Good puppet. Where the mask so that the elite billionaire class and the politicians don't have to. You good little boy.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I tell you a secret, we made all this fake news about masks, vaccines, horse medication up so numpties like you believe it and the chances are higher you are eliminated from the gene pool. And guess what, it worked. Of course not a complete wipe out but we'll find new ways, don't worry.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
More cartoon science please.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You realise the video is:
- from a reputable source
- presented by an actual scientist
- with links to all the relevant scientific papers included in the description
- and lastly not a cartoon?
No you don't because when you hear "science" it is your cryptonite.
If you are afraid to learn something don't click on it!
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sato (Old Spike)
you heard what you wanted to hear.
the cochrane review showed there was no evidence masks had any effect, despite there being multiple trials. this scientist fell back on studies of single simulated sneezes, and those focusing only on the forward motion of particles. do you think respiratory viruses spread through single sneezes? there's a reason none of the lab studies had any effect in real life, and it's not because we only ever take one single breath. the mask minimizes particles going forward, to be sure, but that's not how any airborne virus spreads. expelled particles from a mask-wearer go upwards instead of forwards, circulate around the room for a bit, then fall back down and get breathed in by others.
he says it himself - the science is that masks had no noticeable effect on either covid or flu, and N95 masks had no noticeable effect greater than standard surgical masks. the science shows that a mask will protect a lab dummy from a single simulated sneeze, and it also shows that in the real world they have no effect.
if you're going to blindly accept lab dummy results over real-life studies, perhaps you are a lab dummy and the mask will work on you.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, you repeat the same arguments, which real scientists do not agree with, over and over. The study even clearly states that what you say cannot be taken as the conclusion of the study. You just stopped paying attention after you think you heard what you wanted to hear.
The current state of research is "leaning" towards effectiveness of masks, which, as you correctly said is hard to prove or disprove.
In any case the approach should be "better safe than sorry", the more droplets containing virus of your breath or cough or sneeze are held back by the mask the more likelihood that you transmit the virus is reduced, reducing risk, that is what it is about. AND, in contrary to medication or other measures wearing a mask has NO adverse effect on people's physical or mental health. Even the most deluded conspiracy theorists should understand that.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
the cochrane review put out a study. in it. it says it doesn't say anything. people like you picked up that review and ran with it to the point where a few months ago, cochrane review issued an apology
"Many commentators have claimed that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that 'masks don't work', which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation.
It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.
The review authors are clear on the limitations in the abstract: 'The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.' Adherence in this context refers to the number of people who actually wore the provided masks when encouraged to do so as part of the intervention. For example, in the most heavily-weighted trial of interventions to promote community mask wearing, 42.3% of people in the intervention arm wore masks compared to 13.3% of those in the control arm.
The original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset. We are engaging with the review authors with the aim of updating the Plain Language Summary and abstract to make clear that the review looked at whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses."
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Dude (Old Spike)
1st test I will stand in front of you naked and just start peeing
2nd test i wear pants stand in front of you and start peeing
which one do you prefer?
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sato (Old Spike)
it's an airborne respiratory virus. or are you going to claim that if you pee in your pants, nobody can smell it?
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Dude (Old Spike)
Naked it is...., i will pee all over you
And what you would smell is ammonia not aids or hepatitis
There is no such thing as an airborne virus, in the right conditions you can get aids from someone sneezing on you, aids just does not survive as long as covid, you can catch basicaly anything from direct contact, indirect contact/airborne, they just call it airborne because it makes you cough or sneeze and can survive the trip trough the air MORE easily
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
James Lindsay exposed the fraud of peer review a long time ago by submitting hoax papers. After submitting the pro feminism paper “Our Struggle is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice,” Which 2/3rds of it were copied nearly word for word from Chapter 12 Volume 1 of "Mein Kampf" His alias was asked to become a peer reviewer "herself"
Lol, the Scientism of Hermetic peer review is a joke to be margenlized and mocked into obscurity.
And the clown in these videos that keeps running his lying yap is no scientist. He is a mimic that relativists fall for every time.
1. That's not how masks work as "source control" They are meant to prevent the doctor or nurse from accidently drooling into an open wound or spitting on you. The only thing that will reduce viral transmission is a fully pressurized environmental suit with an oxygen supply.
2. There is no critical mass from the virus. Just 1 particle guaranteed infection. And wearing a mask is like trapping mosquitos with chicken wire.
3. Why did all you vaxxers and pandemic stockholme slaves get covid, while myself and everyone I know that saw through this bs, and never obeyed measures didn't get sick once? We are all supposed to be dead remember?
