disengenuous when they do so,.. despite what butch mcbeardface suggests in the video. Peace.
(Old Spike)
Your statement is worthless if you can't provide any proof. "Anecdotal" stuff and your or my "opinion" doesn't count, so don't be like skeptoid, put your money whwere your mouth is and please find some evidence, otherwise I can't take you seriously. If in "his circles" this is common practice then there must be some sort of definitions and rules for it, after all this is science you try to have a conversation about.
(Site Administrator)
I'm only trying to give insight into where Peterson may have been coming from when he made the statements (eg. making the statement as if he was talking to peers). Sorry... I must have missed the part where you provided proof. All of the above sounded like opinion to me.
(Old Spike)
"I'm only trying to give insight into where Peterson may have been coming from when he made the statements"
No, you present it as factual without providing the relevant supporting evidence ("but he is a neuroscientist and an evolutionary biologist").
Neither have you missed the part where I provide evidenvce, I cannot prove a negative, nobody can, you are literally skeptoiding.
To put it really simple: You are correct, this is my opinion, you also gave your opinion and nothing else, you claim you are better informed on the topic than I am as you have relevant academic experience, if this is correct there must be some supporting evidence like regulations, rules and procedures for aquiring credentials outside one's field if something like this is possible. I don't know of any, you appear to do, so what are they?
Lastly if these kind of credentials actually exist (I don't deny they do, I simply don't know) and he has aquired them, why is there no entry to this effect in "his" wiki page or ANYWHERE ELSE on the web for that matter, including his own site? That would be an extremely important addition to his CV, wouldn't it:
(Site Administrator)
You're getting hung up on nomenclature/ terminology which also seems familiar (for you). Remember when the professor on Gilligan's island was 'a scientist'? The guy could make a working radio out of a coconut. Well, there is now so much diversification in the stem fields along with overlap such that many people are doing the interdisciplinary thing. eg. I personally know a guy who is known as a microrhizal fungologist getting contracts with big companies based on this speciality, not just acquired through education, but also through valid training and experience (all 3 of which are normally captured on CVs, you are correct).. his degree, however, just says plant biology (PhD I believe). So...yeah.
(Old Spike)
"...also through valid training and experience..." well peterson does not have any such training according to what is in the public domain (if he had you could bet your bottom dollar he would make sure everyone knows) and only a few papers he somehow contributed to. Surely if the person you know has a wiki page or a private page promoting himself it would contain any such information. So peterson calling himself neuroscientist and evolutionary biologist is really too far fetched.
Time to take off the fanboy blinkers.......
If you don't have anything of more substance to contribute on the subject for me the conversation ends here.
Have a nice rest of your sunday!
(Site Administrator)
First and foremost, happy Sunday evening to you too.
I think it's cute that from your pov it's only just real if you add it to a wiki page. For the rest of us his list of publications will suffice. I'm confident it suffices for him too, and he'll get right on that wiki page soon as he has time (he seems rather busy).
Be nice. I'll defend when I feel strongly about something but not a fanboy. I've mentioned on this site previously that while I think he's quite brilliant, he definitely does better when he stays in his lane (clinical psychology, societal implications and such). On other issues, eg. climate change (denial?... minimization?) you can hear the implicit bias of a Calgarian, frustrated by his privince's inability to move that dirty oil (bitumen) under Trudeau and the Fed Libs.
And that really is all I got to say about that.
(Old Spike)
"...it's only just real if you add it to a wiki page"
How dare you, here is what I wrote:
"....peterson does not have any such training according to what is in the public domain (if he had you could bet your bottom dollar he would make sure everyone knows) and only a few papers he somehow contributed to."
"...why is there no entry to this effect in "his" wiki page or ANYWHERE ELSE on the web for that matter, including his own site? "
Twisitng one's words is a strategy that is not very effective in written conversations and makes the person who does it look insincere. peterson and shapiro like to apply that in verbal discussions where they can rely on their wit and ability to make things up (often "on the go") that cannot be quickly disproven or which people believe bacause they sound so self assured when they talk.
This approach is even worse than profanities, which only either show the disrespect one feels for the person or their argument or simply are a rather silly "exit strategy" when running out of arguments.
(Site Administrator)
When you said 'how dare you' above, I read the rest of your statement in this little princess's voice.
This is you. This is you now.
I told you above, because these designations work in Peterson's circles, he and his peers probably won't make the effort to get it into whatever acceptable format you would prefer. Get over it.
(Old Spike)
Here we go again:
Does not address a single issue raised in the comment he replied to as he has no arguments, like "...why is there no entry to this effect in "his" wiki page or ANYWHERE ELSE on the web for that matter, including his own site? " peterson is not renown to be humble so what would be the reason not to have this on his own CV? I can tell you, you won't like it!
Of course he prefers to resort attempt ridicule (as before you failed on profanity), skeptoid level pathetic. So I respect you as much as him.
(Site Administrator)
That much respect, eh?
Thanks daftladypart.
Edit, 20220809. And just scrolled up again to see why the butthurt. Seriously? Adding 'ist' after a particular field of study never ever implied you have a degree specifically in said field. Both nudists and rapists will (probably) agree. Otherwise, you're on the hook to find where he specifically said he holds a degree in neuroscience etc.
(Old Spike)
i've been wondering about this for the past 4 and half months but i was occupied with other users. "does sal get banned because he always shitposts me?". you can say whatever, thats not the thing. i'm wondering why you pretend that you're above this kind of thing when you're in the shit with the rest of us
(Old Spike)
Pretty sure the 3 hour thing is supose to be a joke withing a joke!
(Old Spike)
No one is buying the obvious bullshit from these obviously disingenuous propagandists anymore. It just isn't working - they are getting *really* desperate and unhinged now. I worry about his safety.
(Old Spike)
You lost the ability to speak like normal people huh?
And he who looks upon the mountain in defeat is the sheep who will lead the righterous on a ....blalallala
The power of the one man who's presence turn the wicked into babes
I have a hard on!....alll this on the top of my head, all of these you suck dick to get close to!
(Old Spike)
^ Thinks he speaks like a normal person. Is woke.
(Old Spike)
You don't even notice it's sarcastic, pulled from my ass channelig you! You fucking dumb ass .....
If you need it spoon-feed....... this is how you speak... yeah!, this is you!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
lo and behold the sheep puppetered by his satanic afflcitions.......... bla, bla, bla somthing like that
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
And so say he onto spiked......take thy lips from which though sin is spoken and place them unto your fellow mans brown hole and i say to you.........gonna taste like shit!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
Insert gif of small black man!
(Old Spike)
Not for a genuine quote from Yeshua. Look what I made you do.... How does it make you feel?
(Old Spike)
I quoted you.......you dingbat!
(Old Spike)
^ Doesn't realize he accidentally quoted Yeshua.
(Old Spike)
I copy pasted it from this site, posted some days ago!
(Old Spike)
Yes, you did - wow. Where do they even find people like you and Bodlfart? Amazing.