trench warfare is changing

sal9000's picture

Trench combat with supporting Ukrainian drone bombing the Russian soldiers

just something about localized, precision bombing during close quarter combat seems like were at the beginning of future war tech. in a couple of years, the drones will be made for this rather than modified, it will be ai controlled. they'll carry 9mm pistol and every soldier will be paired with one

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AzerAU's picture

lol ok buddy, unless they enhance battery life significantly that aint gonna happen. These drones get like 10 minutes air time with loads.

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InsertCoin's picture

haha, pretty good point actually.  Especially with the extra payload of multiple weapons strapped to them.  Might as well just make them cheap and kamakaze straight in

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

those converted vog-17s and 30's with fin stabilization are super effective.

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