4. Asymptomatic spread is fear mongering. There is no such thing.
5. And yes. They are going to unleash a much worse pandemic on you when they feel the time is right. And I'm still not following this bunk garbage. You want to save humanity, stop cutting childrens junk off and having abortions.
How many times do we have to scum these facts again and again.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
james lindsey, the same james lindsey tweeted out shit about the moms of liberty, that anti-gay and anti-jew group. guess quoting hitler wasn't really a one-off. it's like, part of his personality
1. masks mitigate. you might not like it but masks aren't 0% effective. if its higher than 0%, it works better than not wearing a mask
2. same as 1
3. i'm sure you've been sick in the last few years. the thing is that anti-vaxxers don't get tested and i prefer it that way. i feel guilt free when they're dying in the hospital and their friends and family are asking for prayers. pretty sure you said the vaccines was suppost to kill us. why are we still here?
4. same as 3
5. good, you guys need some more thinning of the herd
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theblackswordsman (Old Spike)
What? :)
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Dude (Old Spike)
I came up with the idea to release Corona, to prevent worse,.... a lesson for those in power as you may, the same guy that set up the corona scam had released Ebola before a few times, it was going the wrong way.
It was also a money grab, i even set the price of the syringes at 12 bucks, my idea was to cure it soon as it was released.
12 X 7 billion = 84 billion in the pocket, it came out to a bigger number since they injected twice plus boosters.
Then when it did not go away they asked me how to get rid of it, i said develop a new virus that replaces the old one with lesser symptoms, and they have been doing that ever since, you hear nothing of corona anymore.
So basically what saved your life was a lab mutated virus.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You are referring to James A. Lindsay, then American author, cultural critic, mathematician and conspiracy theorist?
Yes? Thought so!
BTW this "study" was part of an effort to expose shortcomings in the peer review process of gender study related publications- Also the publisher of several hoax studies was later defended by real scientists like Dawkins and Pinker.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
I think you should wear a mask all the time, and if it is not practical you can always defer to a ball gag and a but plug.
Because,ya know...
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
Add this and you're practically immortal
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
its funny. it probably gets the job done as good as telling people the twin towers fell at the speed of gravity.
(Old Spike)
Good puppet. Where the mask so that the elite billionaire class and the politicians don't have to. You good little boy.
(Old Spike)
I tell you a secret, we made all this fake news about masks, vaccines, horse medication up so numpties like you believe it and the chances are higher you are eliminated from the gene pool. And guess what, it worked. Of course not a complete wipe out but we'll find new ways, don't worry.
(Short Spike)
More cartoon science please.
(Old Spike)
You realise the video is:
- from a reputable source
- presented by an actual scientist
- with links to all the relevant scientific papers included in the description
- and lastly not a cartoon?
No you don't because when you hear "science" it is your cryptonite.
If you are afraid to learn something don't click on it!
(Old Spike)
you heard what you wanted to hear.
the cochrane review showed there was no evidence masks had any effect, despite there being multiple trials. this scientist fell back on studies of single simulated sneezes, and those focusing only on the forward motion of particles. do you think respiratory viruses spread through single sneezes? there's a reason none of the lab studies had any effect in real life, and it's not because we only ever take one single breath. the mask minimizes particles going forward, to be sure, but that's not how any airborne virus spreads. expelled particles from a mask-wearer go upwards instead of forwards, circulate around the room for a bit, then fall back down and get breathed in by others.
he says it himself - the science is that masks had no noticeable effect on either covid or flu, and N95 masks had no noticeable effect greater than standard surgical masks. the science shows that a mask will protect a lab dummy from a single simulated sneeze, and it also shows that in the real world they have no effect.
if you're going to blindly accept lab dummy results over real-life studies, perhaps you are a lab dummy and the mask will work on you.
(Old Spike)
lol, you repeat the same arguments, which real scientists do not agree with, over and over. The study even clearly states that what you say cannot be taken as the conclusion of the study. You just stopped paying attention after you think you heard what you wanted to hear.
The current state of research is "leaning" towards effectiveness of masks, which, as you correctly said is hard to prove or disprove.
In any case the approach should be "better safe than sorry", the more droplets containing virus of your breath or cough or sneeze are held back by the mask the more likelihood that you transmit the virus is reduced, reducing risk, that is what it is about. AND, in contrary to medication or other measures wearing a mask has NO adverse effect on people's physical or mental health. Even the most deluded conspiracy theorists should understand that.
(Old Spike)
the cochrane review put out a study. in it. it says it doesn't say anything. people like you picked up that review and ran with it to the point where a few months ago, cochrane review issued an apology
"Many commentators have claimed that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that 'masks don't work', which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation.
