Weak men are not virtuous as they are weak and can't apply force, easy to refrain from force when you're weak, only a strong man can be virtuous as despite his strength and doesn't use it (paraphrasing the fuck out of it) . ...... how about this for a virtue, i rip his fucking head off and fuck his eye socket. I'm strong in every way, but one....... my temper! IIrC temper wasn't mentioned
I'm on team Pope.... he fucking nailed it! (and some boys) still...... I'm in a fucking mood!
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ha, 'nailed it'!
You made an pun.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Love how you cut the video before JP could answer. He actually goes on, tries to at least, but Brett Weinstein cuts them both off insisting they address the much more important topic of masturbation. True story. Time-stamped link to full video here. https://youtu.be/HK5M1BrQeG8?t=1718
As usual, good job presenting only a 'snippet' to suit your.. purposes. You've inspired me in any case..
In the interest of fair play (call it equal airtime) maybe I will post a video or two about how atheism coming from honest debate and an objective search for the truth (no biases there..not a one... honest...hnngh) is the only path to a better tomorrow.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
The conversation had no further substance after that statement, Peterson was unable to provide another argument other than "it's complicated" (literally the most overused fb relationship status), which actually makes Harris' point:
If you need a ridiculous amount of time to insufficiently explain something you simply don't know, thus the probability shifts in favour of whatever you try to explain not being realistic.
He then got saved by weinstein. Was it ever reasonably established why god doesn't want us to masturbate, btw?
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
But hasn't JBP openly admitted that he's struggled with wether there's a god? I believe that it's only after his medical issues subsequent to the recording of this debate that he's come down more thoroughly decided that there is. I guess I'd say was he qualified to champion the cause in the first place.
As for whacking off, I may be mistaken, but I think a case could be made for either extreme being bad (I think an evolutionary biologist like Weinstein argued the case that this results in fresher/higher-quality sperm during actual mating. As for doing it too much, I'm pretty sure there's an entire demographic on here can comment about the negative impact).
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Jpg. is of no consequence. We all struggle with god at one point, then we grew up!.... the smarter you are, the less you should fucking struggle! He's nothing to say which is not already written down 2000 years ago. OOOOOH BAD WOMEN.... OHHHHHHH manly menn. In a time when men fucked each other on the regular...... your entire life as a man, from child to soldier was with a dick in your ass...... corruption of power and sexual opportunism, cause that's what we are sexual opportunists! I have no concept of this yet, this is who we are..... he's likely one.....
As for whacking off.... look at apes...... it's a release valve! It's a valve to function around women without fucking them in the mouth! Quite simple.... take a load off! We have to much drive for even a busslaod on women. Ghengis Khan.....he should have jerked it, but no..... dumped that shit in hundreds maybe thousands of women......that's a bad thing, a very bad thing. It's so bad...... we all have some of his jizz in us!
Jerking off is a good thing .... we only need one or two fun times with women...... after that just jerk off in a corner or get a vasectomy!
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Dude (Old Spike)
Iesa AKA Jesus just survived. i answered it in 5 words...
You want to hear in in 2?, ''he survived''
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, now that would not be a satisfactory answer to the believer......
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Dude (Old Spike)
:) yeah it is never good enough for some
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Unsatisfactory, confirmed. The record shows He was sentenced to death (also referenced in non-biblical texts). The process of crucifixion is very stressful and taxing on the human body, google it. Anyway, when the time came to wrap things up the Romans broke the legs of the 2 criminals hanging on either side of Him, to push them to death. They didn't break Jesus's legs due to his already being dead (verified by the lance to the side). Let me know if you have any other misconceptions need clearing up.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, so he was resurrected? Can you explain in less than 40hrs please?
Vote comment up/down
Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I sure can. Look up first: casting pearls before swine.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Here is the plain english translation of your reply: "I can't".
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
narp. I'm pretty sure that means don't waste pearls of wisdom on a pig.
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Dude (Old Spike)
First of all his name was Iesa and it was a past life of mine, as i was Buddha, and Mohamed also, find that weird that my soul survives? So does yours, you just don't remember or are new.
