100 genders? WTF? and they wonder why people make fun of them? Who comes up with shit like this?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
It's like trying to define all the possible shades of grey.
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
i bet my ball gag there's only 50 shades.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
more like trying to define all the possible shade of grey to an audience that says they don't exist that they shouldn't exist. its awesome cause those people end up having kids and whats better than to dismiss their existing to the point where they kill themselves which leads to another point you could make of why they keep killing themselves
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Dude (Old Spike)
I am a big titted male with big cock and big lesbian fetish but i am a big hetrosexual, what gender is that?
-A real man?
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danman (Site Administrator)
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Dude (Old Spike)
I think il write that on my applications from now on :)
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The big tits skew you a bit on the female side but it's offset by the big dick. Combine that with the lesbian fetish (You prefer all pussy in your porn and no dicks) I would say you land just slightly (0.5-1) on the manlier side. Though, I would need a more thorough analysis of your fetishes and preferences to make a more accurate estimate of your gender.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I also like women wearing jeans with holes cut in, and i also do like to see dick go in the pussy :)
But i don't get off on dicks being sucked, i heard this story when i was young that a girl was sucking a dude's dick and she got an epileptic seizure her teeth clenched and the boy knocked 2 of her teeth out, his dick was fine the girl got new 2 stift teeth and apparently they lived happily ever after, so i never wanted a girl to suck my dick, does that make me gay?
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Dude, not wanting to get your dick sucked is pretty gay.
You gotta take your chances. Just don't do it under strobing lights and you'll be fine.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I got my dick sucked many times though, but it was against my will :)
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Happens to me all the time. You just gotta live with it.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Sacrifices need to be made.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Would depend on the girl's sucking skill to be honest. There are those who know how and those who..
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Would depend on the girl's sucking skill to be fair. There's those that got it and those that..
(Old Spike)
100 genders? WTF? and they wonder why people make fun of them? Who comes up with shit like this?
(Site Moderator)
It's like trying to define all the possible shades of grey.
(Site Administrator)
i bet my ball gag there's only 50 shades.
(Old Spike)
more like trying to define all the possible shade of grey to an audience that says they don't exist that they shouldn't exist. its awesome cause those people end up having kids and whats better than to dismiss their existing to the point where they kill themselves which leads to another point you could make of why they keep killing themselves
(Old Spike)
I am a big titted male with big cock and big lesbian fetish but i am a big hetrosexual, what gender is that?
-A real man?
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
I think il write that on my applications from now on :)
(Site Moderator)
The big tits skew you a bit on the female side but it's offset by the big dick. Combine that with the lesbian fetish (You prefer all pussy in your porn and no dicks) I would say you land just slightly (0.5-1) on the manlier side. Though, I would need a more thorough analysis of your fetishes and preferences to make a more accurate estimate of your gender.
(Old Spike)
I also like women wearing jeans with holes cut in, and i also do like to see dick go in the pussy :)
But i don't get off on dicks being sucked, i heard this story when i was young that a girl was sucking a dude's dick and she got an epileptic seizure her teeth clenched and the boy knocked 2 of her teeth out, his dick was fine the girl got new 2 stift teeth and apparently they lived happily ever after, so i never wanted a girl to suck my dick, does that make me gay?
(Site Moderator)
Dude, not wanting to get your dick sucked is pretty gay.
You gotta take your chances. Just don't do it under strobing lights and you'll be fine.
(Old Spike)
I got my dick sucked many times though, but it was against my will :)
(Site Moderator)
Happens to me all the time. You just gotta live with it.
(Site Administrator)
Sacrifices need to be made.
(Site Administrator)
Would depend on the girl's sucking skill to be honest. There are those who know how and those who..
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Would depend on the girl's sucking skill to be fair. There's those that got it and those that..