It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.
The review authors are clear on the limitations in the abstract: 'The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.' Adherence in this context refers to the number of people who actually wore the provided masks when encouraged to do so as part of the intervention. For example, in the most heavily-weighted trial of interventions to promote community mask wearing, 42.3% of people in the intervention arm wore masks compared to 13.3% of those in the control arm.
The original Plain Language Summary for this review stated that 'We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed.' This wording was open to misinterpretation, for which we apologize. While scientific evidence is never immune to misinterpretation, we take responsibility for not making the wording clearer from the outset. We are engaging with the review authors with the aim of updating the Plain Language Summary and abstract to make clear that the review looked at whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses."
(Old Spike)
1st test I will stand in front of you naked and just start peeing
2nd test i wear pants stand in front of you and start peeing
which one do you prefer?
(Old Spike)
it's an airborne respiratory virus. or are you going to claim that if you pee in your pants, nobody can smell it?
(Old Spike)
Naked it is...., i will pee all over you
And what you would smell is ammonia not aids or hepatitis
There is no such thing as an airborne virus, in the right conditions you can get aids from someone sneezing on you, aids just does not survive as long as covid, you can catch basicaly anything from direct contact, indirect contact/airborne, they just call it airborne because it makes you cough or sneeze and can survive the trip trough the air MORE easily
(Old Spike)
James Lindsay exposed the fraud of peer review a long time ago by submitting hoax papers. After submitting the pro feminism paper “Our Struggle is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice,” Which 2/3rds of it were copied nearly word for word from Chapter 12 Volume 1 of "Mein Kampf" His alias was asked to become a peer reviewer "herself"
Lol, the Scientism of Hermetic peer review is a joke to be margenlized and mocked into obscurity.
And the clown in these videos that keeps running his lying yap is no scientist. He is a mimic that relativists fall for every time.
1. That's not how masks work as "source control" They are meant to prevent the doctor or nurse from accidently drooling into an open wound or spitting on you. The only thing that will reduce viral transmission is a fully pressurized environmental suit with an oxygen supply.
2. There is no critical mass from the virus. Just 1 particle guaranteed infection. And wearing a mask is like trapping mosquitos with chicken wire.
3. Why did all you vaxxers and pandemic stockholme slaves get covid, while myself and everyone I know that saw through this bs, and never obeyed measures didn't get sick once? We are all supposed to be dead remember?
4. Asymptomatic spread is fear mongering. There is no such thing.
5. And yes. They are going to unleash a much worse pandemic on you when they feel the time is right. And I'm still not following this bunk garbage. You want to save humanity, stop cutting childrens junk off and having abortions.
How many times do we have to scum these facts again and again.
(Old Spike)
james lindsey, the same james lindsey tweeted out shit about the moms of liberty, that anti-gay and anti-jew group. guess quoting hitler wasn't really a one-off. it's like, part of his personality
1. masks mitigate. you might not like it but masks aren't 0% effective. if its higher than 0%, it works better than not wearing a mask
2. same as 1
3. i'm sure you've been sick in the last few years. the thing is that anti-vaxxers don't get tested and i prefer it that way. i feel guilt free when they're dying in the hospital and their friends and family are asking for prayers. pretty sure you said the vaccines was suppost to kill us. why are we still here?
4. same as 3
5. good, you guys need some more thinning of the herd
(Old Spike)
What? :)
(Old Spike)
I came up with the idea to release Corona, to prevent worse,.... a lesson for those in power as you may, the same guy that set up the corona scam had released Ebola before a few times, it was going the wrong way.
It was also a money grab, i even set the price of the syringes at 12 bucks, my idea was to cure it soon as it was released.
12 X 7 billion = 84 billion in the pocket, it came out to a bigger number since they injected twice plus boosters.
Then when it did not go away they asked me how to get rid of it, i said develop a new virus that replaces the old one with lesser symptoms, and they have been doing that ever since, you hear nothing of corona anymore.
So basically what saved your life was a lab mutated virus.
(Old Spike)
You are referring to James A. Lindsay, then American author, cultural critic, mathematician and conspiracy theorist?
Yes? Thought so!
BTW this "study" was part of an effort to expose shortcomings in the peer review process of gender study related publications- Also the publisher of several hoax studies was later defended by real scientists like Dawkins and Pinker.
(Short Spike)
(Site Moderator)
Add this and you're practically immortal
(Long Spike)
its funny. it probably gets the job done as good as telling people the twin towers fell at the speed of gravity.