Dr. D. Wood flexing his philosophical muscle regarding some very real questions we should be asking of those seeking political office. Until philosophers are kings. ;-)
Average: 4(1 vote)
skeptoid (Old Spike)
The description is hilarious - Wood wouldn't want to have anything to do with you Bobbob. All you'd have to do is talk a little bit about what you believe, especially with regard to the pandemic, the WEF and your line of work.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Hey, thanks for stopping by. Didn't you say you were leaving the planet or something? Don't let the door hit ya.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Also, just realizing. You really think that people are somehow injured because in your esteemed opinion they wouldn't be besties, having beers in a pub with the subject of their video (with D.Wood in this case), is that it? This is very telling. I mean, along with passing judgment on everyone on this site as part of satisfying your narcisstic indulgence (syndrome) you've made it clear how possessive you are of some of your..heroes. I bet you dream of having tea and crumpets with them. But let's be clear here. The closest you get to JB Peterson is when he talks about nihilistic psychopaths that shoot up a school before offing themselves.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
You, Daft Cunt, the other idiot - it's all one-note with you. Half of what you wrote is so non-sensical I can't really understand it "You really think that people are somehow injured because in your esteemed opinion..." dude project much. My intent is not to injure you - you're that kind of guy, and you're a troll dude. You can't threaten Spiked Nationals with assault and enforced vaccination, push a lie for months that people who are vaccinated don't get infected or transmit, stump for WEF policies featuring a biological science head who declares "We are the gods now and it's time to reshape the human genome" and then post David Wood videos and expect to be taken as sincere.
I don't know if I have a syndrome, but clearly there's a big chunk of something missing in you that needs serious maintenance. I don't pass judgment on everyone on the site. You? Yes.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Like I said...or intimated. Due to your statements above and obviously fractured relationship with reality; which let's be fair, more than just the 3 people you list above have pointed out to you, you are most definitely unqualified to pass judgment on anyone, not even me. Good lord, just look at how much of the stuff you write above happened in your head. You throwing around terms like projection and troll doesn't negate the fact that they were used against you, first.
Anyway, it's sunny and we're headed out for the weekend. Maybe come out from your dungeon to eat a pigeon and get some air before it turns cold. (the weather, not the pigeon, I mean).
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
"Good lord, just look at how much of the stuff you write above happened in your head."
This is the bizarre projection I'm talking about. Notice how far we are from the actual subject you initially responded to and points I was making. Here's what you've written that is only stuff that happened in your head:
-The purpose of my comment is just to injure you (you made this same assumption for my doing you the favor of telling your linked in profile did not at all jive with all of the claims and "facts" you were stating about yourself here on the site - had a spaz freakout the likes of which this site has not seen in a very long time)
-Claim I'm saying only three people have criticized me on this site (nope - never said that - I said the three of you are one-note). Needless cane criticizes me - he's never one-note and he never uses woke dogma or doctrine, or the "everyone's against you" pathology of the collectivist who only thinks in terms of social credit instead of in terms of true or untrue.
Oh, and let's not forget this oldie:
-Claim I invited everyone here to email me personally to talk directly about a video I had posted to the site, which is why you emailed me in 2018 to talk about Jordan Peterson.
That one may just be a desperate lie to make it look like I lured you into giving me your personal details when you emailed me, unsolicited, and shared those details right off the bat. No one else emailed me to talk about a video because I never asked anyone to email me to talk about a video. You just used the fact that you saw my video on Spiked in an attempt to break the ice and "become pals".
You're a troll and a manipulator - if you were just a troll it wouldn't bother me much. Yes, I troll here a very specific few. But I'm not joking when I say you actually remind me of this character. You don't see it? Listen to how he speaks, how he justifies himself, the polite facade he presents while casually expressing and doing incredibly reprehensible evil. Unlike you, the man would have an awareness that if he were to show up at the home of those he targets to "do his duty" he'd at least know to expect resistance. You respond to the very idea of that as simply beyond your comprehension and frightening and threatening to you that the notion would even be raised. Yes, very much like this man, but nowhere near as intelligent as the reprehensible character protrayed here:
Bobbob, this is how you feel about people like TBS and my sister and her family and all of her close friends, and everyone else who is like them, whether you admit openly or not: The fact that you would casually propose what you did to TBS reveals that. You don't like them. You don't really know why you don't like them (pick a convenient narrative for structure - the Nazi here uses dehumanization delivered casually, as you often do) but you find them repulsive although you tell yourself they just "aren't as evolved" or something like that and manage to squeek out your hatred as patronizing "help" that you know will crush spirits, traumatize people who are already terrified, and destroy lives. Consequently, with the appropriate training and force to protect you, it's off to find those "anti-vaxxers" and show them who's in charge, who tells who what to do, and what the consequences will be for those who resist or disobey.
