And i thought we would be battling terminators in WW3.... maybe WW4
Average: 3(2 votes)
theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If we are even asking this question maybe we deserve to get nuked.
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sato (Old Spike)
this is stupid on so many counts...
the video is stupid with all the political jibes it attempts to insert.
the question the video is based on is stupid because it has nothing to do with law, all this stuff is covered by international agreements, not law.
and the shooting down of the balloon after it had passed over the states was stupid because what's to be gained at that point? they can't recover it and it poses no further danger.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you shoot it down so you can find out what it recorded. you do it over water so the impacts not as bad. you not only send a two f22s. but two f15e's with sniper pods to track debris and a navy recognizance aircraft
they already got parts of it
if you've never watched aircraft investigator/mayday, those guys find and re-assemble 737s to find out that a screw was loose. they're going to find every microchip that busted off
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Unplug your computer. Submerge it in salt water for 24 hours. Clean it out, dry it, and see what happens.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well, if it was a my computer and i had a million/billion dollar budget. i'd hire a staff comprised of data recovery specialists and whatnot, i'd have them pull every chip, resistors, capacitors.... and solder them onto a new board. trudeau would be so proud of the money spent and you'd be at home taking you're ivermectin while complaining about it
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Dumb on little man.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
rip project veritas
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I heard Bahkmut is doing better every day. You might get some Abrhams by 2024 once they take the good armor off them.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well, it took 2 months for mariupol and i said this about it
"every day they're alive is another day a russian soldiers will die. its another day russians are held off from advancing. its another day of shipments of weapons to the rest of ukraine. to me, azov group is already dead and they're doing this from beyond the grave"
russia's been at bakhmut for 6 months, how longs the next town going to take? are they going to have abrams by then?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
2-3 others are already falling in the region. Ukrainian forces are reportedly having a suicide problem unfortunately.
The main objective is the hills to the west which is projected to take longer than Bahkmut, but will be decisive ground once seized. The tipping point of the war is already surpassed it's just a question of how many battles it takes from here for Ukraine to concede.
Wars are typically won many battles before the final. Reports of Russian reinforcements are estimated between 500'000 and 700'000. Basically ready to go, just waiting for the right opportunity the Generals decide on.
205 mm shells from NATO are basically depleted, U.S. is borrowing munitions from Israel's stockpile to fill demand. Hi MARS production is painfully slow. The tanks will take months to refit and ship, and likely 6 months minimum to train crews to be just ok with them.
U.S. promises a 500% munitions production increase in 2 years. That still doesn't fill the rate of expenditure. If they are committed to tangling with China as well they need to increase production by 5000%. It's all being set up to fail.
Such a waste, but we are well aware you are willing to throw as many Ukrainians into this as it takes.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
suicides? that reminds me. did you see the russian that hung himself after getting raped by some kadryovites? how about that russian that killed himself with a grenade in the stairwell, guy was literally a head connected to some back skin laying on the stairs. a video is out today from a russian showing off the grenade he's save for himself. not mentioning that a percentage of the guys don't make it out of "boot camp" due to various ways of being murdered
israel and nato don't use 205 mm shells. nobody does, don't have a weapon systems to use 205mm shells even if we had them.... but america does have a stockpiles of other shells being stored on an american military base in israel and articles have come out about american sending them to ukraine. i guess that shows you the difference in a bitchute video and reality. the nice thing about nato and america, is standardization. that means a lot of its allies make the same shells and have been for a long time. and if inventories dwindle, we give them the shells we said we weren't 6 months ago. got stockpiles of different versions of the same shell. you want a bigger bang, explode above the ground, want to set fire to everything, how about cluster bombs. always got the option to give them a different weapon system
you should watch russian state media. its way more far right than bitchute could ever be
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
I imagine you rubbing your fingers with glee at the thought of a false flag attack to drag more countries into this war.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
no, i would jerk off to that. i rub my fingers together with glee over the idea that you dying from drinking chlorinated pool water after fighting a raccoon over garbage becomes more credible with every passing day
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Of course you realize that many of our community is from Europe, and a larger conflict would put them in danger as well.
But that is a sacrifice you are willing to make.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
think of how many jews would have survived ww2 if we hadn't of waited so long
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
You are assuming that Russian occupation of the territory it claims means genocide of the civilian population by default. Meanwhile the ongoing conflict and enlarging the conflict is guaranteed genocide of the miltiary and civillian population.
