Meanwhile in russia.....


danman's picture

the Russian neo-Nazis who sided with Ukraine killed a few border guards, took some propaganda footage & left. Some didn't get out alive though, reports of 39 killed & several captured have come out, I dunno if this is confirmed but the incursion seems to have been neutralized pretty quickly. It's not as significant as the massive missile volleys Russia has been launching almost daily all over Ukraine.


The guy on the left, allegedly a participant in the Belgorod raid, is Russian neo-Nazi Aleksey Levkin of M8L8TH (Hitler’s Hammer) band, the organiser of the annual National-Socialist Black Metal festival in Kyiv and a leading personality behind Wotanjugend, a neo-Nazi Telegram channel. The guy on the right is the neo-Nazi founder of Azov, Andrii Biletskyi.


There's an article about the Russia/Ukraine neo-Nazi Telegram activity here.


卍lava Ukraini?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You forgot to add "Слава Путину!" at the end of your comment. 

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danman's picture

You forgot to give any info about what actually happened. Hint: Putin wasn't involved. He was busy living in your head rent-free.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

You forgot to add "Слава Путину!" at the end of your comment. 

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n0val33t's picture
front page

May they be shot to shit and rot..... this is counterproductive and gives Putin even more excuses. These guys celebrate Anders Behring Breivik, they are monsters and actual fucking fanatical true believing nazis.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

this is more an embarrassment to the russian government and their proud and insane leader than anything else. I wouldn't take this too seriously other than the fact that literally anyone can have their own private and heavily armed "army" in russia.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

I'm not sure you understand what going on at all..... it's basically Isis, just nazi. You got to understand there are hard-core elements that want to start a race war.


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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

people say canada and america has the longest undefended border. i think russia's a contender


russia's been like


the rest of the worlds been like

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danman's picture

Canada to the US is what Belarus is to Russia

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Ukraine and The west knew about these elements! Impossible not to......disappointed!!

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