Every year in Lviv, Ukrainians celebrate the creation of the Nazi Waffen SS Galizien division.
Waffen SS as a whole was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials.
(7 votes)
(dumb cunt)
(Short Spike)
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(dumb cunt)
Oh yay, man baby danny's lonely little sock account makes an appearance. Much butt hurt achieved aye?
(Old Spike)
Country is falling apart..... there is a stamp press....... just as well be pokemons, does that imply Ukrania is living in a "catch em all" world (this is the limit if my pokemon knowledge") All you need is a artist, a portrait etched out....... printers can be worked as cattle.
Pondered with prints and art...... you make A print.....you been working on getting the paint, thikness of "what you call it in english" Etching every layer by hand....my gf or the artist and the owner artillerie comes in and just wrecks it, nukes it.....it gets me hard !
(Old Spike)
Make another parade.... please!
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
This is the Flemish lion it is used by others later on but it's origin lies in early middle ages Flanders, the Belgian Knights would always wear this over their armor and painted on their shield, regular foot soldiers would wear it on their shield, the top one,.. the bottom one was drawn later
(Site Administrator)
that's a completely different motif to that of the Waffen SS Galician Division
thanks for your input tho. Slava Ukraini!
(Old Spike)
Well some ppl like the nazi ideology, others are communists, tometo tomato
(Site Administrator)
some like nazi ideology so much they trash their own economies to support it in a foreign country
(Old Spike)
Those WHO HAVE, do with it what they please
(Site Administrator)
now they HAVE double digit inflation
(Site Moderator)
Who knows, maybe it will get so bad that people will start leaving the country looking for a better place to live.
(Old Spike)
Where nederland?..... fine .... producing luxury crops. a flip of the hat can produce as much corn as Ukraina...... Am i Wrong......tulips to grain, some of the most fertile earth on the planet with exceptional sun conditions! Anyone from the netherlands here? no........ Either way, grow the fuck up and produce for human ingestion you cunts! This is wehy you have hyper inflation........ flowers ffs!
(Old Spike)
this is an old question to Dude.... what happens to ducklings in turbolent waters?
(Old Spike)
They move faster
(Old Spike)
yes and die! You live near as a pond you said and they float and you claimed expetise!....... when it's a common knowledge they drown.when caught in a swirl, their feathers soke up water, you refused this to the point .... we had this debate 7 years ago. A clip of a fucktonn og ducklings down a river.... they died, you insisted they where fine. I'm not experienced in the field, but i know ducks babys dies like a motherfucker when they get soaked.......... i have a weird long memory!
Made a big ass point of this and we argued like a motherfucker!
Heres the weird part, was i right?...... 7-10 years ago? hehyes i know i have problems! Did the ducklings die yes or no!
Yes i know it's crazy.......I am crazy, not normal to remeber these things much less bring em up 1000 years later
(Old Spike)
Hey i remember that, you say when they get soaked they drown, what if it rains?
(Old Spike)
Yes correct, once their fethers get soaked they can drown. In a whirlpool of a river(the clip in question) they all dead was my position. You said no..... live close to a pond, my position was impossible!
I got miffed, cause drowned ducklings makes me sad when i see one..... very rare, they don't breed here afaik. We have a lot of ducks around though and younglings. It's a protected park or area. in the middle of the city, it's also a few meters close to a river. Those who slip the fence and try their luck on the river drown once they get soke... 20 seconds and they're gone.They even drown in ponds..... and no rain is fine, tropical rain, problem..... assuming the mother would take em on land?!
It's something well known and sad..... and we had a 5 page debate about it =)
(Old Spike)
LoL i am not going to argue, you seem to know your ducks :)
Once i have seen a duck dissapear straight down when i was feeding them, must have been a huge carp who pulled him down by its flipper, it was in my hometown at a pond surrounding the old WW2 fortress wich is a part of the fortress circle that was supposed to protect Antwerp from the Germans, they did not expect them to parachute in and were way understaffed because the tanks where not comming yet, they parachuted in and took them in a matter of minutes...
(Old Spike)
Think these people are welcome anywhere in Ukraine! They get to do what they want fine (most likely stoned to shit, beaten to half to death or exiled =......they are abhorred!
(Old Spike)
It's all on the up and up too.
(Old Spike)
They are dead...... dead fucking idiots!
Is it even a hundred? No matter, Ukraine nazi ..... heheh well good luck with that!
I implore you to just google nanzi an all former cccp states.......... Poland, Russia, Kazakstan...... i swear you can find em, you have to visit though....CCCP fell biggest Nazi bastion and to this day is in Russia!
(Old Spike)