However, a peace agreement provides a high probability of stopping genocide. The conflict stops in short order, the situation regarding the occupation of Ukraine can be closely monitored to ensure Russia holds to it's agreement, and a larger conflict is abated, and rebuilding and restoration of trade agreements and global economy can begin.
You dangling the persecution of the jews over the heads of everyone here is typical and disgusting. You radicals have run out of tricks in your playbook, and that is why you lose support by the hour. Even if you had the courage to commence a revolution, you no longer have the numbers.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Did you hear the news? it was a spy drone, it was intercepting all kinds of communications.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
the key word is "occupation". i'm assuming russia does the same thing its done during its last occupations. genocides and deportations. what you got in poland is what you got in chechnya and georgia. which is what you find in recaptured towns in ukraine.
a peace agreement doesn't provide a high probably of anything. you take over a part of country and get them to sign it over. you still have to deal with dissidents. how do you think russia does that?
i'm not dangling anything, its a solid point. a number exist. a number that accounts for the killed and displaced ukrainians from after the war ends. a number that if you knew now what it would be. would make you want us to provided them the weapons they need. what number is that to you?
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danman (Site Administrator)
"support NATO's proxy war or more people will die"
- charlatan9000, reddit specialist & keen student of counting to potato
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If you are forced the share a legal system with a population that has value systems at war with your own Deportation is exactly how you deal with that, since the situation cannot be permitted to destabilize the nation.
Chechnya is governing according to their own values, Russia has little say in their affairs, there seem to be some situations where things were getting out of hand, and Putin has stepped up and reeled in these outlier governors.
Currently in Crimea 70% of the population are satisfied, 30% are not. The 30% are not only alive, but permitted to stay and express their dissatisfaction.
With the currently occupied Ukrainian regions people are generally ok with of course the exception of the damages done during the conflict which happens during any conflict unfortunately. With Azov gone, a large part of the militant persecution of Russian Speaking Ukrainians should be significantly reduced moving forward.
As for Dissidents, It depends to what extent you want to be a dissident. If you intend to rampantly damage property or take up weapons in any situation you should expect consequences.
If you are concerned about the number of displaced Ukrainians then you should be calling for amicable negotiations to end the destruction that causes displacement, not encouraging more of it that risks a nuclear exchange, financial meltdown, destruction of global food supply, energy crises in Europe, and more maimed and killed.
Something you have failed to realize is Russia could have leveled everything to the ground long ago and had their territory. A couple of Putins Generals told him to do exactly that. They have not, They have slowly maneuvered and taken everything at cost to their fighting men to protect as many civilians and infrastructure as possible.
If NATO gets involved fully, they'll demolish the whole country with careless bombing runs and parade victory all over the news while ignoring the greater damages they brought.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
dude. they've been bombing apartment buildings since day one. they killed people waiting for bread. this is no different then the previous wars. you ignoring it doesn't make a difference. you want to pretend that russia didn't invade chechnya or georgia, annex part of those country and killed its citizens. you think people just lay day the fight after a surrender. every war thats happened, says different
you want ukraine to give up its land for peace. i want russia to leave ukraine for peace
so whats the number?
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If you keep fighting you are regarded as a hostile by your opponent. It's very simple.
Of course some damage is unavoidable. It's impossible to avoid destruction of building hostiles are fortifying.
Kill people waiting for bread? Let me give you a tip on spotting propaganda. If it's meant to make you extremely angry and invoke a rapid response and judgment of the situation, it's probably not the truth.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
the bodies of dead civilians with bullet holes in russia controlled parts, isn't propaganda. its history. you can take that for what it is or you can listen to the people telling you a spy by the name of hardly legible and his sims 4 is going to kill a russian tv host and that ukraines using black magic
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Are you claiming the government is liable for every crime it does not prevent? Or are you talking about something from the former soviet union?
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
if they're soldiers belonging to an invading government. they're liable for every crime
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
And how do you know it wasn't Azov or some similar group doing false flag attacks on it's own people to get some anger fuel on tape? Russian uniforms and weapons aren't exactly hard to come by, and they were engaged in this kind of behavior for months on end.
It makes no sense for Russia to engage in this. It's completely self defeating, however it makes perfect sense for Ukraine to do this as it ramps up support.
Let's even go further into the angle I assume you're trying to show. That some rogue hate filled individuals from the Russian army did this. Does that mean you are responsible for every building burned in the name of BLM or every child destroyed in the name of trans ideology?