Jesus survived, was half dead and burried, 2 friends stood next to the pile and he stuck his hand trough the boulders, they dug him out, took him to a nearby woman where he was treated but still not oke, 1 guy remained with him, the writer of the stories, Jesus left him, went back to the woman and died during sex.
In passion of the Christ, Jesus's Mother house and workshop were rebuilt on my memories, as many things came directly from me.
Dalai Lama said i should take his place, i refused.
Imam's wanted me to come forward, i refused.
I just want a simple life away from crazy ppl who fuck everything up.
The movie ''the man from earth'' is about me with alot of bends and twists
That is my silhouette, with clothes that were to big for some reason.
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Dude (Old Spike)
o yeah and i die just like anyone else and get reborn i forget as a baby and regain memory after i am born, why they made him physical immortal is beyond me.
It was my idea to make the movies free and rely on donations
Davinci and Tesla i was also, and many many others.
Now i make this, not a Mona Lisa's but for 15 minutes work not bad, the cats about 8 hours
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
I think I like the rabbit best.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Its a cat :) snake rabbit
I have made an entire collection of these alien cats, this is the only picture i had, i gave the rest away
This one is actually destroyed, by my ex, not on purpose but during cleaning the ears broke off.
Thats what she said, but she misunderstood me in a mis typed text 1 letter difference, i said, ''Ik zie be graag'' should have been ''ik zie je graag'' we know a woman called - Be - she freaked out and wouldn't wanna listen anymore, when she came to i visited her and explained she laughed and told me to fix the statue, i told her it was beyond repair.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
On its side it also looks like more of a duck to be honest. So little dude made these all the way back in crafts in grade school and kept them all these years eh? nice!
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Dude (Old Spike)
lol one of the cats auctioned for 130.000 Dollar on a Mason auction then i stopped making them,
and got an offer for 80 Euro for one of the paintings.
And i was 32 i think when i made most of this.
I have seen none of the money, and the originals are in possession of the Masons the ones i gave my family and friends were stolen and replaced with 100 percent replicas, Masons can replicate anything in a minute (technological magic)
That is why i stopped making them.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Can you find it on Amazon?
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Dude (Old Spike)
I wanted to say - On craigslist like your mother - but i appreciate the picture gallery so no need to drag your mom in to this :)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Wow, it's like me being openly dismissive about something you've committed time to, something you love and appreciate and going the extra step of being openly offensive, shitting on it even though nobody invited me to share my opinion was somehow offensive to you,.. is that about right? ;-) The Egyptian influenced cat was actually quite lovely but I'm hoping you see my point now.
Also very classy keeping moms out if it. Always a good move.
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Dude (Old Spike)
:) still smiling :) and Iesa did not resurrect, but he did in and because of the book.
Actually he never died, his body did eventually but not on the cross, i know that for a fact
And the king who slapped him, got shot a couple of times in the gut by the time traveler.. aka 2nd coming of Jesus, who worked his way up the ladder to take revenge, no more other cheek.
Destiny at work, the paradox of karma to those who do him wrong.
God who forgives, and the old vengeful god, it switches over time as a battle between good and normal.
Either way he gets his point across, did we not just see the rapture called Corona brought to you by the vengeful me trough my Masonic enemy called the Anti Christ, AKA John McMannon high Mason and CIA operative, orphan, crack addict, killer, selfish, envious, greedy, power hungry, fat little man.
Good - Normal - Evil.... logic dictates you stay in the middle, you might need evil in you as much as, others need the good
A man who chooses one over the other is either alone or with to many, hence he will loose himself because of solitude or get lost in the crowd.
A man who chooses one over the other, will become bitter or else a fool.
A little bitter and a little foolish is the trademark of the average man, either way it is never good enough.
And with this i apologize.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
:) understood your first 2 words and last 2 words above. As for the rest..
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Dude (Old Spike)
Jeez such an old picture, i expected better from the gallery master :)
Vote comment up/down
Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Not at all. Sometimes it's called 'classic' cause it's the best.
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danman (Site Administrator)
charlatan9000 and Jordan Peterson are peas in a pod
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Whats going on, ..... comment just makes no sense!