Have a great trip this weekend, Bobbob.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Already arrived at my destination thanks for caring. But however far I get it's clear I'm always near, living rent-free in your head. It's a real dump.
Listen, you've taken a thread about platonic philosophy applied to politics and made it about you. It's clear as you continue to heap more and more off your sickness onto this and other threads that you're too far gone at this point. Get some help before you hurt yourself (or more importantly someone else).
I made it about you, Bobbob, which is what you can't stand. You've never once even strongly refuted what I laid out above regarding your shenanigans and manipulations, and your jolly threats to those who don't share your beliefs. You don't even try. It's all deflective rhetoric and careful posturing - you know what you wrote here on the site, you know what you've done, and I do too. Nothing else to say here.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Hey look at that, somebody gave it 4 stars, thanks!
Anyway, I know you've spent a lot of time working on your theories Skeptoid and that you're quite invested in them. But in the end..you only think you know. I've been racking my brain for a while now trying to remember what set you off on this dystopian gestapo angle, and your constant referencing of TBS. And it finally dawned on me (I remembered today, at last). Something to do with the vaccine thread where I was trying to convince TBS that it was hypocrisy to dismiss the vaccine mandates as some new infringement of our rights given we and our children all already faced mandates (for smallpox, rubella, etc. to go to school). He was curious about how they planned to enforce this and I said (to him) something to the effect of 'when they come for you they'll find you on the porch with a pen knife trying to cut open your smallpox scar and suck the poison out.' And that was it. You took as my desire what I offered up in irony. The once experimental smallpox vaccine did right by us all these many years. TBS got the joke. You, no doubt being more invested in your position did not. And you've been beating the same drum ever since (on TBS's behalf apparently since he never expressed any hurt). I mean you've really gotten a lot of mileage off this one statement even though you've been heading down the highway, in the wrong direction, at full speed. Such a waste.. I only take the time to offer up this reminder (clarification) in case it affords your troubled spirit some peace. Don't expect me to engage with you on the rest. Have a good night.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Nope, but I can see you scrambling (trying?) pretty hard now to resolve this between us. I've mentioned to you the very specific thing you said to TBS, and my outrage wasn't even about what you initially said to TBS, because initially I thought I had misunderstood you, and so I sought clarification from you in the same thread and you clarified three times that it was your desire, with the 'proper training and support" to go to the homes of people like TBS, who to me is representative of my sister, her family, and basically their entire church congregation, and "give them their poke", pat them on the head, and give them a lollipop. When I tried to clarify whether you meant by force, you're reply was always the same - a deflective statement about how you wouldn't do anything "illegal". Legal and illigal and right and wrong are very different things - you know that if you watch David Wood videos AND JP vids for that matter.
What I got from you is that if the desires of these autocractic new wave Hegelians - this WEF shit tied up with wokeism - were realized and they made vaccination by force "legal" you were eager to "do your duty" and engage in this kind of activity. I really tried hard to get a different answer out of you, but you would not give one. Now I don't want to spend any more time on the site with you today, but if you don't do it I'll go at some point and find the thread. Perhaps both of us aren't remembering it right, things were charged at the time (your fucking pussy stunt wasn't an attempt to de-escalate, wouldn't you say?) and maybe we both misunderstood each other. You understand why I'd have a problem if it were your position, and even desire, to participate in that sort of thing - right?
I gave the video the 4 stars.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Good. Good. You clearly have the (advantage?) of being able to dedicate 100% of your mental focus to this sort of thing. And if it did come down to crossed wires or a misunderstanding, as a mental exercise maybe contemplate what that actually means in terms of misdirected energy. Pray that in the end you're not left alone,..with your outrage.
Not remotely interested in dissecting Heigel's theory of everything (really?) or the world economic forum. You've no doubt given this enough thought for all of us.
Thanks for the 4 stars. I too gave a video of yours 4 stars just the other day cause it didn't suck for a change.
