Just Started VR Gaming

Dude's picture

Half-Life: Alyx Announcement Trailer

Holy shit it is awesome, i bought a secondhand Oculus Rift S for 120 shipped, it was like new, bought some games on Steam,

It is like being inside the worlds your hands do everything, eject clip, take new, pulling slide, no more mouse and keyboard for me, this is aiming with a real gun, if you have not tried it and have a fairly good gaming PC buy a cheap Rift S and step into it, PS VR2 is also good.

I rely recommend it, and with the rift you won't have to set your graphics it detects all that is in your machine, all the tracking is done with the camera's on the headset so easy.


140 euro new           -Ryzen 5 5600G

70 euro new             -32GB DDR4 3200MHz

120 euro 2nd hand  -1660TI Gaming OC 

70 euro new             -XILENCE breeze case

120 euro 2nd hand  -Oculus Rift S

120 euro                   -corsair power supply

70 euro                    -Motherboard asrock


If i calculated that right 710 for everything. And 70 bucks for a couple of steam sale games 780 then

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

windows 11 key you can buy here, or a windows 10 then upgrade, they buy Chinese copies and sell em again, but they are multi langual multi region keys completely legit. https://www.vip-scdkey.com/ typing the key in qwerty is difficult though 10 minutes of trying keyboard buttons :)

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Welcome to VR :) 

Alyx was my first VR experience too and was blown away when I first got to play it. Genuinely scary when 6-foot shot gun guy come at you. When it's new your totally immersed in it.....wait till you meet Jeff. 

It's been 2 years since I played through the game, but there some many good mod in the workshop that I have a backlog of maps to play still today.  There's a lot of crap out there, but then there are gems that almost surpass Valve maps. 


I got the HP Reverb G2 headset.  I'd say it's the best bang for your buck headset you can get now.  4K each eye.

Controller tracking is not the best but it gets the job done.  If you want to upgrade, I suggest taking a look at the G2.  VR porn is a lot better too when the bitches aren't all pixelated.  


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

i have to look hard to see pixels on 4k or 5k, i down it from the pirate bay there are lower resolution torrents that might look a little fuzzy and others look pixelated, but most stuff is real real


And i noticed that you can watch regular 2D movies like in a theater with DeoVR massive screen and you can also play 2D games on a big screen with some program but i don't know wish one

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

4-5K is usually quite pixelated, you might not notice it till you've tried 7K or 8K.  

The headset lenses drop the resolution quite a bit so you need to compensate with a sharper image.   


Tried watching movies with it a couple of times. With high-res movies it's ok, but still, a big TV is better.  The image is just a bit soft around the corners.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Yeah either way i will not buy from HP they screwed me with a printer 18 years ago :) , then i said to myself "i will boycott all your products HP"

I have been slandering their name for 18 years and counting :)

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Just buy used so you won't be giving HP any money :)   

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is a good idea ;)

But then still, if they get the PS VR2 working on PC i might use that, it has eye tracking so it only renders what you are looking at sharply, and the lenses are amazing but today a few little controller issues also like you mentioned, so far i have not experienced any with the Rift S but then again i just have it for a few days

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Yeah PS VR2 seems to be good. The HP G2 is kinda old already, tech moves quickly.

I think I'll wait and see what Valve comes up with next. The downside is you need to drop another grand on a GPU to make good use of it.   

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Pdub's picture

It is awesome.  Too bad developers aren't making more titles as polished as Alyx.  

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

O many will folow this is just the beginning.

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Benign Individual's picture

My friends said Skyrim has the most immersive experience on VR

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

bought that too, but have not started it.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Skyrim vanilla is... fine...

You want mods to maximize that experience. Use mod organizer 2. Vortex sucks. 

Skyrim Script Extender, Sky UI, and Skyrim Unofficial patch are essential. SKSE expands the capabilities of the game and most of the best and most immersive mods have it as a hard requirement. Sky UI adds a lot of quality of life improvments with the menu system. Many mods have it as a requirement. Skyrim unoffical patch fixes a lot of broken things in the game, and again is a requirement for many mods.

After that it's all about what you love. I personally have about 10 gigs of graphic overhauls and ENB modifications for weather, flora, night sky, water, lighting, texture remeshes, new character models etc.

You can change pretty much everything about the game, while keeping it rooted in the game's setting.

Try vanilla, then when you get bored spend a good week modding it the way you like. Make sure to test everything. Don't just add 500 mods and start new game. And it doesn't hurt to spend 5 minutes per mod checking the net for what things it might break.

Oh, and don't install skyrim to Programfilesx86. Just don't, it breaks so many things. If that's where your steam library is. Create a new folder somewhere else a migrate everything. 

You also could not do that, and run into a bunch of unsolveable problems when you decide to start modding. The choice is yours.

During lockdown, I made every one of the mistakes I am warning you about. took me a month and a half to fix everything.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

skyrim is a george soros funded video game. teaching people that you can either be a human, werewolf, vampire or gay

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I will just play vanilla then see later on when i "finished it"

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