Real military powers lose a 20 year war against the Taliban.
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Dude (Old Spike)
You compare china to the Taliban?
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danman (Site Administrator)
the Taliban beat the US but the video makes out like China should use its military like US does.
have you forgotten how that war ended already?
it's ok man, I got u
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Real military powers (an 'army' of only-child cry babies) lose a fist fight at a 4200m disputed border with india
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danman (Site Administrator)
never go full reddit.
here's some actual pics of the aftermath..
if this is China losing I'd like to see what winning looks like..
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Oh, was that a photoshop? Good eye man! give yourself a pat on the back captain obvious! After that I want no less than 50 more of your cherry-picked pics of the 'aftermath'!
But yea, 3 indian fatalities (the other 17 died from hypothermia) versus 35 chinese who died on the spot from head injuries = pathetic fail. What other cool facts you got??
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danman (Site Administrator)
I repeat: never go full Reddit.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
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Rusty Shackleford (Spiker)
I'll always have a fondness/fascination for American ignorance even if they get the planet blown up.
I mean the person that made the video I mean it's kind of funny but also kind of brain dead retarded. I mean there is a first time for every country to enter a War doesn't make then inherently shit because they've not been in recent conflicts. I think this idea that a large military is easily defeated is some low brow shit but hey if you all survive the potential apocolypse we can all gather back here to talk shit later.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
holy crap, i thought you were a real user. don't mind me we get a lot of russian bots and i delete a lot of fake accounts. sometimes it's hard to tell but hey here's a free upgrade to spiker which means nothing really :P
welcome to spiked nation!
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Rusty Shackleford (Spiker)
Thank ya sir. sh sh sha
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
It just Dan's sock account.
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danman (Site Administrator)
why would I use a fake account?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Don't know and don't really care.
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danman (Site Administrator)
how suddenly unimaginative
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Dude (Old Spike)
We know it is your account stupid
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danman (Site Administrator)
no you don't, liar
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Rusty Shackleford (Spiker)
Spikedhumor I mean National meet up in 2034 hosted by Skeptoid.
Only way to end the debate.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Stop it dan, your friend skeptoid is gone
And your knowledge of Spiked Humor thrown in just now in from a new account with only a few posts - suspicious to say the least, you are not thinking about keeping this account here and becomming your own online friend, right?
Before you know you are talking to yourself :)
Looking back and the deep founded respect you have for the account called danman, you acctualy never talked to it.
That would be crazy right?
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
i'm getting sick of this shit. i told skeptoid i'd delete any accounts that he made so, let your friend know you just lost yours because of him.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I realy thought it was dan :)
Maybe because he was getting on nerves
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
It's was Dan.
When a person has such strong convictions about certain topics, it's hard to shut up about it. It always comes through....
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
it wasn't dan. the ip address was static and in canada.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
VPN? Doesn't fit, you could actually comprehend Rustys post.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
if it was a vpn it was the same address every time he accessed the site. impressive feat.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Regular proxy server maybe
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danman (Site Administrator)
you could prove that you believe that's a fake account of mine by making a commitment to leave this site if & when you're proven wrong
unless of course you're just a scared little bitch who can't cope
what'll it be, are you a man or are you a fragile belgian pussy?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i'm watching you spiral right now
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danman (Site Administrator)
I know you also obsess over me, charlatan9000 but my question is for the fragile belgian pussy, wait your turn please.
what'll it be Dude?
man up or puss out, your choice.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Constantly spam posting that stupid ideal virile male image, while accusing others of 'obsessing' over you is a strong indicator of latent homosexual thinking. I am totally OK if you are gay. Be as gay as you like, just be open with yourself about it.
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danman (Site Administrator)
Is that what you think of when I post that face? Gay sex?
Your obsession with me is so adorable.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Oke you prove it is not your account, not that i will leave this site, provide me with the IP and i will trace it for you.
Just seeing that i touched a sore spot, by saying it could be a proxy server, tells me enough
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danman (Site Administrator)
you have a chance to be a man & you're choosing to be a pussy.
put some skin in the game, belgian pussy.
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Dude (Old Spike)
This is what a real man looks like :)
Im working on the fat
What did you mean with put some skin in, you want me to leave?
Just like that? You still havent provided me the IP and time.
And i know you won't, proxy servers are your thing, chinaman.
How do i know you are chinese, that is not just a guess you know, you do have ppl in New zealand but they are also chinese.
Now plz post a picture of yourself.
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danman (Site Administrator)
"What did you mean with put some skin in, you want me to leave?"
I want you to agree that you'll leave if & when you're proven wrong about the accustaion you're making.
nice hairline btw
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Dude (Old Spike)
I knew it, you crap out like a weasel,
plz post a picture of yourself
And provide the IP's
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danman (Site Administrator)
doxxing yourself is neither here nor there. Just another retarded thing you've done.
agree to leave the site if & when your accusation is proven false.
what'll it be, pussy
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The thing is, theres really no way you can prove it.
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danman (Site Administrator)
"theres really no way you can prove it"
then agree to leave the site if & when you're proven wrong
go ahead, unless you're really just a punk bitch
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Ok I promise to leave ;) Now prove it.
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danman (Site Administrator)
nice try, you're lying.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
I really really really do promise. Now, evidence please.
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danman (Site Administrator)
You're lying.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
Ignore the bile from the village idiot. Few people can rock the full bald look and it looks great on you.
(Site Administrator)
Real military powers lose a 20 year war against the Taliban.
(Old Spike)
You compare china to the Taliban?
