Starcraft 2 Now Free to Play


danmanjones's picture

Great time to get on the ladder. It's been super hard for a couple of years because mostly only the hardcore players are on the ladder... makes it hard to win. It's more fun when there are total noobs around to muck around with.

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Trevicahn's picture

It's true,   I've been playing for years.  Something like 5000 Career games.  I remeber when Gold was just average.  Now Golds and Plats can wreck anoyone all day.  They Run 300 APMs sometimes. 


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nsmo's picture

What the fuck! I just bought HotS and LotV a month ago! FUCK! I just finished SC1 and brood war campaign to refresh my memory before playing SC2. SC2's co-op is pretty sick tho

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sato's picture

yeah i've been playing co-op too.

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nsmo's picture

add me yo. SuperFlanker#1747 (Bnet account)


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

2 player co-op? is that like 2 players sharing base/units?

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Trevicahn's picture

Its more like 2 players playing a Story Mission with their own armies and units, but are forced to work together for objectives. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i remember the commander game, i just thought they might have introduced a way to play singleplayer missions with 2 people

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Trevicahn's picture

You can do that VS the A.I. (or people) In Multiplayer now though.


Its called "Archon".   2 people one base, anyone can control everything. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

used to play and then some chineses or taiwanes stole my account when they reset the secrete question and i couldnt proove it was my account

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Trevicahn's picture

The same thing happened to me with Diablo 3.   It was gone for 4 months.    Left with a lvl 35 Barbarian came back on with a lvl 60 with more than 100 million gold and an inventory full of Legendaries.   It was pretty awesome.     Character had some 1000 total play hours after my 30 or so.   When I called Blizzard they asked me what my "favorite animal" was   -from when I made my first Bnet account in 1999....   Took an hour of just leveling with the guy before he just did it. 

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

game pack is only 34$ for all three games. might buy it again.

nope just gona use someone else's account

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sato's picture

awesome, even though i've got sc2 already i support the idea. really all games should become ftp and public domain after 10 years. by that point anyone who's going to buy them already has, so they have nothing to lose from releasing the game, and everything to gain by all the added attention doing so brings. by making it public domain fans can adapt and modify the game, and something new that the game company can market might possibly develop. at the very least it's more fans for when the next game in the series comes out.

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nsmo's picture

I kinda agree with this, for preservation purposes and emulators and stuff. Trying to get a ps1 and ps2 emu on my i7 6700 GTX 1070 and it still gets shit frames. Almost said 'fuck it' and considered getting a CRT TV and the consoles.

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Trevicahn's picture

Tell me about it....  Modern Warfare 2 is still $20.00 on steam.

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Trevicahn's picture

Oh the noobs that will be destroyed! 

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