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Dude (Old Spike)
YES now STFU stupid
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"Of course some damage is unavoidable. It's impossible to avoid destruction of building hostiles are fortifying."
There's a simple solution to this. Stay on your side of the border, where there are no hostiles.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
it doesn't make sense to send soldiers behind enemy lines with the intent purposes of killing the civilians that are resistant to russian occupation. but on the chance they could successfully pull off that mission, it would be easier just kill the russian soldiers in the area and recapture the town
is BLM an exclusive club that you have to sign a contract to join? like, you go out and kill someone, burn down a building and say you did in BLM's name, would that make them responsible or liable for your actions? compare that to joining the russian army. they train you and send you to a foreign country. they don't give you the order to kill civilians but you do it anyways. should russia be held accountable for those actions? cause if they're not. that means america's not responsible for the things its soldiers did during the wars it fought
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
Were they behind enemy lines? How do you know for sure where that video was taken? Could have been anywhere in the country.
Were those exact civilians resistant to Russian occupation? How do you know? Did you know them personally? Did you know their moms?
Let's say all that lines up. I don't know how you could confirm all of those assumptions for sure. It would not be easier to just kill all the Russians and retake the area. I believe Ukraine has been trying to do that the entire time with disappointing results so far. It however would be far more effective to murder some of your own, blame it on the enemy, show some gnarly video and sell it at as an atrocity to motivate support.
The idea I propose makes sense, and delivers maximum impact for minimal effort with little proof required. The point of view you present makes little sense, is not effective, has no logical explanation, no strategy, is self destructive, and undermines all of the efforts and sacrifice the rest of the Russian war strategy has painstakingly undertaken all of this time.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
we don't find mass graves in territories that were always in ukrainian control. we find them in liberated towns that were occupied by russians
you're fucking retarded. nothing you say has made sense in at least 5 years, everything russia does, is a false flag and it doesn't matter how many times russia has done it in the past. thats basicalyl you're opinion on everything. so its good to know. that america has never did anything wrong and can never do anything wrong because anything you say they did is just a false flag by the enemy they were fighting
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
How do you know the mass graves were found in territories under Russian control? How do you know the stories behind the bodies in the mass graves? How do you know how each one died? How do you know they weren't in another part of the country? How do you they weren't just recovered from the collateral damage given temporary burial before more suitable arrangements could be made?
Alot of questions to be answered before demanding a world war.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you know, BLM is just a false flag operation run by white supremacist that want to justify their hated for black people
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
If there is one thing BLM wants it's more dead black people. More freakouts, more rampage, more government clamp down on civil liberties, more finger pointing against the evil white man.
We know the hustle, and so do mostly everyone else.
All this crap is a weapon.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you know baseball was invented as a psy op for the sole purpose of training men to throw further so they later be able to throw grenades at long distances? look it up
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
It's not about whether or not your fighting. It's about what you're fighting for.
We'll have plenty of bigger fish to fry in the coming years, everything before that is a distraction and a waste.
"He will win, he who knows when to fight, and when not to fight."
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
you know that trudeau was behind the freedom convoy? he basically outed all of his detractors. gave them enough money to travel to ottawa and walk around as he captured all their faces and ran it through a database. over the next few years. all those people are going to die suddenly
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
All that crap is too tedious. The NWO contingencies are going to be broad sweeps. Wars, Cyber Attacks, additional pandemics, and societal collapse. Every nation has kill quotas. Who's left is going under management through digital currency, digital ID, and 15 minute cities. Or C40 cities I think they are being called now.
If you want to talk about convoy sabotage look into Benjamin Dictor. He was claiming to speak as a leader of the convoy, when the actual leadership knew nothing about this guy, and he walked away without a scratch.
Trudeau? His time is just about up. He's too incompetent, and drew too much suspicion upon himself by over playing his hand. He won't have a seat at the table in the end. His support team is way more dangerous.
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Dude (Old Spike)
A law is an agreement, only an agreement you can pull back from since there was no higher power to establish it, in a way it is a law with potential effects from the parties involved if broken.
They shot it down, to see what it was.
They did it above sea so it's fall would be broken and pieces could be retrieved
(Old Spike)
If we are even asking this question maybe we deserve to get nuked.
(Old Spike)
this is stupid on so many counts...
the video is stupid with all the political jibes it attempts to insert.
the question the video is based on is stupid because it has nothing to do with law, all this stuff is covered by international agreements, not law.
and the shooting down of the balloon after it had passed over the states was stupid because what's to be gained at that point? they can't recover it and it poses no further danger.
