Yeah can't get a chub unnless somones choking on a cock...... cheers interwebs! I like high leg wear!.... nom, nom.....
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Dude (Old Spike)
Ow sweety you are so talented
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Pdub (Old Spike)
Well, it was sexier than the ManDonna post.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
lol yea I can't look at mandonna without being reminded that she has horrible BO apparently.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
The f@#k you say? Like, after the dancing in the same outfits every night general. To be fair, can't give credence to such things unless you've smelled her yourself.
Agree about the waist to hip ratio being a little masculine looking but everything seems to have worked (2 kids as I recall).
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Love that 80s hair and femininity.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
So that's what springs to mind first, eh? You certainly just became more interesting.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
i've always been interesting
80s hair and femininity. its what you love
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The 80's were so gay.
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Dude (Old Spike)
90's in a nut shell
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
You cut right to the marrow Sal. I was today years old when I realized Freddy in drag is dawning the exact same haircut as my highshcool sweetheart... Still a good man though.
And that look George Michael is giving. I mean is band mate Andrew Ridgely standing behind or right-next to the camera maybe? ;-)
(Old Spike)
Yeah can't get a chub unnless somones choking on a cock...... cheers interwebs! I like high leg wear!.... nom, nom.....
(Old Spike)
Ow sweety you are so talented
(Old Spike)
Well, it was sexier than the ManDonna post.
(dumb cunt)
lol yea I can't look at mandonna without being reminded that she has horrible BO apparently.
(Site Administrator)
The f@#k you say? Like, after the dancing in the same outfits every night general. To be fair, can't give credence to such things unless you've smelled her yourself.
Agree about the waist to hip ratio being a little masculine looking but everything seems to have worked (2 kids as I recall).
(Site Administrator)
Love that 80s hair and femininity.
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
So that's what springs to mind first, eh? You certainly just became more interesting.
(Old Spike)
i've always been interesting
80s hair and femininity. its what you love
(Site Moderator)
The 80's were so gay.
(Old Spike)
90's in a nut shell
(Site Administrator)
You cut right to the marrow Sal. I was today years old when I realized Freddy in drag is dawning the exact same haircut as my highshcool sweetheart... Still a good man though.
And that look George Michael is giving. I mean is band mate Andrew Ridgely standing behind or right-next to the camera maybe? ;-)