(Old Spike)
Weak men are not virtuous as they are weak and can't apply force, easy to refrain from force when you're weak, only a strong man can be virtuous as despite his strength and doesn't use it (paraphrasing the fuck out of it) . ...... how about this for a virtue, i rip his fucking head off and fuck his eye socket. I'm strong in every way, but one....... my temper! IIrC temper wasn't mentioned
I'm on team Pope.... he fucking nailed it! (and some boys) still...... I'm in a fucking mood!
(Site Administrator)
Ha, 'nailed it'!
You made an pun.
(Site Administrator)
Love how you cut the video before JP could answer. He actually goes on, tries to at least, but Brett Weinstein cuts them both off insisting they address the much more important topic of masturbation. True story. Time-stamped link to full video here. https://youtu.be/HK5M1BrQeG8?t=1718
As usual, good job presenting only a 'snippet' to suit your.. purposes. You've inspired me in any case..
In the interest of fair play (call it equal airtime) maybe I will post a video or two about how atheism coming from honest debate and an objective search for the truth (no biases there..not a one... honest...hnngh) is the only path to a better tomorrow.
(Old Spike)
The conversation had no further substance after that statement, Peterson was unable to provide another argument other than "it's complicated" (literally the most overused fb relationship status), which actually makes Harris' point:
If you need a ridiculous amount of time to insufficiently explain something you simply don't know, thus the probability shifts in favour of whatever you try to explain not being realistic.
He then got saved by weinstein. Was it ever reasonably established why god doesn't want us to masturbate, btw?
(Site Administrator)
But hasn't JBP openly admitted that he's struggled with wether there's a god? I believe that it's only after his medical issues subsequent to the recording of this debate that he's come down more thoroughly decided that there is. I guess I'd say was he qualified to champion the cause in the first place.
As for whacking off, I may be mistaken, but I think a case could be made for either extreme being bad (I think an evolutionary biologist like Weinstein argued the case that this results in fresher/higher-quality sperm during actual mating. As for doing it too much, I'm pretty sure there's an entire demographic on here can comment about the negative impact).
(Old Spike)
Jpg. is of no consequence. We all struggle with god at one point, then we grew up!.... the smarter you are, the less you should fucking struggle! He's nothing to say which is not already written down 2000 years ago. OOOOOH BAD WOMEN.... OHHHHHHH manly menn. In a time when men fucked each other on the regular...... your entire life as a man, from child to soldier was with a dick in your ass...... corruption of power and sexual opportunism, cause that's what we are sexual opportunists! I have no concept of this yet, this is who we are..... he's likely one.....
As for whacking off.... look at apes...... it's a release valve! It's a valve to function around women without fucking them in the mouth! Quite simple.... take a load off! We have to much drive for even a busslaod on women. Ghengis Khan.....he should have jerked it, but no..... dumped that shit in hundreds maybe thousands of women......that's a bad thing, a very bad thing. It's so bad...... we all have some of his jizz in us!
Jerking off is a good thing .... we only need one or two fun times with women...... after that just jerk off in a corner or get a vasectomy!
(Old Spike)
Iesa AKA Jesus just survived. i answered it in 5 words...
You want to hear in in 2?, ''he survived''
(Old Spike)
lol, now that would not be a satisfactory answer to the believer......
(Old Spike)
:) yeah it is never good enough for some
(Site Administrator)
Unsatisfactory, confirmed. The record shows He was sentenced to death (also referenced in non-biblical texts). The process of crucifixion is very stressful and taxing on the human body, google it. Anyway, when the time came to wrap things up the Romans broke the legs of the 2 criminals hanging on either side of Him, to push them to death. They didn't break Jesus's legs due to his already being dead (verified by the lance to the side). Let me know if you have any other misconceptions need clearing up.
(Old Spike)
lol, so he was resurrected? Can you explain in less than 40hrs please?
(Site Administrator)
I sure can. Look up first: casting pearls before swine.
(Old Spike)
Here is the plain english translation of your reply: "I can't".
(Site Administrator)
narp. I'm pretty sure that means don't waste pearls of wisdom on a pig.
(Old Spike)
First of all his name was Iesa and it was a past life of mine, as i was Buddha, and Mohamed also, find that weird that my soul survives? So does yours, you just don't remember or are new.
