Mobster Gives Special Interview

eh's picture

Mobster attack on journalist outrages Italy

Italy reels from images of an attack on a journalist by a mobster in a Rome suburb, as local prosecutors open an investigation.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Enjoy jail

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eh's picture

LOL Organized crime in Rome has the police in their back pocket. If anything, the journalist will get harrassed by the police to make sure he takes no action, though this video has gone viral in Italy and there is a huge public uproar which may force the police to appear as though they aren't corrupt which is hilarious.

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GKhan's picture

Man, that reporter took it like a champ.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Thought headbutting is a movie thing and would never work in IRL. Turns out it's pretty effective when accurately placed on the nose.    

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