30 years of development


Pdub's picture

Amazing cgi.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

The things a company can accomplish without diversiy hiring.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

yup, soon you won't need a nursing home to go die in. you can stay at home and have a robot wipe your ass, feed you and tuck you into bed at night while your children go about their lives.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

You almost make it sound bad! Do we get to chose it's "skin" ... prolly a settings tab....... I'd put it to 10 on discusted of user tab...... mmmmm..... MHHHHHHHH...... speed up this middle age hell I'm in and put me in a diaper with and abusive bot! What..... i am free to express my self and force everyone who reeds this to be a part of it.... what!?!

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