Jesus survived, was half dead and burried, 2 friends stood next to the pile and he stuck his hand trough the boulders, they dug him out, took him to a nearby woman where he was treated but still not oke, 1 guy remained with him, the writer of the stories, Jesus left him, went back to the woman and died during sex.
In passion of the Christ, Jesus's Mother house and workshop were rebuilt on my memories, as many things came directly from me.
Dalai Lama said i should take his place, i refused.
Imam's wanted me to come forward, i refused.
I just want a simple life away from crazy ppl who fuck everything up.
The movie ''the man from earth'' is about me with alot of bends and twists
That is my silhouette, with clothes that were to big for some reason.
(Old Spike)
o yeah and i die just like anyone else and get reborn i forget as a baby and regain memory after i am born, why they made him physical immortal is beyond me.
It was my idea to make the movies free and rely on donations
Davinci and Tesla i was also, and many many others.
Now i make this, not a Mona Lisa's but for 15 minutes work not bad, the cats about 8 hours
(Site Administrator)
I think I like the rabbit best.
(Old Spike)
Its a cat :) snake rabbit
I have made an entire collection of these alien cats, this is the only picture i had, i gave the rest away
This one is actually destroyed, by my ex, not on purpose but during cleaning the ears broke off.
Thats what she said, but she misunderstood me in a mis typed text 1 letter difference, i said, ''Ik zie be graag'' should have been ''ik zie je graag'' we know a woman called - Be - she freaked out and wouldn't wanna listen anymore, when she came to i visited her and explained she laughed and told me to fix the statue, i told her it was beyond repair.
(Site Administrator)
On its side it also looks like more of a duck to be honest. So little dude made these all the way back in crafts in grade school and kept them all these years eh? nice!
(Old Spike)
lol one of the cats auctioned for 130.000 Dollar on a Mason auction then i stopped making them,
and got an offer for 80 Euro for one of the paintings.
And i was 32 i think when i made most of this.
I have seen none of the money, and the originals are in possession of the Masons the ones i gave my family and friends were stolen and replaced with 100 percent replicas, Masons can replicate anything in a minute (technological magic)
That is why i stopped making them.
(Site Administrator)
Can you find it on Amazon?
(Old Spike)
I wanted to say - On craigslist like your mother - but i appreciate the picture gallery so no need to drag your mom in to this :)
(Site Administrator)
Wow, it's like me being openly dismissive about something you've committed time to, something you love and appreciate and going the extra step of being openly offensive, shitting on it even though nobody invited me to share my opinion was somehow offensive to you,.. is that about right? ;-) The Egyptian influenced cat was actually quite lovely but I'm hoping you see my point now.
Also very classy keeping moms out if it. Always a good move.
(Old Spike)
:) still smiling :) and Iesa did not resurrect, but he did in and because of the book.
Actually he never died, his body did eventually but not on the cross, i know that for a fact
And the king who slapped him, got shot a couple of times in the gut by the time traveler.. aka 2nd coming of Jesus, who worked his way up the ladder to take revenge, no more other cheek.
Destiny at work, the paradox of karma to those who do him wrong.
God who forgives, and the old vengeful god, it switches over time as a battle between good and normal.
Either way he gets his point across, did we not just see the rapture called Corona brought to you by the vengeful me trough my Masonic enemy called the Anti Christ, AKA John McMannon high Mason and CIA operative, orphan, crack addict, killer, selfish, envious, greedy, power hungry, fat little man.
Good - Normal - Evil.... logic dictates you stay in the middle, you might need evil in you as much as, others need the good
A man who chooses one over the other is either alone or with to many, hence he will loose himself because of solitude or get lost in the crowd.
A man who chooses one over the other, will become bitter or else a fool.
A little bitter and a little foolish is the trademark of the average man, either way it is never good enough.
And with this i apologize.
(Site Administrator)
:) understood your first 2 words and last 2 words above. As for the rest..
(Old Spike)
Jeez such an old picture, i expected better from the gallery master :)
(Site Administrator)
Not at all. Sometimes it's called 'classic' cause it's the best.
(Site Administrator)
charlatan9000 and Jordan Peterson are peas in a pod
(Old Spike)
Whats going on, ..... comment just makes no sense!