(Old Spike)
The description is hilarious - Wood wouldn't want to have anything to do with you Bobbob. All you'd have to do is talk a little bit about what you believe, especially with regard to the pandemic, the WEF and your line of work.
(Site Administrator)
Hey, thanks for stopping by. Didn't you say you were leaving the planet or something? Don't let the door hit ya.
(Site Administrator)
Also, just realizing. You really think that people are somehow injured because in your esteemed opinion they wouldn't be besties, having beers in a pub with the subject of their video (with D.Wood in this case), is that it? This is very telling. I mean, along with passing judgment on everyone on this site as part of satisfying your narcisstic indulgence (syndrome) you've made it clear how possessive you are of some of your..heroes. I bet you dream of having tea and crumpets with them. But let's be clear here. The closest you get to JB Peterson is when he talks about nihilistic psychopaths that shoot up a school before offing themselves.
(Old Spike)
You, Daft Cunt, the other idiot - it's all one-note with you. Half of what you wrote is so non-sensical I can't really understand it "You really think that people are somehow injured because in your esteemed opinion..." dude project much. My intent is not to injure you - you're that kind of guy, and you're a troll dude. You can't threaten Spiked Nationals with assault and enforced vaccination, push a lie for months that people who are vaccinated don't get infected or transmit, stump for WEF policies featuring a biological science head who declares "We are the gods now and it's time to reshape the human genome" and then post David Wood videos and expect to be taken as sincere.
I don't know if I have a syndrome, but clearly there's a big chunk of something missing in you that needs serious maintenance. I don't pass judgment on everyone on the site. You? Yes.
(Site Administrator)
Like I said...or intimated. Due to your statements above and obviously fractured relationship with reality; which let's be fair, more than just the 3 people you list above have pointed out to you, you are most definitely unqualified to pass judgment on anyone, not even me. Good lord, just look at how much of the stuff you write above happened in your head. You throwing around terms like projection and troll doesn't negate the fact that they were used against you, first.
Anyway, it's sunny and we're headed out for the weekend. Maybe come out from your dungeon to eat a pigeon and get some air before it turns cold. (the weather, not the pigeon, I mean).
(Old Spike)
"Good lord, just look at how much of the stuff you write above happened in your head."
This is the bizarre projection I'm talking about. Notice how far we are from the actual subject you initially responded to and points I was making. Here's what you've written that is only stuff that happened in your head:
-The purpose of my comment is just to injure you (you made this same assumption for my doing you the favor of telling your linked in profile did not at all jive with all of the claims and "facts" you were stating about yourself here on the site - had a spaz freakout the likes of which this site has not seen in a very long time)
-Claim I'm saying only three people have criticized me on this site (nope - never said that - I said the three of you are one-note). Needless cane criticizes me - he's never one-note and he never uses woke dogma or doctrine, or the "everyone's against you" pathology of the collectivist who only thinks in terms of social credit instead of in terms of true or untrue.
Oh, and let's not forget this oldie:
-Claim I invited everyone here to email me personally to talk directly about a video I had posted to the site, which is why you emailed me in 2018 to talk about Jordan Peterson.
That one may just be a desperate lie to make it look like I lured you into giving me your personal details when you emailed me, unsolicited, and shared those details right off the bat. No one else emailed me to talk about a video because I never asked anyone to email me to talk about a video. You just used the fact that you saw my video on Spiked in an attempt to break the ice and "become pals".
You're a troll and a manipulator - if you were just a troll it wouldn't bother me much. Yes, I troll here a very specific few. But I'm not joking when I say you actually remind me of this character. You don't see it? Listen to how he speaks, how he justifies himself, the polite facade he presents while casually expressing and doing incredibly reprehensible evil. Unlike you, the man would have an awareness that if he were to show up at the home of those he targets to "do his duty" he'd at least know to expect resistance. You respond to the very idea of that as simply beyond your comprehension and frightening and threatening to you that the notion would even be raised. Yes, very much like this man, but nowhere near as intelligent as the reprehensible character protrayed here:
Bobbob, this is how you feel about people like TBS and my sister and her family and all of her close friends, and everyone else who is like them, whether you admit openly or not: The fact that you would casually propose what you did to TBS reveals that. You don't like them. You don't really know why you don't like them (pick a convenient narrative for structure - the Nazi here uses dehumanization delivered casually, as you often do) but you find them repulsive although you tell yourself they just "aren't as evolved" or something like that and manage to squeek out your hatred as patronizing "help" that you know will crush spirits, traumatize people who are already terrified, and destroy lives. Consequently, with the appropriate training and force to protect you, it's off to find those "anti-vaxxers" and show them who's in charge, who tells who what to do, and what the consequences will be for those who resist or disobey.
