Vito is back with more hard-hitting reporting on the current crisis in America. Go Vito! (he's the Pepsi protest guy - if you don't know who that is then I can't do the math for you). In case you're about to get triggered before watching, Vito exposes idiocy on all sides of the political spectrum through his plump style of comedy.
(3 votes)
(Old Spike)
These people are all insane.
(Long Spike)
When you're splicing in video of Alex Jones...you know you're just digging for content.
(Old Spike)
Dude you have complimented this guy's videos in the past and this one is no different than any other that he's produced. Aw but you saw Alex Jones, who he even implied was a nut. There's no excuse for anything less than a three out of five from you on this one.
He also met a guy who sells pills to make your dick hard and spliced him into his content too. This guy literally walks back and forth between the two retardedly extremist sides at these stupid protests and takes the piss out of them which I find very funny if not just a tad too dangerous for my tastes.
(Long Spike)
I'm one of the few people on this site who votes on content so you're going to have to beg better than that for me to raise my 2/5 vote to a 3/5. It simply wasn't an entertaining video, Skeptoid. The entirety of the topic was stupid and other people have mocked idiocy more effectively than this video. Be happy you got a 2/5 out of me rather than a 1/5.
(Old Spike)
Whatevs - I predict a future video where Vito is seriously injured. If it happens I'll post it and maybe you'll like that better.
(Long Spike)
Keep me updated.