(Old Spike)
you shoot it down so you can find out what it recorded. you do it over water so the impacts not as bad. you not only send a two f22s. but two f15e's with sniper pods to track debris and a navy recognizance aircraft
they already got parts of it
if you've never watched aircraft investigator/mayday, those guys find and re-assemble 737s to find out that a screw was loose. they're going to find every microchip that busted off
(Old Spike)
Unplug your computer. Submerge it in salt water for 24 hours. Clean it out, dry it, and see what happens.
(Old Spike)
well, if it was a my computer and i had a million/billion dollar budget. i'd hire a staff comprised of data recovery specialists and whatnot, i'd have them pull every chip, resistors, capacitors.... and solder them onto a new board. trudeau would be so proud of the money spent and you'd be at home taking you're ivermectin while complaining about it
(Old Spike)
Dumb on little man.
(Old Spike)
rip project veritas
(Old Spike)
I heard Bahkmut is doing better every day. You might get some Abrhams by 2024 once they take the good armor off them.
(Old Spike)
well, it took 2 months for mariupol and i said this about it
"every day they're alive is another day a russian soldiers will die. its another day russians are held off from advancing. its another day of shipments of weapons to the rest of ukraine. to me, azov group is already dead and they're doing this from beyond the grave"
russia's been at bakhmut for 6 months, how longs the next town going to take? are they going to have abrams by then?
(Old Spike)
2-3 others are already falling in the region. Ukrainian forces are reportedly having a suicide problem unfortunately.
The main objective is the hills to the west which is projected to take longer than Bahkmut, but will be decisive ground once seized. The tipping point of the war is already surpassed it's just a question of how many battles it takes from here for Ukraine to concede.
Wars are typically won many battles before the final. Reports of Russian reinforcements are estimated between 500'000 and 700'000. Basically ready to go, just waiting for the right opportunity the Generals decide on.
205 mm shells from NATO are basically depleted, U.S. is borrowing munitions from Israel's stockpile to fill demand. Hi MARS production is painfully slow. The tanks will take months to refit and ship, and likely 6 months minimum to train crews to be just ok with them.
U.S. promises a 500% munitions production increase in 2 years. That still doesn't fill the rate of expenditure. If they are committed to tangling with China as well they need to increase production by 5000%. It's all being set up to fail.
Such a waste, but we are well aware you are willing to throw as many Ukrainians into this as it takes.
(Old Spike)
suicides? that reminds me. did you see the russian that hung himself after getting raped by some kadryovites? how about that russian that killed himself with a grenade in the stairwell, guy was literally a head connected to some back skin laying on the stairs. a video is out today from a russian showing off the grenade he's save for himself. not mentioning that a percentage of the guys don't make it out of "boot camp" due to various ways of being murdered
israel and nato don't use 205 mm shells. nobody does, don't have a weapon systems to use 205mm shells even if we had them.... but america does have a stockpiles of other shells being stored on an american military base in israel and articles have come out about american sending them to ukraine. i guess that shows you the difference in a bitchute video and reality. the nice thing about nato and america, is standardization. that means a lot of its allies make the same shells and have been for a long time. and if inventories dwindle, we give them the shells we said we weren't 6 months ago. got stockpiles of different versions of the same shell. you want a bigger bang, explode above the ground, want to set fire to everything, how about cluster bombs. always got the option to give them a different weapon system
you should watch russian state media. its way more far right than bitchute could ever be
(Old Spike)
I imagine you rubbing your fingers with glee at the thought of a false flag attack to drag more countries into this war.
(Old Spike)
no, i would jerk off to that. i rub my fingers together with glee over the idea that you dying from drinking chlorinated pool water after fighting a raccoon over garbage becomes more credible with every passing day
(Old Spike)
Of course you realize that many of our community is from Europe, and a larger conflict would put them in danger as well.
But that is a sacrifice you are willing to make.
(Old Spike)
think of how many jews would have survived ww2 if we hadn't of waited so long
(Old Spike)
You are assuming that Russian occupation of the territory it claims means genocide of the civilian population by default. Meanwhile the ongoing conflict and enlarging the conflict is guaranteed genocide of the miltiary and civillian population.
However, a peace agreement provides a high probability of stopping genocide. The conflict stops in short order, the situation regarding the occupation of Ukraine can be closely monitored to ensure Russia holds to it's agreement, and a larger conflict is abated, and rebuilding and restoration of trade agreements and global economy can begin.
