They kill the guy's goldfish or something, or was he hoping for 'the Don' to re-tweet about the attack and get more likes (I'm just saying,.. the timing is suspicious).
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Lies. She was away and is safe. Husband was stabbed in the attack however. Much craziness.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
You serious?... bulllshit would have heard about it...... did it happen just now?! That being said..... she's a bit stabby ish! no?....
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Yesterday/Friday. They spent the day on CNN saying that senators are getting too many death threats and that more security needs to be provided for them and their families. So, I imagine the solution will be giving guns to elementary school kids or something.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I bet they are all getting guns now! LOL
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I know, right? Just imagine Nancy getting to stand within 2 feet of future president Trump in the senate. They'll have to train sharpshooters on her.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Ah, thats all for show. She just wants to buy her $14 a pint ice cream and $30k fridge and Trump was messing up her scams.
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Nacy with a gun...... gtfo......she cant lift a gun...... it would be a problem. Her beard....... prolly be screaming like a bitch in the fetal position.
Just make gay ok, she would have a bulldyke monster of a partner akimbo MG!
(sounds retarded)
(Site Administrator)
The fuck, dude.
(sounds retarded)
(Site Administrator)
They kill the guy's goldfish or something, or was he hoping for 'the Don' to re-tweet about the attack and get more likes (I'm just saying,.. the timing is suspicious).
(Site Administrator)
Lies. She was away and is safe. Husband was stabbed in the attack however. Much craziness.
(Old Spike)
You serious?... bulllshit would have heard about it...... did it happen just now?! That being said..... she's a bit stabby ish! no?....
(Site Administrator)
Yesterday/Friday. They spent the day on CNN saying that senators are getting too many death threats and that more security needs to be provided for them and their families. So, I imagine the solution will be giving guns to elementary school kids or something.
(sounds retarded)
I bet they are all getting guns now! LOL
(Site Administrator)
I know, right? Just imagine Nancy getting to stand within 2 feet of future president Trump in the senate. They'll have to train sharpshooters on her.
(sounds retarded)
Ah, thats all for show. She just wants to buy her $14 a pint ice cream and $30k fridge and Trump was messing up her scams.
(Old Spike)
Nacy with a gun...... gtfo......she cant lift a gun...... it would be a problem. Her beard....... prolly be screaming like a bitch in the fetal position.
Just make gay ok, she would have a bulldyke monster of a partner akimbo MG!