(Site Administrator)
the Taliban beat the US but the video makes out like China should use its military like US does.
have you forgotten how that war ended already?
it's ok man, I got u
(dumb cunt)
Real military powers (an 'army' of only-child cry babies) lose a fist fight at a 4200m disputed border with india
(Site Administrator)
never go full reddit.
here's some actual pics of the aftermath..
if this is China losing I'd like to see what winning looks like..
(dumb cunt)
Oh, was that a photoshop? Good eye man! give yourself a pat on the back captain obvious! After that I want no less than 50 more of your cherry-picked pics of the 'aftermath'!
But yea, 3 indian fatalities (the other 17 died from hypothermia) versus 35 chinese who died on the spot from head injuries = pathetic fail. What other cool facts you got??
(Site Administrator)
I repeat: never go full Reddit.
(Site Administrator)
I'll always have a fondness/fascination for American ignorance even if they get the planet blown up.
I mean the person that made the video I mean it's kind of funny but also kind of brain dead retarded.
I mean there is a first time for every country to enter a War doesn't make then inherently shit because
they've not been in recent conflicts. I think this idea that a large military is easily defeated is some low
brow shit but hey if you all survive the potential apocolypse we can all gather back here to talk shit later.
(Site Administrator)
holy crap, i thought you were a real user. don't mind me we get a lot of russian bots and i delete a lot of fake accounts. sometimes it's hard to tell but hey here's a free upgrade to spiker which means nothing really :P
welcome to spiked nation!
Thank ya sir. sh sh sha
(Site Moderator)
It just Dan's sock account.
(Site Administrator)
why would I use a fake account?
(Site Moderator)
Don't know and don't really care.
(Site Administrator)
how suddenly unimaginative
(Old Spike)
We know it is your account stupid
(Site Administrator)
no you don't, liar
Spikedhumor I mean National meet up in 2034 hosted by Skeptoid.
Only way to end the debate.
(Old Spike)
Stop it dan, your friend skeptoid is gone
And your knowledge of Spiked Humor thrown in just now in from a new account with only a few posts - suspicious to say the least, you are not thinking about keeping this account here and becomming your own online friend, right?
Before you know you are talking to yourself :)
Looking back and the deep founded respect you have for the account called danman, you acctualy never talked to it.
That would be crazy right?
(Site Administrator)
i'm getting sick of this shit. i told skeptoid i'd delete any accounts that he made so, let your friend know you just lost yours because of him.
(Old Spike)
I realy thought it was dan :)
Maybe because he was getting on nerves
(Site Moderator)
It's was Dan.
When a person has such strong convictions about certain topics, it's hard to shut up about it. It always comes through....
(Site Administrator)
it wasn't dan. the ip address was static and in canada.
(Site Moderator)
VPN? Doesn't fit, you could actually comprehend Rustys post.
(Site Administrator)
if it was a vpn it was the same address every time he accessed the site. impressive feat.
(Old Spike)
Regular proxy server maybe
(Site Administrator)
you could prove that you believe that's a fake account of mine by making a commitment to leave this site if & when you're proven wrong
unless of course you're just a scared little bitch who can't cope
what'll it be, are you a man or are you a fragile belgian pussy?
(Old Spike)
i'm watching you spiral right now
(Site Administrator)
I know you also obsess over me, charlatan9000 but my question is for the fragile belgian pussy, wait your turn please.
what'll it be Dude?
man up or puss out, your choice.
(dumb cunt)
Constantly spam posting that stupid ideal virile male image, while accusing others of 'obsessing' over you is a strong indicator of latent homosexual thinking. I am totally OK if you are gay. Be as gay as you like, just be open with yourself about it.
(Site Administrator)
Is that what you think of when I post that face? Gay sex?
Your obsession with me is so adorable.
(Old Spike)
Oke you prove it is not your account, not that i will leave this site, provide me with the IP and i will trace it for you.
Just seeing that i touched a sore spot, by saying it could be a proxy server, tells me enough
(Site Administrator)
you have a chance to be a man & you're choosing to be a pussy.
put some skin in the game, belgian pussy.
(Old Spike)
This is what a real man looks like :)
Im working on the fat
What did you mean with put some skin in, you want me to leave?
Just like that? You still havent provided me the IP and time.
And i know you won't, proxy servers are your thing, chinaman.
How do i know you are chinese, that is not just a guess you know, you do have ppl in New zealand but they are also chinese.
Now plz post a picture of yourself.
(Site Administrator)
"What did you mean with put some skin in, you want me to leave?"
I want you to agree that you'll leave if & when you're proven wrong about the accustaion you're making.
nice hairline btw
(Old Spike)
I knew it, you crap out like a weasel,
plz post a picture of yourself
And provide the IP's
(Site Administrator)
doxxing yourself is neither here nor there. Just another retarded thing you've done.
agree to leave the site if & when your accusation is proven false.
what'll it be, pussy
(Site Moderator)
The thing is, theres really no way you can prove it.
(Site Administrator)
"theres really no way you can prove it"
then agree to leave the site if & when you're proven wrong
go ahead, unless you're really just a punk bitch
(Site Moderator)
Ok I promise to leave ;) Now prove it.
(Site Administrator)
nice try, you're lying.
(Site Moderator)
I really really really do promise. Now, evidence please.
(Site Administrator)
You're lying.
(dumb cunt)
Ignore the bile from the village idiot. Few people can rock the full bald look and it looks great on you.
(Old Spike)
Thank you
(Old Spike)
you might as well do the other account Mistermike1992