You dangling the persecution of the jews over the heads of everyone here is typical and disgusting. You radicals have run out of tricks in your playbook, and that is why you lose support by the hour. Even if you had the courage to commence a revolution, you no longer have the numbers.
(Old Spike)
Did you hear the news? it was a spy drone, it was intercepting all kinds of communications.
(Old Spike)
the key word is "occupation". i'm assuming russia does the same thing its done during its last occupations. genocides and deportations. what you got in poland is what you got in chechnya and georgia. which is what you find in recaptured towns in ukraine.
a peace agreement doesn't provide a high probably of anything. you take over a part of country and get them to sign it over. you still have to deal with dissidents. how do you think russia does that?
i'm not dangling anything, its a solid point. a number exist. a number that accounts for the killed and displaced ukrainians from after the war ends. a number that if you knew now what it would be. would make you want us to provided them the weapons they need. what number is that to you?
(Site Administrator)
"support NATO's proxy war or more people will die"
- charlatan9000, reddit specialist & keen student of counting to potato
(Old Spike)
If you are forced the share a legal system with a population that has value systems at war with your own Deportation is exactly how you deal with that, since the situation cannot be permitted to destabilize the nation.
Chechnya is governing according to their own values, Russia has little say in their affairs, there seem to be some situations where things were getting out of hand, and Putin has stepped up and reeled in these outlier governors.
Currently in Crimea 70% of the population are satisfied, 30% are not. The 30% are not only alive, but permitted to stay and express their dissatisfaction.
With the currently occupied Ukrainian regions people are generally ok with of course the exception of the damages done during the conflict which happens during any conflict unfortunately. With Azov gone, a large part of the militant persecution of Russian Speaking Ukrainians should be significantly reduced moving forward.
As for Dissidents, It depends to what extent you want to be a dissident. If you intend to rampantly damage property or take up weapons in any situation you should expect consequences.
If you are concerned about the number of displaced Ukrainians then you should be calling for amicable negotiations to end the destruction that causes displacement, not encouraging more of it that risks a nuclear exchange, financial meltdown, destruction of global food supply, energy crises in Europe, and more maimed and killed.
Something you have failed to realize is Russia could have leveled everything to the ground long ago and had their territory. A couple of Putins Generals told him to do exactly that. They have not, They have slowly maneuvered and taken everything at cost to their fighting men to protect as many civilians and infrastructure as possible.
If NATO gets involved fully, they'll demolish the whole country with careless bombing runs and parade victory all over the news while ignoring the greater damages they brought.
(Old Spike)
dude. they've been bombing apartment buildings since day one. they killed people waiting for bread. this is no different then the previous wars. you ignoring it doesn't make a difference. you want to pretend that russia didn't invade chechnya or georgia, annex part of those country and killed its citizens. you think people just lay day the fight after a surrender. every war thats happened, says different
you want ukraine to give up its land for peace. i want russia to leave ukraine for peace
so whats the number?
(Old Spike)
If you keep fighting you are regarded as a hostile by your opponent. It's very simple.
Of course some damage is unavoidable. It's impossible to avoid destruction of building hostiles are fortifying.
Kill people waiting for bread? Let me give you a tip on spotting propaganda. If it's meant to make you extremely angry and invoke a rapid response and judgment of the situation, it's probably not the truth.
(Old Spike)
the bodies of dead civilians with bullet holes in russia controlled parts, isn't propaganda. its history. you can take that for what it is or you can listen to the people telling you a spy by the name of hardly legible and his sims 4 is going to kill a russian tv host and that ukraines using black magic
(Old Spike)
Are you claiming the government is liable for every crime it does not prevent? Or are you talking about something from the former soviet union?
(Old Spike)
if they're soldiers belonging to an invading government. they're liable for every crime
(Old Spike)
And how do you know it wasn't Azov or some similar group doing false flag attacks on it's own people to get some anger fuel on tape? Russian uniforms and weapons aren't exactly hard to come by, and they were engaged in this kind of behavior for months on end.
It makes no sense for Russia to engage in this. It's completely self defeating, however it makes perfect sense for Ukraine to do this as it ramps up support.
Let's even go further into the angle I assume you're trying to show. That some rogue hate filled individuals from the Russian army did this. Does that mean you are responsible for every building burned in the name of BLM or every child destroyed in the name of trans ideology?