Have a great trip this weekend, Bobbob.
(Site Administrator)
Already arrived at my destination thanks for caring. But however far I get it's clear I'm always near, living rent-free in your head. It's a real dump.
Listen, you've taken a thread about platonic philosophy applied to politics and made it about you. It's clear as you continue to heap more and more off your sickness onto this and other threads that you're too far gone at this point. Get some help before you hurt yourself (or more importantly someone else).
And as always #nakeyreallyreallyshouldhaveusedthemultiplierdice
(Old Spike)
I made it about you, Bobbob, which is what you can't stand. You've never once even strongly refuted what I laid out above regarding your shenanigans and manipulations, and your jolly threats to those who don't share your beliefs. You don't even try. It's all deflective rhetoric and careful posturing - you know what you wrote here on the site, you know what you've done, and I do too. Nothing else to say here.
(Site Administrator)
Hey look at that, somebody gave it 4 stars, thanks!
Anyway, I know you've spent a lot of time working on your theories Skeptoid and that you're quite invested in them. But in the end..you only think you know. I've been racking my brain for a while now trying to remember what set you off on this dystopian gestapo angle, and your constant referencing of TBS. And it finally dawned on me (I remembered today, at last). Something to do with the vaccine thread where I was trying to convince TBS that it was hypocrisy to dismiss the vaccine mandates as some new infringement of our rights given we and our children all already faced mandates (for smallpox, rubella, etc. to go to school). He was curious about how they planned to enforce this and I said (to him) something to the effect of 'when they come for you they'll find you on the porch with a pen knife trying to cut open your smallpox scar and suck the poison out.' And that was it. You took as my desire what I offered up in irony. The once experimental smallpox vaccine did right by us all these many years. TBS got the joke. You, no doubt being more invested in your position did not. And you've been beating the same drum ever since (on TBS's behalf apparently since he never expressed any hurt). I mean you've really gotten a lot of mileage off this one statement even though you've been heading down the highway, in the wrong direction, at full speed. Such a waste.. I only take the time to offer up this reminder (clarification) in case it affords your troubled spirit some peace. Don't expect me to engage with you on the rest. Have a good night.
(Old Spike)
Nope, but I can see you scrambling (trying?) pretty hard now to resolve this between us. I've mentioned to you the very specific thing you said to TBS, and my outrage wasn't even about what you initially said to TBS, because initially I thought I had misunderstood you, and so I sought clarification from you in the same thread and you clarified three times that it was your desire, with the 'proper training and support" to go to the homes of people like TBS, who to me is representative of my sister, her family, and basically their entire church congregation, and "give them their poke", pat them on the head, and give them a lollipop. When I tried to clarify whether you meant by force, you're reply was always the same - a deflective statement about how you wouldn't do anything "illegal". Legal and illigal and right and wrong are very different things - you know that if you watch David Wood videos AND JP vids for that matter.
What I got from you is that if the desires of these autocractic new wave Hegelians - this WEF shit tied up with wokeism - were realized and they made vaccination by force "legal" you were eager to "do your duty" and engage in this kind of activity. I really tried hard to get a different answer out of you, but you would not give one. Now I don't want to spend any more time on the site with you today, but if you don't do it I'll go at some point and find the thread. Perhaps both of us aren't remembering it right, things were charged at the time (your fucking pussy stunt wasn't an attempt to de-escalate, wouldn't you say?) and maybe we both misunderstood each other. You understand why I'd have a problem if it were your position, and even desire, to participate in that sort of thing - right?
I gave the video the 4 stars.
(Site Administrator)
Good. Good. You clearly have the (advantage?) of being able to dedicate 100% of your mental focus to this sort of thing. And if it did come down to crossed wires or a misunderstanding, as a mental exercise maybe contemplate what that actually means in terms of misdirected energy. Pray that in the end you're not left alone,..with your outrage.
Not remotely interested in dissecting Heigel's theory of everything (really?) or the world economic forum. You've no doubt given this enough thought for all of us.
Thanks for the 4 stars. I too gave a video of yours 4 stars just the other day cause it didn't suck for a change.
(dumb cunt)
Any post with you two arguing:
(Site Administrator)
More.. but yeah.