Tue, 2023-01-31 16:43 — Nakey I turn a Nut into a tiny Adjustable Wrench Video of I turn a Nut into a tiny Adjustable Wrench I forgot to add a description! 5 Average: 5 (3 votes)
(Site Administrator)
You had us at 'I turn a nut into'. ;-)
Really nice video. Soothing watch. Great working angles. And very nicely produced. Bravo man.
(Site Administrator)
dude, i made a comment on you tube "my wife turned a nut into a small child."
oh btw emojis work now.
(Old Spike)
Was offered this video a while ago on yt, didn't watch it as I expeted them to use machinery nobody really has in their DIY workshop.
Nice project for an apprentice, though!