(Old Spike)
YES now STFU stupid
(Site Moderator)
"Of course some damage is unavoidable. It's impossible to avoid destruction of building hostiles are fortifying."
There's a simple solution to this. Stay on your side of the border, where there are no hostiles.
(Old Spike)
it doesn't make sense to send soldiers behind enemy lines with the intent purposes of killing the civilians that are resistant to russian occupation. but on the chance they could successfully pull off that mission, it would be easier just kill the russian soldiers in the area and recapture the town
is BLM an exclusive club that you have to sign a contract to join? like, you go out and kill someone, burn down a building and say you did in BLM's name, would that make them responsible or liable for your actions? compare that to joining the russian army. they train you and send you to a foreign country. they don't give you the order to kill civilians but you do it anyways. should russia be held accountable for those actions? cause if they're not. that means america's not responsible for the things its soldiers did during the wars it fought
(Old Spike)
Were they behind enemy lines? How do you know for sure where that video was taken? Could have been anywhere in the country.
Were those exact civilians resistant to Russian occupation? How do you know? Did you know them personally? Did you know their moms?
Let's say all that lines up. I don't know how you could confirm all of those assumptions for sure. It would not be easier to just kill all the Russians and retake the area. I believe Ukraine has been trying to do that the entire time with disappointing results so far. It however would be far more effective to murder some of your own, blame it on the enemy, show some gnarly video and sell it at as an atrocity to motivate support.
The idea I propose makes sense, and delivers maximum impact for minimal effort with little proof required. The point of view you present makes little sense, is not effective, has no logical explanation, no strategy, is self destructive, and undermines all of the efforts and sacrifice the rest of the Russian war strategy has painstakingly undertaken all of this time.
(Old Spike)
we don't find mass graves in territories that were always in ukrainian control. we find them in liberated towns that were occupied by russians
you're fucking retarded. nothing you say has made sense in at least 5 years, everything russia does, is a false flag and it doesn't matter how many times russia has done it in the past. thats basicalyl you're opinion on everything. so its good to know. that america has never did anything wrong and can never do anything wrong because anything you say they did is just a false flag by the enemy they were fighting
(Old Spike)
How do you know the mass graves were found in territories under Russian control? How do you know the stories behind the bodies in the mass graves? How do you know how each one died? How do you know they weren't in another part of the country? How do you they weren't just recovered from the collateral damage given temporary burial before more suitable arrangements could be made?
Alot of questions to be answered before demanding a world war.
(Old Spike)
you know, BLM is just a false flag operation run by white supremacist that want to justify their hated for black people
(Old Spike)
If there is one thing BLM wants it's more dead black people. More freakouts, more rampage, more government clamp down on civil liberties, more finger pointing against the evil white man.
We know the hustle, and so do mostly everyone else.
All this crap is a weapon.
(Old Spike)
you know baseball was invented as a psy op for the sole purpose of training men to throw further so they later be able to throw grenades at long distances? look it up
(Old Spike)
It's not about whether or not your fighting. It's about what you're fighting for.
We'll have plenty of bigger fish to fry in the coming years, everything before that is a distraction and a waste.
"He will win, he who knows when to fight, and when not to fight."
(Old Spike)
you know that trudeau was behind the freedom convoy? he basically outed all of his detractors. gave them enough money to travel to ottawa and walk around as he captured all their faces and ran it through a database. over the next few years. all those people are going to die suddenly
(Old Spike)
All that crap is too tedious. The NWO contingencies are going to be broad sweeps. Wars, Cyber Attacks, additional pandemics, and societal collapse. Every nation has kill quotas. Who's left is going under management through digital currency, digital ID, and 15 minute cities. Or C40 cities I think they are being called now.
If you want to talk about convoy sabotage look into Benjamin Dictor. He was claiming to speak as a leader of the convoy, when the actual leadership knew nothing about this guy, and he walked away without a scratch.
Trudeau? His time is just about up. He's too incompetent, and drew too much suspicion upon himself by over playing his hand. He won't have a seat at the table in the end. His support team is way more dangerous.
(Old Spike)
A law is an agreement, only an agreement you can pull back from since there was no higher power to establish it, in a way it is a law with potential effects from the parties involved if broken.
They shot it down, to see what it was.
They did it above sea so it's fall would be broken and pieces could be retrieved
(Site Administrator)
this week in 'murica
(Old Spike)
Men wearing the CCP red war paint making balloons