Alex Jones ordered to pay $965 million


theblackswordsman's picture
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Wonder if the plaintiffs will invest big into some mansions and sports cars tomorrow.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

probably pay off their credit card bill from burying their kids

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I wonder how long it takes to recieve money that doesn't exist from damages that were not lawfully or legally determined.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

appeals, bankruptcy and liquidation. a few of years

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theblackswordsman's picture
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daftcunt's picture
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What are you on about? It was determined in a court case. 


Or was it "them" influencing judge and jury? Maybe 5G rays aimed at the jury room. They probably have been corona vaccinated with anti alex jones virus included, yeah that must be it!



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subroutine's picture
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Needless_Kane's picture

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theblackswordsman's picture
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In regard to the first case to determine "damages"


There was no actual defamation, which in legal terms is deliberately stating a falsehood that causes some kind of provable financial loss to a victim.


During "discovery" Jones submitted all required information. After discovery, the presiding judge was changed. This new judge claimed that they personally have not recieved the submitted information. Since discovery phase was over at this point the damages case went into "default" Which bypassed due process entirely.


The following case went under the presumption that damages were caused. (Without a jury) And that the now appointed jury existed solely to determine how much damages. Bypassing IF damages were incurred entirely.


Jury was also prescreened for verdicts (Illegal) It is not lawful for the court to ask or influence anything to do with a juries verdict before the jury reaches a decision.



Jones and his defense were also told by the judge before the proceedings what he could and could not say in his defense. If he violated the courts order he would be sent to prison. (illegal)


In this case he chose not to testify because of these conditions. Why be their puppet if you are not even permitted to defend yourself.


The purpose of this case wasn't actually to harm Alex Jones. The purpose of this case was to create a template on how to prosecute anyone that publicly disagrees with the prescribed establishment narrative.


The elites are terrified because we are overturning decades of planning and trillions of dollars in preparation and propoganda with the truth.


We have flushed the covid narrative, flushing the Ukraine narrative, Pre flushing the market crash narrative, Pre flushing the cashless and digital ID system, Pre flushing Future pandemic scares, Flushing the climate change lie, Flushing the energy crises narrative and so on.

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Pdub's picture

Just wait till we flush the "zElites" lie.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Can't say what will happen by the end of the story.


Considering all of this was going to happen one way or another, (This being All destructive events happening in the world right now) Humanity has a better fighting chance than it did in 2021.


However this turns out, a lot of people are going to die, civilizations will collapse, And whichever side wins it's going to be by a squeaker not a wide margine.

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