Solution To Racism

eh's picture

"Free Houses for Black People" Trump Supporter LAUGHS at Black Lives Matter demands

Black Lives Matter has produced a viable solution to racism. Reparations given by whites along with giving homes and getting people fired will go a long way. Blacks given homes and money has always solved race issues and bigger gifts will end problems forever.

Average: 3 (3 votes)


skeptoid's picture

LOL - I'm surprised you would post a video produced by a Russian propaganda outlet acting as a foreign agent. You are supporting the Trump/Russia collusion and treason - don't you know that Russia has been using BLM to stoke racial tensions in the US to destabilize the country, using poorly worded and researched ads on Facebook and special characters in Pokemon? They even identified the chief Russian  agent responsible for most of the damage - look at his view count and tell me this guy is not a high level Russian intelligence operative:


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eh's picture

LOL I love Russian trolls. Sure, they are finding it easy to dupe the low IQ mass of people in the U.S. but there has been some great material. A Russian troll spread online that Ann Frank was actually a black person and William Shakespeare was illiterate and stole his material from a black woman. Black Lives Matter exploded with a "SEE! WE WUZ KINGS! WE IS SMART! YOU IS STOOPIT" barrage of internet posts. Priceless.



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skeptoid's picture

LOL I find it hard to believe anything more than a handful of people actually fell for stuff like that. It's hilarious in it's clumsiness, but who is going to be impacted by something like that? It doesn't even make sense.

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eh's picture

You'd be surprised I guess.

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danmanjones's picture

What about a racewar to the death? Last race standing gets to keep 'Merica.
3, 2, 1, GO!

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fasfasfasfas's picture

#ShareblueNation Represent!

Another quality post from our resident geniuses Skeptoid and Eh.
I bet you guys are smart enough to enjoy Rick and Morty!
Keep it fresh Hilldawgs!

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skeptoid's picture

Eh and I always post together - we agree on pretty much everything.


Okay - analysis folks: Who do you think this is? I don't think it's Daftcunt having fun, but he might surprise us. Probably Berg I'm thinking, since this guy just complimented himself and Berg in another thread (LOL), but it could be someone more ancient in Spiked lore. Weigh in. The Duckling still has his account right?

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fasfasfasfas's picture
איך באַקומען באַצאָלט דורך הילאַרי צו פּאָסטן דאָ.
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eh's picture

פּאָסטן אין ענגליש. Google איבערזעצן איז אַ ווייטיק אין דער טאָכעס.

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skeptoid's picture

No wonder she fucking lost.

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